- +Allmänt. Terminologi. Standardisering. Dokumentation (4)
- +Ledningssystem (0)
- +Kvalitet (0)
- +Naturvetenskap och tillämpad vetenskap (2)
- +Hälso- och sjukvård (10)
- +Miljö- och hälsoskydd. Säkerhet (16)
- +Maskinsäkerhet (9)
- +Metrologi och mätning. Fysikaliska fenomen (2)
- +Provning (3)
- +Mekaniska system och komponenter: allmänt (2)
- +Fluidsystem och delar: allmänt (6)
- +Produktionsteknik (9)
- +Sociologi. Service. Företagsorganisation och företagsledning. Administration. Transport Administration (4)
- +Energi- och värmeöverföring (2)
- +Elektroteknik (1)
- +Elektronik (0)
- +Telekommunikation (0)
- +Informationsteknik, kontorsutrustning (12)
- +Bildteknik (0)
- +Finmekanik. Juvelerararbeten (0)
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- +Järnvägsteknik (8)
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- +Skeppbyggnadteknik och marina konstruktioner (2)
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- +Gruvdrift och mineraler (1)
- +Petroleum och motsvarande tekniker (10)
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- +Träteknik (1)
- +Glasindustri och keramisk industri (3)
- +Gummi- och plastindustri (5)
- +Pappersteknik (0)
- +Färgindustrin (2)
- +Byggnadsmaterial och byggnader (16)
- +Byggstandardpaket (0)
- +Anläggningsarbete (5)
- +Byggnadsprojektering (0)
- +Militärväsen. Militärteknik. Vapen (0)
- +Hem och hushåll. Underhållning. Sport (13)
- +Externa kategorier (0)
This document specifies the dimensional and geometrical characteristics, boundary dimensions and tolerances of insert bearings and eccentric locking collars and the radial internal clearances of insert bearings.
This document specifies the equipment and procedures for determining the water tightness of external thermal insulation composite kits with a rendering system (ETICS kits).
This document specifies the minimum requirements for the contents of the user manual for Automotive LPG propulsion systems fitted in road vehicles. This document does not cover the user manual for forklift trucks or other industrial machinery.
This part of EN 71 specifies requirements for the substances and materials used in finger paints and applies to finger paints only. Additional requirements are specified for markings, labelling and containers.
NOTE EN 71-3 and EN 71-12 specify requirements and test methods for finger paints for the migration of certain elements (see F.4) and N-nitrosamines (see F.9).
This International Standard specifies the requirements and/or measures to eliminate the hazards or reduce the risks in the following groups of stationary grinding machines which are designed primarily to shape metal by grinding: Group 1: Manually controlled grinding machines without power operated axes and without numerical control. Group 2: Manually controlled grinding machines with power operated axes and limited numerically controlled capability, if applicable. Group 3: Numerically controlled grinding machines. NOTE 1 For detailed information on the groups of grinding machines, see the definitions in 3.1 and 3.4. NOTE 2 Requirements in this International Standard are, in general, applicable to all groups of grinding machines. If requirements are applicable to some special group(s) of grinding machines only, then the special group(s) of grinding machine(s) is/are specified. This International Standard covers the significant hazards listed in Clause 4 and applies to ancillary devices (e.g. for workpieces, tools and workpiece clamping devices, handling devices), which are integral to the machine. This International Standard also applies to machines which are integrated into an automatic production line or grinding cell inasmuch as the hazards and risks arising are comparable to those of machines working separately. This International Standard also includes in Clause 7 a minimum list of safety-relevant information which the manufacturer has to provide to the user. See also ISO 12100:2010, Figure 2, which illustrates the interaction of manufacturer’s and user’s responsibility for the operational safety. The user's responsibility to identify specific hazards (e.g. fire and explosion) and reduce the associated risks can be critical (e.g. whether the central extraction system is working correctly). Where additional metalworking processes (e.g. milling, turning, laser processing) are involved, this International Standard can be taken as a basis for safety requirements. For specific information on hazards arising from other metalworking processes, which are covered by other International Standards, see the Bibliography. This International Standard applies to machines that are manufactured after the date of issue of this International Standard. This International Standard does not apply to stationary honing, polishing and belt grinding machines and not to transportable motor-operated electric tools in accordance with IEC 61029-2-2 and IEC 61029-2-10.
This document specifies requirements and test methods for metallic toecaps, intended to function as components of PPE footwear (e.g. as described by ISO 20345 and ISO 20346).
This International Standard specifies the requirements and/or measures to eliminate the hazards or reduce the risks in the following groups of turning machines and turning centres, which are designed primarily to shape metal by cutting. — Group 1: Manually controlled turning machines without numerical control. — Group 2: Manually controlled turning machines with limited numerically controlled capability. — Group 3: Numerically controlled turning machines and turning centres. — Group 4: Single- or multi-spindle automatic turning machines. NOTE 1 For detailed information on the machine groups, see the definitions in 3.5, features and limitations in 5.1.1 and mandatory and optional modes of operation in NOTE 2 Requirements in this International Standard are, in general, applicable to all groups of turning machines. If requirements are applicable to some special group(s) of turning machines only, then the special group(s) of turning machine(s) is/are specified. NOTE 3 The automatic exchange of clamping devices are excluded from this standard This international standard takes account of intended use, including reasonably foreseeable misuse, maintenance, cleaning, and setting operations. It specifies access conditions to operators positions and manual load/unload stations. It presumes accessibility to the machine from all directions. It describes means to reduce risks to operators and other exposed persons. This international standard also applies to workpiece transfer devices including transport devices for loading/unloading when they form an integral part of the machine. This international standard deals with significant hazards relevant to turning machines when they are used as intended and under the conditions foreseen by the manufacturer (see 4). Risk analysis of hazards arising from other metal working processes (e.g. grinding, milling, friction welding, forming, electro discharge, laser processing) are covered by other standards (see Bibliography). However, if additional milling and grinding operations are provided hazard arising from additional clamping condition and ejection of parts shall be considered. This International Standard also applies to machines which are integrated into an automatic production line or turning cell in as much as the hazards and risks arising are comparable to those of machines working separately. This International Standard also includes a minimum list of safety-relevant information which the manufacturer has to provide to the user. See also ISO 12100:2010, Figure 2, which illustrates the interaction of manufacturer's and user's responsibility for the operational safety. The user's responsibility is to identify specific hazards (e.g. fire and explosion) and reduce the associated risks can be critical (e.g. whether the central extraction system is working correctly). This International Standard applies to machines that are manufactured after the date of issue of this International Standard.
This document specifies equipment and procedures for determining the pull-through resistance of plate and spiral anchors through thermal insulation products.
ISO 14116:2015 specifies the performance requirements for the limited flame spread properties of all materials, all material assemblies, and protective clothing in order to reduce the possibility of the clothing burning when in occasional and brief contact with small flames and thereby constituting a hazard. Additional requirements for clothing are also specified, including design requirements, mechanical requirements, marking, and information supplied by the manufacturer. When protection against heat hazards is necessary, in addition to protection against flame, this International Standard is not appropriate. International Standards such as ISO 11612 are to be used instead. A classification system is given for materials, material assemblies, and garments which are tested according to ISO 15025, Procedure A.
ISO 294-5:2017 specifies a mould (designated the type F ISO mould) for the injection moulding of plates with a preferred size of 80 mm × 120 mm and a minimum size of 80 mm × ≥90 mm and with a preferred thickness of 2 mm for single-point and multi-point data acquisition. It has been found to provide the maximum anisotropic properties, with only a slight sensitivity to the rate of injection. Whenever possible, a two cavity mould is intended to be used. For the design of plastic parts, this will provide upper and lower bounds for the tensile properties. Matching the plate thickness to a given part thickness is not a suitable criterion because of the effect of mould filling rate and part geometry on anisotropy. Investigation of the anisotropy of materials is a special procedure intended to provide guidance in the design of mouldings for end-use applications and is not intended as a quality control tool. In the injection moulding of thermoplastic materials, the flow of molten polymer can influence the orientation of fillers such as fibreglass or the orientation of polymer chains, resulting in anisotropic behaviour. For the purposes of ISO 294-5:2017, the flow direction is defined as the direction from the gate to the far end of the mould cavity and the cross direction as the direction perpendicular to the flow direction. The type F mould is not intended to replace the type D mould used to determine the moulding shrinkage of thermoplastics.
This document specifies performance requirements for protective clothing made from flexible materials, which are designed to protect the wearer’s body, except the hands, from heat and/or flame. For protection of the wearer’s head and feet, the only items of protective clothing falling within the scope of this document are gaiters, hoods, and overboots. However, concerning hoods, requirements for visors and respiratory equipment are not given. The performance requirements set out in this document are applicable to protective clothing which could be worn for a wide range of end uses, where there is a need for clothing with limited flame spread properties and where the user can be exposed to radiant or convective or contact heat or to molten metal splashes. This document is not applicable to protective clothing that is specified by other International Standards (see Introduction).
This document specifies a method for measuring the thickness, length and width of test pieces of wood-based panels.
This document provides the minimum requirements for the knowledge, skills and effectiveness requirements of individuals performing testing activities for a conformance scheme using ISO/IEC 19790 and ISO/IEC 24759.
This document specifies requirements for the contents of a technical file to demonstrate the fulfilment of regulatory requirements for an endosseous dental implant that may include:
— implant body,
— implant abutment,
— abutment screw,
— implant connecting part
— implant connecting part screw
— prosthetic screw,
— implant cover screw,
— transmucosal healing component.
This document includes requirements for intended use and performance, design attributes, components, biocompatibility, manufacturing, packaging, sterilization, shelf life, marking, labelling and information supplied by the manufacturer.
The following devices are not included within the scope of this document:
— Dental implant incorporating animal or human components or bioactive characteristics,
— Custom-made devices that have no pre-fabricated connection,
— Implantable materials for bone filling and augmentation in oral and maxillofacial surgery,
— Membrane materials for guided tissue regeneration in oral and maxillofacial surgery,
— Specific instruments indicated to be used as part of a dental implant system.
NOTE 1 ISO 22794 gives the necessary content of technical files for implantable materials for bone filling and augmentation in oral and maxillofacial surgery. ISO 22803 gives the necessary content of technical files for membrane materials for guided tissue regeneration in oral and maxillofacial surgery. These materials require a separate technical file.
NOTE 2 ISO 13504 gives the general requirements for specific instruments indicated to be used as part of a dental implant system. These instruments require a separate technical file.
NOTE 3 Custom made devices are defined in the following document IMDRF/PMD WG/N49 - Definitions for Personalized Medical Devices.
ISO 6506-1:2014 specifies the method for the Brinell hardness test for metallic materials. It is applicable to both fixed location and portable hardness testing machines. For some specific materials and/or products, particular International Standards exist (e.g. ISO 4498) and make reference to this International Standard.
1.1 This document specifies safety and hygiene requirements for the design and manufacture of pizza dough sheeters which: a) are intended to be used: 1) for producing mainly pizza dough bases in shops and craft activities (i.e. pizzerias, takeaway pizza shops, craft bakeries and/or pastries, catering facilities, etc.); 2) for flattening and enlarging pieces of dough; 3) only for professional use; 4) by one operator at a time; 5) as standalone table-top machines only; 6) only with manual feeding of the pieces of pizza dough by gravity; 7) only with manual unloading of the flattened and enlarged pieces of pizza dough; b) are fitted with: 1) at most two pairs of flattening rollers, the rollers of a pair having the same diameter and the same length; 2) flattening rollers having: i. diameter ≤ 60 mm; ii. fixed direction of the rotation such as to move the pizza dough from top to bottom; iii. motor(s) for the rotation of the flattening rollers which transmit a power ≤ 0,50 kW to each pair of rollers 1.2 The following relevant hazards are not covered by this document: - hazards arising from the use of an automatic loading and/or unloading system; - hazards due to packaging, handling and transport; - hazards due to ambiguous and/or not easily understandable information needed to control the machine. This document does not deal with any specific requirement on noise emitted from pizza dough sheeters as the generated noise does not cause a relevant hazard. The significant hazards covered by this document are described in Annex A. 1.3 The following machines are excluded from the scope of this document: - domestic (household) appliances; - machines with automatic feeding of the pizza dough pieces and/or unloading of the pizza bases; - machines with feeding of the lumps other than by gravity; - machines to process other products than pizza dough; - bagel machines; - dough sheeters (see EN 1674:2015); - moulders (see EN 12041:2014); - sheeters for pasta dough processing; - experimental and testing machines under development by the manufacturer. 1.4 This document is not applicable to machines which are manufactured before the date of publication of this European Standard.
NOTE 1 There is guidance or rationale for this Clause contained in Clause A.2. This document specifies the requirements for information supplied by the manufacturer for a medical device or by the manufacturer for an accessory, as defined in 3.1. This document includes the generally applicable requirements for identification and labels on a medical device or accessory, the packaging, marking of a medical device or accessory, and accompanying information. This document does not specify the means by which the information is to be supplied. NOTE 2 Some authorities having jurisdiction impose different requirements for the identification, marking and documentation of a medical device or accessory. Specific requirements of medical device product standards or group standards take precedence over requirements of this document.
This document defines technical criteria and control procedures which are satisfied by hollow sleepers and bearers used in ballasted track with Vignole rails. The hollow sleepers and bearers designed for ballasted track can also be used in ballastless track. In this case, the requirements are defined by the customer.
The standard contains guidelines for developing and establishing policies and procedures for deletion of PII in organizations by specifying: — a harmonized terminology for PII deletion; — an approach for defining deletion rules in an efficient way; — a description of required documentation; and — a broad definition of roles, responsibilities and processes. This document is intended to be used by organizations where PII are stored or processed. This document does not address: — specific legal provision, as given by national law or specified in contracts; — specific deletion rules for particular clusters of PII as are to be defined by PII controllers for — processing PII; — deletion mechanisms; — reliability, security and suitability of deletion mechanisms; — specific techniques for de-identification of data.
ISO 15957:2015 defines the properties of load test dusts used for heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) air filters as well as air cleaning equipment in laboratories. Test dusts used for evaluation of efficiency performance are not included.
This document covers the following as a guideline: - the basic design parameters to be provided to the HVAC unit manufacturer by the rolling stock manufacturer and the railway operator; - the basic test/inspection items, requirements and methods used by the HVAC unit manufacturer.
Building on the consolidated definitions of NBS, this document proposes a classification of NBS to support the development of an agreed terminology, the basis of the standardization process.
ISO 12044:2014 specifies chamfer dimensions for outer ring, non-thrust side of single-row angular contact ball bearings, where the dimensions differ from those specified in ISO 15. It is applicable to bearings in the diameter series 9, 0, and 2 for contact angles, up to and including 30°, and in the diameter series 2 and 3 for contact angles over 30°.
This document specifies general requirements for basic chemicals and raw materials of basic chemicals resulting from chemical recycling of organic materials.
This document does not provide specific requirements for any material which is covered by any of the other technical committees of ISO.
This document defines markers of harm in online gambling and is characterized by its specific and delimited scope. It is a minimum set of markers to analyse. The individual indicators can be analysed over additional time spans as well as in excess of those required, and other markers can be added to the analysis as well. In the event that the collection or analysis of data for a limited set of markers is prohibited within a specific jurisdiction (for example, where legislation prevents it), operators can still be compliant with the standard provided that only these markers are omitted, and only for players who fall under that specific jurisdiction. This document does not provide guidelines regarding the interventions to be employed when addressing individuals with gambling issues, nor does it establish predefined thresholds for intervention.
This document specifies methodologies for calculation of braking performance for railway rolling stock and is applicable to all countries.
This document describes the general algorithms/formulae using mean value inputs to perform calculations of brake equipment and braking performance in terms of stopping/slowing distances, stationary braking, power and energy for all types of rolling stock, either as single vehicles or train formations, with respect to the braking distance.
The calculations can be used at any stage of the assessment process (design, manufacture, testing, verification, investigation, etc.) of railway rolling stock. This document does not set out the specific acceptance criteria (pass/fail).
This document is not intended to be used as a design guide for selection of brake systems and does not specify performance requirements. This document does not provide a method to calculate the extension of stopping distances when the level of available adhesion is exceeded (wheel slide activity).
This document contains examples of the calculation of brake forces for different brake equipment types and calculation of stopping distance and stationary braking relevant to a single vehicle or a train.
ISO 703:2017 specifies a test method for determining the transverse flexibility (troughability) of a conveyor belt, expressed as a ratio, F/L. The method is not suitable or valid for light conveyor belts as described in ISO 21183‑1.
I detta dokument anges krav på leverantörer för att vid en organisations inköp kunna betraktas som ett säkert leverantörsval.
Dokumentet riktar sig till alla typer av leverantörer som är eller önskar vara verksamma i Sverige, det vill säga såväl privata som offentliga, svenska som utländska samt oavsett organisationsform, bransch, storlek och produkt eller tjänst som tillhandahålls.
ISO 18106:2016 specifies the method for measuring relative snow grip performance index of a candidate tyre compared to a reference, under loaded conditions for new tyres intended to be used on passenger car, commercial vehicle, truck and bus vehicles on a snow packed surface.
The methods developed here are meant to reduce the variability of the performance measurement. The use of the proper reference tyres is necessary to limit the variability of the testing method procedures.
ISO 18106:2016 applies to all passenger car, commercial vehicle, truck and bus tyres.
This document applies to type D and type SD hose assemblies with hoses made of elastomers and bonded plastics for the transport of gaseous, vaporous, liquid or powdery substances in the pharmaceutical and the biotechnological industries. It specifies the classification, manufacturing and testing of as well as the materials, requirements and quality surveillance for hose assemblies. These hose assemblies are intended to be used with the relevant substances at temperatures in the range from −30 °C to +100 °C, depending on the medium, and at operating pressures from −0,9 bar (vacuum) to 10 bar (see Table 2 and Table 3). For hoses with a lining made of PTFE and derivatives, temperatures from −30 °C to +140 °C are permissible. Hose assemblies in accordance with this document are classified into four types, A - D, A - SD. B - D, B - SD.
This document describes requirements for methanol bunkering transfer systems to and from inland navigation vessels. The various scenarios for the bunker facility operator concern land, truck and vessel (barge). It concerns design, dimensions and technical requirements for the transfer of methanol, including the nozzle, connection, male and female flanges and failsafe features. This document also specifies the process and procedures for the bunkering operations, responsibilities and risk assessment scope, taking into consideration the specific hazards in handling and bunkering methanol fuel. Next to this, the requirement for the methanol provider to provide a bunker delivery note and training and qualification of personnel involved. This document is not applicable to cargo operations.
This document applies to gangways for passenger vessels for inland navigation. It specifies the type, main dimensions and test conditions that can be observed for safety reasons. NOTE A gangway serves as walkway between the passenger vessel and the shore.
This document specifies conformance tests in the form of an abstract test suite (ATS) for a system under test (SUT) implementing an EVCC or SECC according to ISO 15118-2. These conformance tests specify the testing of capabilities and behaviors of an SUT as well as checking what is observed against the conformance requirements specified in ISO 15118-2 and against what the supplier states the SUT implementation's capabilities are. The capability tests within the ATS check that the observable capabilities of the SUT are in accordance with the static conformance requirements specified in ISO 15118-2. The behavior tests of the ATS examine an implementation as thoroughly as is practical over the full range of dynamic conformance requirements specified in ISO 15118-2 and within the capabilities of the SUT. A test architecture is described in correspondence to the ATS. The conformance test cases in this document are described leveraging this test architecture and are specified in TTCN-3 core language for ISO/OSI network layer (layer 3) and above. The conformance test cases for the Data Link Layer (layer 2) and physical layer (layer 1) are described in ISO 15118-5. Test cases with overlapping scopes are explicitly detailed. This document does not include specific tests of other standards referenced within ISO 15118-2, e.g. IETF RFCs. Furthermore, the conformance tests specified in this document do not include the assessment of the performance of an implementation. They cannot provide judgments on the physical realization of abstract service primitives, how a system is implemented, how it provides any requested service, nor the environment of the protocol implementation. Furthermore, the abstract test cases specified in this document only consider the communication protocol specified ISO 15118-2. Power flow between the EVSE and the EV is no prerequisite for the test cases specified in this document.
ISO 18243:2017 specifies the test procedures for lithium-ion battery packs and systems used in electrically propelled mopeds and motorcycles. The specified test procedures enable the user of this document to determine the essential characteristics on performance, safety and reliability of lithium-ion battery packs and systems. The user is also supported to compare the test results achieved for different battery packs or systems. ISO 18243:2017 enables setting up a dedicated test plan for an individual battery pack or system subject to an agreement between customer and supplier. If required, the relevant test procedures and/or test conditions of lithium-ion battery packs and systems are selected from the standard tests provided in this document to configure a dedicated test plan. NOTE 1 Electrically power-assisted cycles (EPAC) cannot be considered as mopeds. The definition of electrically power-assisted cycles can differ from country to country. An example of definition can be found in the EU Directive 2002/24/EC. NOTE 2 Testing on cell level is specified in IEC 62660 (all parts).
This document defines terms, which are used in the production and application of screed material and floor screeds.
This standard covers architectural doors applied to topside and living quarter areas for fixed or floating offshore oil and gas projects.
This document specifies the requirements for the function, design, performance, and testing of emergency push buttons that are installed in train’s driving’s cab. This document is applicable for emergency push button. This document is not applicable for emergency handle.
This document defines a process guideline and a methodology to support the introduction of new materials and processes to meet the minimum requirements in the railway sector for all rolling stock defined in EN 17343 and onboard equipment. This document is applicable to new materials and processes for all rolling stock and onboard equipment.
This document defines the specific technical railway requirements for running of machines and other vehicles used for construction, maintenance and inspection of track, structures, track formation and fixed electric traction equipment. Special national conditions applicable to specific member states are shown in Annex B. This document applies to all railbound machines and other vehicles - referred to as machines - running exclusively on the railway (utilizing adhesion between the rail and wheels) and used for construction, maintenance and inspection of track, structures, infrastructure and fixed electric traction equipment. This document applies to machines that are intended to operate signalling and control systems. NOTE Other rail mounted railway maintenance and infrastructure inspection machines are dealt with in other European Standards, see Technical Report CEN/TR 17498:2020. This document is written for 1 435 mm nominal track gauge; special requirements can apply for running on infrastructures with narrow gauge or broad gauge lines, urban railways, railways utilizing other than adhesion between the rail and wheels and road-rail machines which are not included in this standard. This document covers the railway specific requirements for movements of the machine as a train and movements to reach work sites. This document applies to equipment and systems which are operational on machines in running mode.
1.1 General This document defines the specific technical railway requirements for travelling and working with railbound machines and other vehicles - referred to as machines - used for construction, maintenance and inspection of track, structures, track formation and fixed electric traction equipment as specified in prEN 14033 1:2024. This document applies to all machines working exclusively on the railway (utilizing adhesion between the rail and rail wheels) and used for construction, maintenance and inspection of track, structures, infrastructure and fixed electric traction equipment. This document applies to machines that are intended to operate signalling and control systems. NOTE Other rail mounted railway maintenance and infrastructure inspection machines are dealt with in other European Standards, see Technical Report CEN/TR 17498:2020. This document is applicable to 1 435 mm nominal track gauge. Some requirements may be applicable for working on infrastructures with nominal narrow track gauge or nominal broad track gauge lines, tramways, railways utilizing other than adhesion between the rail and rail wheels and underground infrastructures. This document covers the safety requirements for the railway specific problems for travelling and working on different infrastructures. The application of these requirements will be the subject of a verification procedure, which is not part of this document. Annex I is included for information for the potential content of a verification procedure. In all cases an authorization to work is needed to access the infrastructure. This document is also applicable for machines that in working position are partly supported on the ballast or the formation. This document does not apply to: - the requirements with regard to the quality of work, including the related measuring methods, and the performance of the machine; ) - the specific requirements established by each railway infrastructure manager for the use of machines which will be the subject of negotiation between the manufacturer and the machine keeper. This document does not deal with the following additional requirements: - working methods; - operation in severe working conditions requiring special measures (e.g. work in tunnels or in cuttings, extreme environmental conditions such as corrosive conditions, tropical conditions, contaminating conditions, strong magnetic fields); - operation subject to special rules (e.g. potentially explosive atmospheres); - hazards due to errors in software; - hazards occurring when used to handle suspended loads which may swing freely; - hazards due to wind pressure greater than normal e.g. pressures caused by the passing of trains at speed in excess of 190 km/h. 1.2 Validity of this European Standard This document applies to all machines that are ordered one year after the publication date of this European Standard.
This document applies to railbound machines and other vehicles - referred to as machines - working exclusively on the railway (utilizing friction adhesion between the rail and rail wheels) but including machines that in working position are partly supported on the ballast or the formation and used for construction, maintenance and inspection of track, structures, infrastructure and fixed electric traction equipment. This document applies to machines that are intended to operate signalling and control systems. NOTE 1 Other rail mounted railway maintenance and infrastructure inspection machines are dealt with in other European Standards, see Technical Report CEN/TR 17498:2020. This document specifies the significant hazards, hazardous situations and events common to rail bound machines and arising due their use on railways when they are used as intended or under conditions of misuse which are reasonably foreseeable, see Clause 4. This document specifies the common hazards, in normal circumstances, during running, assembly and installation, commissioning, use (including setting, programming, and process changeover), operation, cleaning, fault finding, maintenance and de-commissioning of the machines. Additional safety measures can be required by exceptional circumstances, such as extreme ambient temperatures highly corrosive or contaminating environment; e.g. due to the presence of chemicals, and potentially explosive atmospheres. NOTE 2 This document covers the essential health and safety requirements connected to the use of railbound machines as outlined in the Machinery Directive. This document does not apply to the following: - requirements for quality of the work or performance of the machine; - use of separate equipment temporarily mounted on machines; - operation subject to special rules, e.g. potentially explosive atmospheres; - hazards due to natural causes, e.g. earthquake, lightning, flooding; - working methods; - operation in severe working conditions requiring special measures, e.g. corrosive environments, contaminating environments, strong magnetic fields; - hazards occurring when used to handle suspended loads which may swing freely; - autonomous mobile machines. NOTE 3 Autonomous mobile machines are referred to as ‘autonomous mobile machinery’ in the Machinery Regulations 3.1.1 c).
This document specifies a method for the determination of the potential cation exchange capacity (CEC) of soil buffered at pH = 8,1 and for the determination of the content of exchangeable sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium in soil.
This document is applicable to all types of air-dried soil samples.
This document specifies the characteristics of floor coverings based on polyvinyl chloride and modifications thereof, on jute or polyester backing or on polyester felt with polyvinyl chloride backing, supplied in either tile or roll form. To encourage the consumer to make an informed choice the document includes a classification system (see EN ISO 10874) based on intensity of use, which shows where these floor coverings give satisfactory service. It also specifies requirements for marking.
This document specifies a test method to determine the breaking load for two fixing methods available for natural stones used for cladding or lining in building. These two methods refer to: a) dowel-hole, and b) slot-blade fixing.
The document provides principles, framework, and guidance for resilience design adaptive to climate change (RDACC) in buildings and civil engineering works. RDACC is applicable to both new construction and retrofits.
RDACC does not address:
— adaptation to climate change in the production and procurement of building materials, components and devices;
— adaptation to climate change in construction processes;
— climate change mitigation in buildings and civil engineering works;
— emergency management related to climate change in buildings and civil engineering works.
This document specifies the classification, requirements and test methods for endodontic sealing materials used in dentistry.
This document is applicable to materials used for conventional orthograde endodontic sealing (Type 1) and materials used for other endodontic sealing procedures including apexification, perforation filling, resorption, or retrograde root-end filling (Type 2).
The Type 2 endodontic sealing materials may be used for vital pulp therapy. However, this document does not address or include requirements for vital pulp therapy.
This document does not specify requirements or test methods for sterility.
NOTE 1 Reference to applicable national regulations and internationally accepted pharmacopoeias can be made.
NOTE 2 National requirements regarding sterilization processes, if available, can be used. Standards on methods of validating sterilization processes are also available: ISO 11737-1, ISO 11737-2 and ISO 11737-3.
This document specifies the classification for commercial beverage coolers and their requirements and test methods. This document is applicable to integral refrigeration systems. This document is not applicable to remote and secondary system cabinets.
This document is applicable to all wells that are operated by the petroleum and natural gas industry. This document is applicable to any well, or group of wells, regardless of their age, location (including onshore, subsea and offshore wells), function, status or type (e.g. naturally flowing, artificial lift, injection wells). This document is intended to assist the petroleum and natural gas industry to effectively manage well integrity during the well life cycle by providing: — minimum requirements to ensure management of well integrity; and — recommendations and techniques that well operators can apply in a scalable manner based on a well’s specific risk characteristics. Assuring well integrity comprises two main building blocks: the first is to ensure well integrity during well design and construction, and the second is to manage well integrity throughout the remaining well life thereafter. This document addresses each stage of the well life cycle, as defined by the six phases in a) to f), and describes the deliverables between each phase within a Well Integrity Management system. a) The “Basis of Design Phase” identifies the probable safety and environmental exposure to surface and subsurface hazards and risks that can be encountered during the well life cycle. Once identified, these hazards and risks are assessed such that control methods of design and operation can be developed in subsequent phases of the well life cycle. b) The “Design Phase” identifies the controls that are to be incorporated into the well design, such that appropriate barriers can be established to manage the identified safety and environmental hazards. The design addresses the expected, or forecasted, changes during the well life cycle and ensures that the required barriers in the well’s design are based on risk exposure to people and the environment. c) The “Construction Phase” defines the required or recommended elements to be constructed (including rework/repair) and verification tasks to be performed in order to achieve the intended design. It addresses any variations from the design which require a revalidation against the identified hazards and risks. The construction phase typically ends once the well is handed over to the production operations function. d) The “Operational Phase” defines the requirements or recommendations and methods for managing well integrity during operation. This is when typically wells are under the control of operations / production function. e) The “Intervention Phase” (including work-over) defines the minimum requirements or recommendations for assessing well barriers prior to, and after, any well intervention that involves breaking the established well barrier containment system. f) The “Abandonment Phase” defines the requirements or recommendations for permanently abandoning a well. The six phases of the well life cycle (including handover), as defined in this Scope, and their interrelationships, are illustrated in Figure 2 in the Introduction. v This document is not applicable to well control. Well control refers to activities implemented to prevent or mitigate unintentional release of formation fluids from the well to its surroundings during drilling, completion, intervention and well abandonment operations, and involves dynamic elements, i.e. BOPs, mud pumps, mud systems, etc. This document is not applicable to wellbore integrity, sometimes referred to as “borehole stability”. Wellbore integrity is the capacity of the drilled open hole to maintain its shape and remain intact after having been drilled.
ISO 11161:2007 specifies the safety requirements for integrated manufacturing systems (IMS) that incorporate two or more interconnected machines for specific applications, such as component manufacturing or assembly. It gives requirements and recommendations for the safe design, safeguarding and information for the use of such IMSs. ISO 11161:2007 is not intended to cover safety aspects of individual machines and equipment that may be covered by standards specific to those machines and equipment. Therefore it deals only with those safety aspects that are important for the safety-relevant interconnection of the machines and components. Where machines and equipment of an integrated manufacturing system are operated separately or individually, and while the protective effects of the safeguards provided for production mode are muted or suspended, the relevant safety standards for these machines and equipment apply.
This document specifies the requirements and methods for the clinical investigation of ME equipment used to measure the body temperature in indirect measurement mode. This document covers both intermittently and continuously measuring clinical thermometers. NOTE For clinical thermometers in direct measurement mode determining the technical accuracy in accordance with IEC 80601-2-56 is typically sufficient. This document specifies additional disclosure requirements. This document is not applicable to the clinical investigation of a screening thermographs for human febrile temperature screening whose laboratory accuracy requirements are described in IEC 80601-2-59.
This document applies to the basic safety and essential performance of a humidifier, also hereafter referred to as ME equipment, in combination with its accessories, the combination also hereafter referred to as ME system. This document is also applicable to those accessories intended by their manufacturer to be connected to a humidifier where the characteristics of those accessories can affect the basic safety or essential performance of the humidifier.
This document applies to the basic safety and essential performance of respiratory high-flow therapy equipment, as defined in 201.3.220, hereafter also referred to as ME equipment or ME system, in combination with its accessories: — intended for use with patients who can breathe spontaneously; and — intended for patients who would benefit from improved alveolar gas exchange; and who would benefit from receiving high-flow humidified respiratory gases, which can include a patient whose upper airway is bypassed.
This part of ISO 26622 specifies the dimensions for modular taper interface with ball track system: tapered shanks for automatic and manual tool exchange to be applied on machine tools (e.g. lathe machines, drilling machines, milling machines and turn/milling machine centres). A range of shank sizes is specified, with details of the coolant-sealing O-ring being given in Annex A. The shank incorporates a flange with a groove to enable automatic tool exchange. The tools can also be exchanged manually. The clamping of the shank can be realized by the use of locking balls of a standard size and by a variety of mechanisms.
This part of ISO 26622 specifies dimensions for modular taper interfaces with ball track system: tapered receivers for automatic and manual tool exchange to be applied on machine tools (e.g. lathe machines, drilling machines, milling machines and turn/milling machine centres). A range of receiver sizes is specified. The torque is transmitted by friction and locking elements.
This document specifies minimum requirements for self-contained closed-circuit breathing RPD for escape (short: oxygen escape RPD)
a) chemical oxygen type
— potassium superoxide (KO2),
— sodium chlorate (NaClO3) and
b) compressed oxygen type. This document does not apply to RPD for work and rescue and to diving apparatus.
Laboratory and practical performance tests are included for the assessment of compliance with the requirements.
This part of ISO 29481 prescribes
— how to document a use case with an associated business context and exchange requirements.
— a methodology to identify and specify the information exchanges required at identified times during the life cycle of assets.
The information delivery manual (IDM) is intended to be presented in plain language terms to facilitate interoperability between software applications used during all stages of the life cycle of assets (both buildings and infrastructure). It promotes digital collaboration between actors within the identified business context and provides a basis for accurate, reliable, repeatable and high-quality information exchange.
This document establishes definitions and evaluation methods for wheel-rail contact geometry parameters influencing the vehicle running dynamic behaviour: - the rolling radius difference between the two wheels of a wheelset (Δr-function) which serves as a basis for all further calculations; - the equivalent conicity function from which are derived: • a single equivalent conicity value for a specified amplitude which is relevant for the assessment of vehicle running stability on straight track and in very large radius curves; • the nonlinearity parameter which characterizes the shape of this function and is related to the vehicle behaviour particularly in the speed range close to the running stability limit; - the rolling radii coefficient which is used to describe the theoretical radial steering capability of a wheelset in a curved track. Additional information is given about the relationship between the contact angles of the two wheels of a wheelset (Δtanγ-function) and about the roll angle parameter. Descriptions of possible calculation methods are included in this document. Test case calculations are provided to achieve comparable results and to check the proper implementation of the described algorithms. To validate alternative methods not described in this document acceptance criteria are given for the equivalent conicity function. This includes reference profiles, profile combinations, tolerances and reference results with tolerance limits. This document also includes minimum requirements for the measurement of wheel and rail profiles as well as of the parameters needed for the transformation into a common coordinate system of right- and left-hand profiles. This document does not define limits for the wheel-rail contact geometry parameters and gives no tolerances for the rail profile and the wheel profile to achieve acceptable results. For the application of this document some general recommendations are given.
This European standard specifies a method for the measurement of effective focal spot dimensions above 0,1 µm of X-ray systems by means of the edge method applied to digital images taken from hole type or disk type gauges. The imaging quality and the resolution of X-ray images depend highly on the characteristics of the effective focal spot, in particular the size and the two-dimensional intensity distribution as seen from the detector plane. This document provides instructions for determining the effective size (dimensions) of standard, mini and micro focal spots of industrial X-ray tubes for users in applications where the pin hole method of EN12543-2 is not practicable. This determination is based on the measurement of a profile of an image of a hole or disk type gauge. The method as described in this document can be used for long term monitoring of focal spot sizes without a pin hole camera. The accuracy of this method is lower than the one of ISO 32543-1 (EN 12543-2), ISO/NP 32543-3 (EN 12543-5) and ISO/NP 32543-4 (future EN 12543-6), using ASTM hole plate IQIs (ASTM E 1025, E 1742), due to its manufacturer tolerance of 10%.
This document specifies data elements and data frames for messages
a) exchanged between roadside modules and:
1) signal controllers,
2) traffic management centres, and/or
3) other roadside modules.
b) exchanged between traffic management centres and signal controllers.
NOTE Roadside modules can generate data based on inputs from vehicle detectors and/or probe data transmitted by vehicles. This document does not address how the roadside module generates the data; it only addresses communication after receiving and processing raw data from one or more sources.
EXAMPLE A roadside module can calculate vehicle volume, average speed, and queue length by utilizing data from vehicle detectors and probe information.
The data structure follows the framework specified in ISO 14817-1, and the data elements and data frames are described by description name, object identifier, definition, and data type following ISO 14817-1. The specifications of this document complement those from ISO/TS 19091 and other standards.
The roadside modules can be constructed in any manner using any architecture including the ITS station as described in ISO 21217, or other hardware and software constructs.
This document specifies general requirements for the application of additive manufacturing processes for pressure vessels and parts. Separate Annexes of this document provide detailed requirements for specific additive manufacturing processes and materials. This document is currently limited to metallic material applications. If a pressure part manufactured to this document is integrated into a pressure vessel, all parts of EN 13445 apply for this integration.
This document specifies the requirements for qualification, application, testing and handling of materials for plant application of single layer fusion-bonded epoxy (FBE) coatings applied externally for the corrosion protection of bare steel pipe for use in pipeline transportation systems for the petroleum and natural gas industries as defined in ISO 13623. NOTE Pipes coated in accordance with this document are considered suitable for additional protection by means of cathodic protection.
This document defines the terms and definitions in the field of biodiversity. It includes terms from the observation of biodiversity loss (climate change, pollution, invasive species, erosion, soil degradation, deforestation, etc.) to the means of action to protect it (measurement, monitoring and assessment, restoration, conservation and protection, and sustainable use). The three dimensions are covered: genetic diversity, species diversity and ecosystem diversity. This document is applicable to organizations related to biodiversity, including governments, NGOs, companies, and organizations supporting biodiversity research and practice.
This document specifies requirements and tests for low temperature hydrogen peroxide sterilizers, which use a vaporized aqueous solution of hydrogen peroxide as the sterilizing agent.
These sterilizers are used for the sterilization of medical devices, particularly thermolabile medical devices. This document specifies minimum requirements
for the performance and design of sterilizers intended to deliver a process capable of sterilizing medical devices;
for the equipment and controls of these sterilizers needed for operation, control and monitoring, and which can be used for validation of the sterilization processes;
for the test equipment and test procedures used to verify the sterilizer performance specified by this document.
This document does not specify requirements for equipment intended to process liquids, biological waste, or human tissues. This document does not describe a quality management system for the control of all stages of the manufacture of the sterilizer. This document does not specify requirements and tests for decontamination systems for use in rooms, enclosures, or environmental spaces.
NOTE: Attention is drawn to the standards for quality management, e.g. EN ISO 13485.
This document does not specify requirements and tests for decontamination systems for use in rooms, enclosures, or environmental spaces.
This document specifies the classification for horizontal closed ice-cream freezer with access of the product from the top via transparent or solid lid(s) and specifies their requirements and test methods. The ice-cream freezers defined in this document are different from supermarket segment freezers, as they work with static air cooling, with a skin evaporator (no evaporator fan) and are used specifically for the storage and display of pre-packed ice-cream. This document is only applicable to integral type refrigeration systems. It is not applicable to remote and secondary system type cabinets. Ice-cream freezers defined in this document are intended to have a net volume ≤600 l. For transparent lid ice-cream freezers only, they are intended to have a net volume/TDA ≥ 0,35 m.
This document specifies a procedure for obtaining a migration water to determine odour, flavour, colour and turbidity for products made from organic materials intended to come in contact with water for human consumption (drinking water) and used in piping and storage systems. Such products include pipes, tanks, reservoirs, fittings, ancillaries and their coatings both for site applied and factory-made products. This document is applicable to products to be used under various conditions for the transport, storage and distribution of water intended for human consumption and raw water used for the manufacture of water intended for human consumption. This document specifies a test method comprising a set of procedures. The use might be dependent on the relevant national regulations and/or the system or product standards.
I detta dokument anges krav på provtagning, tekniska krav, miljökrav, provningsmetoder och beteckning för hydraulvätskor av klass M (utan krav på köldegenskaper) och klass V (med krav på köldegenskaper).
Detta dokument är tillämpbart för den färdiga, oanvända hydraulvätskan, inklusive tillsatsmedel.
Detta dokument omfattar inte svårbrännbara hydraulvätskor.
ISO 12100:2010 specifies basic terminology, principles and a methodology for achieving safety in the design of machinery. It specifies principles of risk assessment and risk reduction to help designers in achieving this objective. These principles are based on knowledge and experience of the design, use, incidents, accidents and risks associated with machinery. Procedures are described for identifying hazards and estimating and evaluating risks during relevant phases of the machine life cycle, and for the elimination of hazards or sufficient risk reduction. Guidance is given on the documentation and verification of the risk assessment and risk reduction process. ISO 12100:2010 is also intended to be used as a basis for the preparation of type-B or type-C safety standards. It does not deal with risk and/or damage to domestic animals, property or the environment.
This International Standard defines the procedures for noise control of mainly open plants.
It is applicable to the following:
_ specification of procedures for noise control during engineering of a new plant and modification/extension of
existing plants (construction noise procedures are outside the scope of this International Standard but should
be considered);
_ definition of responsibilities of parties involved, viz. "end-user", "engineering contractor" and "equipment
_ description of general procedures to arrive at noise requirements for individual equipment, on the basis of
overall noise requirements for the plant.
A schematic flowchart, reviewing the noise control process, is presented in annex A and a summary of action items
is presented in annex B.
NOTE Concerning specific engineering methods for the acoustic design and analysis of plants, use should be made of
other standards and textbooks.
This document specifies the main requirements of the metric series of pneumatic tyres primarily intended for industrial vehicles, including designations, dimensions and markings. The tyres are based on the following parameters:
— speeds not exceeding 50 km/h;
— use on 5° tapered or flat base rims.
The conversion of code-designated industrial tyres into metric-designated tyres is outside the scope of this document.
This document specifies the load ratings of the metric series of pneumatic tyres primarily intended for industrial vehicles for use on prepared surfaces.
ISO 3739-1 deals with designation, dimensions and marking; ISO 3739-3 deals with rim contours for these tyres.
This document specifies the main requirements, including size designation and marking, of 5-degree tapered and flat base rims primarily intended for industrial vehicles for use on prepared surfaces.
This document defines and describes the structure for the codes for an internationally valid system to classify financial instruments. The classification system applies to financial instruments negotiated internationally as well as to domestic instruments. The term “financial instruments” refers not only to classical securities and derivatives but also covers the innovative financial products that have emerged in different markets (a trend that is expected to continue in the future).
This document is intended for use in any application in the trading and administration of financial instruments in the international securities business. Insofar as the trading and administration of securities do not affect other countries, the application of this document remains at the discretion of the responsible national bodies, such as stock exchanges, banks, brokers, regulatory bodies and other institutions active in the securities field.
In principle, the CFI code reflects characteristics that are defined when a financial instrument is issued and that remain unchanged during its entire lifetime. However, a few events that can lead to a new CFI code for the same instrument are anticipated, such as the changing of voting rights or ownership restrictions by a stockholders' meeting.
This document gives information and guidance on the evaluation and assessment of hand-transmitted shock. For the purposes of this document, isolated shock is any impactive or impulsive vibration that the machine or tool user experiences as a sequence of individual events (single shocks) linked by periods of no, or low vibration. This document provides guidance on the identification, measurement, evaluation and possible health effects of hand-transmitted shock vibrations containing vibration energy up to the frequency range covered by ISO 5349-1 (approximately 6,3 Hz to 1 250 Hz). Note: It is recognised that shock vibration often includes substantial levels of high-frequency vibration energy. The measured peak values of HTS are likely to be higher if the upper frequency limit is increased. High-frequency shocks, composed of vibrations at frequencies greater than 1 250 Hz, are dealt with in Draft ISO/DTS 5349-4.
This International Standard specifies safety requirements, and measures for their verification, for the design and construction of portable, hand-held, internal combustion engine-driven machines for abrasive chains, intended to be used by a single operator in the cutting of construction materials, such as concrete, stone and metal. It is applicable only to those machines designed purposely for use with a water-cooled abrasive chain only, where the top of the abrasive chain rotates away from the operator. ISO 19432-2 is not applicable to: Cut-off machines for centre-mounted rotating abrasive wheels, which are covered by ISO 19432-1. Chain saws for forestry service, which are covered by ISO 11681-1. Chain saws for tree service, which are covered by ISO 11681-2. NOTE: Clarification of product class; machinery in the scope of this standard, is designed to only cut construction materials, such as concrete, stone, metal and the like. The cutting means is by grinding with an abrasive chain through the work-piece, using a continuous water supply as a coolant, lubricant and dust suppression. This kind of machinery is not intended for use with conventional wood cutting saw chain with defined sharpened cutting edges. This International Standard deals with all significant hazards, hazardous situations or hazardous events significant to these machines when they are used as intended and under conditions of misuse which are reasonably foreseeable by the manufacturer. (See Annex X for a list of significant hazards.) This International Standard specifies methods for the elimination or reduction of hazards arising from their use, as well as the type of information on safe working practices to be provided with the machines.
This document provides the specialized requirements to demonstrate the competence of individuals in performing IT product security evaluations and certifications in accordance with the ISO/IEC 15408 series and ISO/IEC 18045.
ISO/IEC 29151:2017 establishes control objectives, controls and guidelines for implementing controls, to meet the requirements identified by a risk and impact assessment related to the protection of personally identifiable information (PII). In particular, this Recommendation | International Standard specifies guidelines based on ISO/IEC 27002, taking into consideration the requirements for processing PII that may be applicable within the context of an organization's information security risk environment(s). ISO/IEC 29151:2017 is applicable to all types and sizes of organizations acting as PII controllers (as defined in ISO/IEC 29100), including public and private companies, government entities and not-for-profit organizations that process PII.
This document specifies a method for the measurement of focal spot dimensions within the range of 5 µm to 300 µm of X-ray systems up to and including 225 kV tube voltage. This determination is based on the evaluation of an image with a dedicated focal spot that has been radiographically recorded using an edge and evaluated with a digital method. The imaging quality and the resolution of X-ray images depend highly on the characteristics of the effective focal spot, in particular the size and the two-dimensional intensity distribution as seen from the detector plane. For the characterisation of commercial X-ray tube types (i.e. for advertising or trade) the specific maximum values of annex A should be preferred.
This document specifies a method for evaluating the change of consistency, as measured by cone penetration, of lubricating grease when worked in the roll stability test apparatus. The method only applies to greases with cone penetration in the range 175 1/10 mm to 385 1/10 mm as measured using ISO 2137.
This document specifies a method for evaluating the change of consistency, as measured by cone penetration, of lubricating grease when worked in the roll stability test apparatus, in presence of water. The method only applies to greases with cone penetration in the range 175 1/10 mm to 385 1/10 mm as measured using ISO 2137.
This international standard specifies a method for the determination of the content of Leather. This method is based on high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). It is selective and not sensitive to coloured extracts.
Detta dokument omfattar krav och rekommendationer för underlag för dimensionering av invändigt och utvändigt takavvattningssystem.
This document specifies a method for determining by extrapolation the long-term ultimate ring bending strain and the calculation of the long-term ultimate relative ring deflection of glass-reinforced thermosetting plastics (GRP) pipes, under wet conditions.
Two methods of loading are given, one using plates the other beam bars.
This document specifies a uniform system for grouping materials for welding purposes. It can also be applied for other purposes, such as heat treatment, forming and non-destructive testing.
It covers grouping systems for the following standardized materials:
— steels;
— aluminium and its alloys;
— copper and its alloys;
— nickel and its alloys;
— titanium and its alloys;
— zirconium and its alloys;
— cast irons.
This document specifies the minimum requirements for inspection at time of filling of battery-vehicles and multiple-element gas containers (MEGCs) for compressed and liquefied gases. The elements of battery vehicles and MEGCs covered by this document are: - seamless steel or seamless aluminium alloy cylinders or tubes, and - composite cylinders or tubes (hoop-wrapped or fully-wrapped) with a water capacity up to 3000 l. This document is not applicable to MEGCs using tanks as elements. This document is not applicable to the automotive components of a battery trailer. Unless noted by exception the use of the word "cylinders" in this document refers to both cylinders and tubes. NOTE Acetylene battery-vehicles are covered by EN 13720.
This document covers the design, construction, operation, inspection and maintenance of stations for fuelling compressed natural gas (CNG) to vehicles, including equipment, safety and control devices. This document also applies to portions of a fuelling station where natural gas is in a gaseous state and dispensing CNG derived from liquefied natural gas (LCNG) according to ISO 16924. This document applies to fuelling stations supplied with natural gas as defined in local applicable gas composition regulations or ISO 13686. It also applies to other gases meeting these requirements including biomethane, upgraded coal-bed methane (CBM) and gas supplies coming from LNG vaporization (on-site or off-site). This document includes all equipment for downstream gas supply connection (i.e. point of separation between the CNG fuelling station piping and the pipeline network). Fuelling station nozzles are not defined in this document. This document covers fuelling stations with the following characteristics: — slow fill; — fast fill; — private access; — public access (self-service or assisted); — fuelling stations with fixed storage; — fuelling stations with mobile storage (daughter station); — multi-fuel stations. This document is not applicable to domestic CNG fuelling devices without buffer storage. NOTE This document is based on the condition that the gas entering the fuelling station is odorized. For unodorized gas fuelling stations, additional safety requirements are included in Clause 10.
This document specifies the design, construction, operation, maintenance and inspection of stations for fuelling liquefied natural gas (LNG) to vehicles, including equipment, safety and control devices.This document also specifies the design, construction, operation, maintenance, and inspection of fuelling stations for using LNG as an onsite source for fuelling CNG to vehicles (LCNG fuelling stations), including safety and control devices of the station and specific LCNG fuelling station equipment. NOTE Specific CNG equipment is dealt with in ISO 16923. This document is applicable to fuelling stations receiving LNG and other liquefied methane-rich gases that comply with local applicable gas composition regulation or with the gas quality requirements of ISO 13686. This document includes all equipment from the LNG storage tank filling connection up to the fuelling nozzle on the vehicle. The LNG storage tank filling connection itself and the vehicle fuelling nozzle are not covered in this document. This document includes fuelling stations having the following characteristics: — private access; — public access (self-service or assisted); — metered dispensing and non metered dispensing; — fuelling stations with fixed LNG storage; — fuelling stations with mobile LNG storage; — movable fuelling stations; — mobile fuelling stations; — multi-fuel stations.
ISO 8528-13:2016 specifies the safety requirements for reciprocating internal combustion (RIC) engine driven generating sets up to 1 000 V consisting of an RIC engine, an alternating current (AC) generator including the additional equipment required for operating, e.g. controlgear, switchgear, auxiliary equipment. It is applicable to generating sets for land and marine use (domestic, recreational and industrial application). It is not applicable to generating sets used on board of seagoing vessels and mobile offshore units as well as on aircraft or to propel road vehicles and locomotives. NOTE This part of ISO 8528 does not apply to arc welding equipment (IEC 60974 series). The special requirements needed to cover operation in potentially explosive atmospheres are not covered in this part of ISO 8528. The hazards relevant to RIC engine driven generating sets are identified in Annex A. ISO 8528-13:2016 deals with the special requirements of test and safety design which should be observed in addition to the definitions and requirements in ISO 8528-1, ISO 8528-2, ISO 8528-3, ISO 8528-4, ISO 8528-5 and ISO 8528-6, where applicable. It specifies safety requirements in order to protect the user from danger.
This part of ISO 12006 defines a framework for the development of built environment classification systems. The framework is a breakdown structure supporting the spatial, physical, process aspects along with relevant resources and support This framework provides a set of recommended classification table titles for a range of information object groupings according to particular views, e.g., by form or function, supported by definitions. It shows how the object groupings classified in each table are related, e.g., in a building information model.
This part of ISO 12006 applies to the complete life cycle of assets, including briefing, design, documentation, construction, operation and maintenance, demolition and possible reuse of assets or components. It applies to both building and civil engineering works, including associated engineering services, landscaping and its natural environment. It is intended for use by organizations which develop and publish such classification systems and tables, which can vary in detail to suit local needs. When this part of ISO 12006 is applied in the development of local classification systems and tables, then harmonization between them will be facilitated.
The management of the built environment above the level of complex, entities and project/programmes (for example geographic catchment areas, asset portfolios, functional requirements and organizational activity) are outside the scope of this document.
This part of ISO 12006 does not provide the content of the tables, though it does give examples.
This document specifies methods for determining dimensional stability and curling (vertical deformation) of resilient floor coverings in all forms (e.g. of sheets, tiles, panels, planks or in rolls) after exposure to heat and/or after reconditioning.
This document specifies a test method of determining resistance of coatings to a defined cycle of wet (salt fog)/dry/humidity/UV light conditions using a specified solution.
ISO 29481-2:2012 specifies a methodology and format for describing ?coordination acts' between actors in a building construction project during all life cycle stages. It therefore specifies a methodology that describes an interaction framework, an appropriate way to map responsibilities and interactions that provides a process context for information flow, a format in which the interaction framework should be specified. ISO 29481-2:2012 is intended to facilitate interoperability between software applications used in the construction process, to promote digital collaboration between actors in the building construction process, and to provide a basis for accurate, reliable, repeatable, and high-quality information exchange.
ISO 2417:2016 specifies a method for determining the water absorption of leather under static conditions. The method is applicable to all leather, particularly heavy leather.
This International Standard specifies a method for assessing the heat penetration resistance of materials intended for use in clothing to protect against large splashes of molten metal. It provides specific procedures for assessing the effects of splashes of molten aluminium, molten cryolite, molten copper, molten iron and molten mild steel. The principle of the test method is applicable to a wider range of hot molten materials than those for which specific procedures are set out, provided that appropriate measures are applied to protect the test operator. It is important to note that good resistance of a material to a pure molten metal does not guarantee a good performance against any slag that can be present in a manufacturing process.
This document specifies a test method and the minimum requirements for bactericidal activity of chemical disinfectant and antiseptic products that form a homogeneous, physically stable preparation when diluted with hard water or - in the case of ready-to-use products - with water. Products can only be tested at a concentration of 80 % or less, as some dilution is always produced by adding the test organisms and interfering substance.
The method described is intended to determine the activity of commercial formulations or active substances under the conditions in which they are used. This document applies to products that are used for equipment disinfection by immersion, surface disinfection by wiping, spraying, flooding or other means and teat disinfection in the veterinary area – e.g. in the breeding, husbandry, production, veterinary care facilities, transport and disposal of all animals except when in the food chain following death and entry into processing industry. This document also applies to products used for teat disinfection in these veterinary areas.
This method is not applicable to evaluate the activity of hand hygiene products. For these products reference is made to EN 14885, which specifies in detail the relationship of the various tests to one another and to “use recommendations”.
NOTE This method corresponds to a phase 2 step 1 test.
This document specifies product characteristics, test methods and performance criteria for point detectors using carbon monoxide sensing (CO fire detectors) for use in fire detection and fire alarm systems for buildings and civil engineering works.
Specifies the dimensional, mechanical and optical quality criteria for equipment to measure or to verify the orientation of the luminous beams emitted by the headlamps installed on road motor vehicles excluding mopeds and motorcycles. The equipment also allows evaluation of the quality of the luminous beams by visual means. Lays down the requirements for the floor on which the vehicles are placed, the vehicle preparation, equipment using a distant screen, optical equipment with installation and operating instructions, photometric devices.
This document specifies the minimum safety requirements applicable to liquefied natural gas (LNG) on-board fuel system intended for use on the types of motor vehicles defined in ISO 3833.
This document is applicable to vehicles (mono-fuel, bi-fuel or dual-fuel applications) using liquefied natural gas in accordance with the ISO 15403 series. It is not applicable to original-production and converted vehicles.
All matters relating to the skills of installers and converters have been excluded from this document.
This document is only applicable on the components in the "LNG system" meaning an assembly of components (tanks, valves, flexible fuel lines, etc., see Annex B) and connecting parts (fuel lines, fittings, etc.) fitted on motor vehicles using LNG in their propulsion system and related components up to and including the vaporizer. Other parts downstream from the vaporizer are considered as CNG components covered by ISO 15501.
This document specifies performance and general test methods for liquefied natural gas fuel system components intended for use on the types of motor vehicles defined in ISO 3833.
This document is applicable to vehicles (mono-fuel, bi-fuel or dual-fuel applications) using liquefied gas in accordance with the ISO 15403 series. It is not applicable to the following: original-production and converted vehicles.
This document is only applicable on the components in the "LNG system" meaning an assembly of components (tanks, valves, flexible fuel lines, etc.) and connecting parts (fuel lines, fittings, etc.) fitted on motor vehicles using LNG in their propulsion system and related components up to and including the vaporizer. Other parts downstream from the vaporizer are considered as CNG components covered by ISO 15501.
NOTE All references to pressures, given in megapascals and bar (1 bar = 0,1 MPa = 105 Pa; 1 MPa = 1 N/mm2) are considered gauge pressures, unless otherwise specified.
ISO 19634:2017 defines the symbols to be used to represent physical, mechanical and thermal characteristics, as determined by methods described in relevant ISO publications, for ceramic matrix composites. It is aimed at avoiding confusion in reporting measurements and characteristics of products. Where possible, the definitions are in accordance with the relevant parts of ISO 80000. In addition, the symbols used in undertaking measurements of these characteristics are also defined.
This document defines terms within the field of electronic fee collection (EFC). This document defines: — terms within the fields of electronic fee collection and road user charging; — terms that are used in standards related to electronic fee collection; — terms of a more general use that are used more specifically in standards related to electronic fee collection. This document does not define: — Terms related primarily to other fields that operate in conjunction with EFC, such as terms for intelligent transport systems (ITS), common payment systems, the financial sector, etc. — Deprecated terms.
ISO 3210:2017 specifies methods of assessing the quality of sealed anodic oxidation coatings on aluminium and its alloys by measurement of the loss of mass after immersion in acid solution(s). It consists of the following two methods. - Method 1: Assessment of quality of sealed anodic oxidation coatings by measurement of the loss of mass after immersion in a phosphoric acid based solution without prior acid treatment. - Method 2: Assessment of quality of sealed anodic oxidation coatings by measurement of the loss of mass after immersion in a phosphoric acid based solution with prior acid treatment. Method 1 is applicable to anodic oxidation coatings intended for decorative or protective purposes or where resistance to staining is important. Method 2 is applicable to anodic oxidation coatings intended for outdoor architectural purposes. For less severe applications, Method 1 can be more suitable. The methods are not applicable to the following: - hard-type anodic oxidation coatings which normally are not sealed; - anodic oxidation coatings that have been sealed only in dichromate solutions; - anodic oxidation coatings produced in chromic acid solutions; - anodic oxidation coatings that have undergone treatment to render them hydrophobic. NOTE 1 The methods assess the quality of hydrothermal sealing applied to anodized aluminium. They can be appropriate for other sealing methods. NOTE 2 The methods are destructive and can serve as reference methods in case of doubt or dispute regarding the results of the test for loss of absorptive power (see ISO 2143) or the measurement of admittance (see ISO 2931).
This document specifies a method for the measurement of focal spot dimensions within the range of 5 µm to 300 µm of X-ray systems up to and including 225 kV tube voltage. This determination is based on the evaluation of an image with a dedicated focal spot that has been radiographically recorded using an edge and evaluated with a digital method. The imaging quality and the resolution of X-ray images depend highly on the characteristics of the effective focal spot, in particular the size and the two-dimensional intensity distribution as seen from the detector plane. For the characterisation of commercial X-ray tube types (i.e. for advertising or trade) the specific maximum values of annex A should be preferred.
This document specifies materials, dimensions, quality, and performance requirements, as well as relevant test methods.
This document also specifies components that are part of the sterilized subassembled syringe ready for filling.
This document is applicable to
— tubing-glass barrels (single-chamber design) for injection preparations, and
— sterilized subassembled syringes ready for filling.
Glass barrels and sterilized subassembled syringes ready for filling in accordance with this document are intended for single use only.
Components to complete the subassembled syringe, such as plunger stopper and plunger rod, are outside the scope of this document.
NOTE National or regional regulations such as Ph.Eur., USP, or JP can apply.
This document defines rules for extended applications, provides guidance, and, where appropriate, specifies procedures, for variations of certain parameters and factors associated with the design of internal non-loadbearing ceilings constructed of metal faced sandwich panels that have been tested in accordance with EN 1364-2, which could generate a classification in accordance with EN 13501-2. This document applies to,double skin metal faced sandwich panels, which have an insulating core bonded to both facings as defined in EN 14509 not stabilizing a whole building or parts of it.
This document specifies methods of determining the luminous and solar characteristics of glazing in buildings. These characteristics can serve as a basis for lighting, heating and cooling calculations of rooms and permit comparison between different types of glazing. This document applies both to conventional glazing and to absorbing or reflecting solar-control glazing, used as vertical or horizontal glazed apertures. The appropriate formulae for single, double and triple glazing are given. A matrix method is provided as an alternative calculation method. This document introduces a method to determine the luminous and solar properties of Building-Integrated Photovoltaic (BIPV) glazing. This document is accordingly applicable to all transparent materials except those which show significant transmission in the wavelength region 5 µm to 50 µm of ambient temperature radiation, such as certain plastic materials. Materials with light-scattering properties for incident radiation are dealt with as conventional transparent materials subject to certain conditions (see 5.2). Angular light and solar properties of glass in building are excluded from this document. However, research work in this area is summarized in Bibliographic references [1], [2] and [3]. Guidance on the measurement of luminous and spectral properties of glass can be found in the Bibliography [4]. Vacuum Insulating Glass (VIG) is excluded from the scope of this document. For determination of the g value of VIG, please refer to ISO 19916-1.
This document specifies a method for determining the fire resistance of parts of curtain walling and of the perimeter seal. It examines the fire resistance to internal and external fire exposure of: - the spandrel panel, i.e. downstand, upstand or a combination thereof; - the perimeter seal; - the fixing of the framing system (anchoring) used to attach the curtain walling to the floor element; - combinations thereof. NOTE 1 This document does not test fire spread that can be caused through cavities in the test specimen, i.e., inside of the mullions (see note to Results from tests according to this document form the basis for classification of curtain walling type A (see 3.3 for definition). For curtain walling type B (see 3.4 for definition) results can be used to determine fire resistance of parts of a curtain walling to increase the field of application when previously tested to EN 1364-3. For intended classification EW and for corner/faceted specimens EN 1364-3 can be used. This document does not cover double skin façades, over-cladding systems and ventilated façade systems on external walls. It does not deal with the reaction to fire behaviour of curtain walling. This document is intended to be read in conjunction with EN 1363-1 and EN 1363-2 as well as EN 1364-3 for curtain walling type B. As per the type of curtain walling covered by this document, these are the ones included in EN 13119. NOTE 2 Annex A gives informative guidance on the principles of testing parts of curtain walling and the test method. NOTE 3 When tests are made to examine single elements (e.g. perimeter seal), those elements are to be installed as part of a curtain walling system.
This document provides guidance for the design of ventilation systems for basic ventilation in residential buildings to achieve an acceptable indoor air quality. It gives two approaches: - prescriptive approach; - performance-based approach. This document establishes guidelines for the usage of both the prescriptive and performance-based approaches. This document specifies performance indicators that can be used with the performance-based approach. This document partly covers intensive ventilation for indoor air quality purposes. This document concerns residential buildings but primarily focuses on dwellings (flats, apartments, and houses) and is also applicable to parts of other types of residential buildings. This document is applicable to, but not limited to: - mechanical ventilation; - natural ventilation; - hybrid ventilation. This document does not apply to: - dilution of tobacco smoke or radon and other soil gases; - ventilation of garages, roof voids, sub-floor voids, wall cavities and other spaces in the structure, under, over or around the living space; - providing air for combustion appliances; - air cleaning (e.g. portable stand-alone air cleaners to clean the indoor air); - air humidification or de-humidification; - thermal comfort in regard to overheating aspects. This document does not deal with the assessment of energy performance of buildings.
This document specifies the requirements for the design, manufacture, identification and testing of battery vehicles and multiple-element gas containers (MEGCs) containing cylinders, tubes, or bundles of cylinders. This document applies also to battery vehicles and MEGCs containing bundles of cylinders connected by a manifold which are dis-assembled from the battery vehicle and filled individually. It is applicable to battery vehicles and MEGCs containing compressed gas, liquefied gas, and mixtures thereof. It is also applicable to battery vehicles for dissolved acetylene. This document is not applicable to battery vehicles and MEGC for toxic gases with an LC50 value less than or equal to 200 ml/m3. This document does not apply to battery vehicles and MEGCs containing pressure drums or tanks. This document does not specify requirements for the vehicle chassis or motive unit. This document is primarily intended for industrial gases other than Liquefied Petroleum Gases (LPG).
This document applies to household appliances intended for outdoor use capable of working with gases of the second family or second and third family. The scope of this document is the same as the scope of the product standards developed by the European Technical Committee CEN/TC 181 covering the same type of appliance but limited to the use of liquefied petroleum gases, hereinafter referred to as ‘the product standard’. NOTE For example, product standards are: - for an independent cooktop: EN 484; - for multi-purpose burners with integrated support: EN 497; - for a barbecue or griddle: EN 498; - for a patio heater: EN 14543; - flueless non-domestic space heaters: EN 461; - ... This document applies to the manufacturing, testing and marking of appliances prior to their placing on the market and during further assessments. This document is not intended to be used for changing the gas category of an appliance already put on the market. This document specifies the modifications of the appliances allowed to change the type of gas to be used depending of its gas category. This document specifies the complementary information and requirement about constructional and performance characteristics, safety specifications and rational use of energy, relevant test methods and marking of household appliances intended for outdoor use capable of operating with second-family gases (defined in EN 437:2021). This document does not apply to appliances burning liquefied petroleum gases at the vapour pressure within the gas cartridge or gas cylinder. This document does not apply to appliances under the scope of EN 449:2002+A1:2007.
This document specifies the technical delivery requirements for seamless and welded butt-welding fittings (elbows, concentric and eccentric reducers, equal and reducing tees, caps) made of wrought carbon steel without specific inspection requirements. It specifies: a) steel grade and its chemical compositions; b) mechanical properties; c) dimensions and tolerances; d) requirements for inspection and testing; e) inspection documents; f) marking; g) protection and packaging.
This document specifies the technical delivery requirements for seamless and welded butt-welding fittings (elbows, concentric and eccentric reducers, equal and reducing tees, caps) made of austenitic and austenitic-ferritic (duplex) stainless steel without specific inspection requirements. This document specifies: - steel grades and their chemical compositions; - mechanical properties; - dimensions and tolerances; - requirements for inspection and testing; - inspection documents; - marking; - handling and packaging.
This document specifies safety requirements and test methods for avalanche airbag systems to reduce the risk of being buried by a snow avalanche. This document does not consider personal protection against impact or cold temperature.
This document is applicable to free access unsupervised multi-sports equipment and combinations intended for permanent installation, primarily used for training, recreational and educational use outdoors. This document specifies requirements for free access unsupervised multi-sports equipment which may incorporate a multi-sports surround, ball stop screen and various equipment for sports such as badminton, basketball, football, futsal, handball, hockey, tennis, and volleyball. This document specifies requirements, including safety, for the equipment itself as well as for its installation, operation, inspection, and maintenance. This document is applicable to multi-sports equipment intended for individual and collective public use primarily by children and teenagers. This document is not applicable to equipment as defined in the following standards: — Playground equipment and surfacing EN 1176 series, — Skateparks EN 14974, — Artificial climbing structures EN 12572 series, — Basketball equipment EN 1270, — Volleyball equipment EN 1271, — Football goals EN 748, — Handball goals EN 749, — Hockey goals EN 750, — Table tennis EN 14468-1 and EN 14468-2, — Tennis equipment EN 1510, — Badminton equipment EN 1509, — Portable and permanent socketed goals EN 16579, — Lightweight goals EN 16664, — Parkour equipment EN 16899 and — Permanently installed outdoor fitness equipment EN 16630. This document does not deal with beach equipment, the ground surfaces, the local environment, and any feature outside the multi-sports equipment. This document does not include any specific requirements other than for access and egress for disabled users.
This document specifies general safety requirements for the manufacture, installation, inspection and maintenance of permanently installed, freely accessible outdoor fitness equipment. This document does not cover electrically driven equipment, functional training facilities (typically with unrestrained weights) nor military style obstacle courses with restricted access. The equipment is intended for youths and adults or users having an overall height greater than 1 400 mm to promote fitness by using the equipment to exercise. Equipment covered by this document is not playground equipment for children (EN 1176 series [1]), indoor stationary training equipment (EN ISO 20957 series [2], EN 957 6) or free access multi-sports equipment (EN 15312 [3]) even if it meets the requirements of each of these standards. NOTE In this document "permanently installed outdoor fitness equipment" is simply called "fitness equipment".
ISO 15621:2017 gives guidelines for evaluating absorbent incontinence aids for urine and/or faeces. It provides a context for the procedures described in other International Standards and published testing procedures. General factors relating to incontinence products and their usage are also addressed.
ISO 15501-1:2016 specifies the minimum safety requirements applicable for the functionality of CNG on-board fuel systems intended for use on the types of motor vehicles defined in ISO 3833. This document is applicable to vehicles using compressed natural gas in accordance with ISO 15403, including mono-fuel, bi-fuel or dual-fuel applications, original-production and converted vehicles.
All matters relating to the skills of installers and converters have been excluded from this document.
ISO 15501-2:2016 specifies the test methods for checking the minimum safety requirements specified in ISO 15501‑1. It is applicable to the functionality of the fuel systems designed to operate on compressed natural gas of motor vehicles as defined in ISO 3833.
This part of ISO 11378 describes the equipment and the test method for assessing the propensity of textile floor coverings to soiling in the absence of abrasive wear and texture changes using a standard artificial soil composition. This test method is applicable for use in testing unused textile floor coverings of all types. The scope of this test method can be extended to assess the effects of fibre finishes, cleaning chemicals and cleaning equipment (see annex A).
This document specifies the requirements for qualification, application, testing and handling of materials required for the application of reinforced concrete coating externally to either bare pipe or pre-coated pipe for use in pipeline transportation systems for the petroleum and natural gas industries as defined in ISO 13623. The external application of concrete is primarily used for the negative buoyancy of pipes used in buried or submerged pipeline systems and/or for the mechanical protection of the pipe and its pre-coating. This document is applicable to concrete thicknesses of 25 mm or greater.
ISO 12251 specifies dimensional requirements for clamp mounted CR fuel injectors and their corresponding cylinder head features in diesel engines.
According to the injector nozzle capnut, the clamp mounted CR fuel injectors can be divided into two types:
a) Type A, where the nozzle capnut is straight (see Figure 4);
b) Type B, where the nozzle capnut is stepped (see Figure 5).
Each clamp mounted CR fuel injector type is subdivided by a series of different sizes.
NOTE This differentiation corresponds to the relationship between the two guide diameters of the clamp mounted CR fuel injectors.
This document is applicable to multi-firing sauna stoves for natural wood logs (in which the heating of stones are separated from and indirectly heated by the fire and the flue gases and which may be re-fuelled with several fuel loads). The intended use of the appliances is space heating in residential buildings. The space heated is sauna room which is heated higher-than-normal room temperature for wellbeing and bathing purposes, for short period of time. These multi-firing sauna stoves may be supplied either as an assembled appliance or as a manufacturer’s pre-designed unit consisting of prefabricated components designed to be built on site in accordance with the manufacturer’s specified assembly instructions. These appliances can burn the following solid fuels as specified: — wood logs; This document is not applicable to: — appliances that are mechanically fed — appliances with fan assisted combustion air — single-firing heat storage sauna stoves, in which the stones are directly heated by the fire and the flue gases, which pass through them — one off installations — appliances incorporating a boiler or connected to a water system This document specifies procedures for assessment and verification of constancy of performance (AVCP) of characteristics of multi firing sauna stoves.
This document provides fundamental terminology for blockchain and distributed ledger technologies.
ISO 2477:2005 describes a method for determining the permanent change in dimensions on heating of a shaped insulating refractory product.
WARNING — Equipment, materials and abrasives used for surface preparation can be hazardous. It is the responsibility of the user to establish appropriate safety and health practices. Reference should be made to appropriate documentation on safe handling and disposal after use for those materials and abrasives that are considered to be hazardous, such as free silica or carcinogenic or toxic substances. This document specifies requirements for almandite garnet abrasives, as supplied for blast-cleaning. It specifies ranges of particle sizes and values for apparent density, Mohs hardness, moisture content, conductivity of aqueous extract and water-soluble chlorides. The requirements specified in this document apply to abrasives supplied in the “new” condition only. They do not apply to abrasives either during or after use. Test methods for non-metallic blast-cleaning abrasives are given in the various parts of ISO 11127. NOTE Although this document has been developed specifically to meet requirements for preparation of steelwork, the properties specified are generally appropriate for use when preparing other material surfaces, or components, using blast- cleaning techniques. These techniques are described in ISO 8504-2[1].
This document details general test methods for polyisocyanate resins and solutions of polyisocyanate resins intended for use as binders in paints, varnishes and related products.
This document specifies the execution, validation, verification and documentation of a numerical welding simulation within the field of computational welding mechanics (CWM) and performed with a Scientific Computational Tool (SCT). This document is applicable to the thermal and mechanical finite element analysis (FEA) of arc, laser and electron beam welding processes for the purpose of calculating the effects of welding processes, and in particular residual stresses and distortion, in support of structural integrity assessment.
This document provides guidance for the design of ventilation systems for basic ventilation in residential buildings to achieve an acceptable indoor air quality. It gives two approaches: - prescriptive approach; - performance-based approach. This document establishes guidelines for the usage of both the prescriptive and performance-based approaches. This document specifies performance indicators that can be used with the performance-based approach. This document partly covers intensive ventilation for indoor air quality purposes. This document concerns residential buildings but primarily focuses on dwellings (flats, apartments, and houses) and is also applicable to parts of other types of residential buildings. This document is applicable to, but not limited to: - mechanical ventilation; - natural ventilation; - hybrid ventilation. This document does not apply to: - dilution of tobacco smoke or radon and other soil gases; - ventilation of garages, roof voids, sub-floor voids, wall cavities and other spaces in the structure, under, over or around the living space; - providing air for combustion appliances; - air cleaning (e.g. portable stand-alone air cleaners to clean the indoor air); - air humidification or de-humidification; - thermal comfort in regard to overheating aspects. This document does not deal with the assessment of energy performance of buildings.
This document specifies safety requirements and test methods for chairs and tables for general educational purposes in educational institutions including kindergarten, childcare institutions and early years education settings. It applies to furniture for use with laptop computers or portable devices, but not to special purpose workstations, e.g. laboratories, ranked seating and workshops. The chairs fulfilling the applicable requirements of this document are suitable for users weighing up to 110kg. The figures illustrate test principles only and cannot be used to carry out the tests. NOTE EN 1729-1 specifies functional dimensions and marking of chairs and tables for general educational institutions. Annex A (informative) gives a test method for determination of the displacement of chairs placed on tabletops.
This standard specifies the dimensions and characteristics of the interfaces, requirements, test methods and marking of ski mountaineering boots and clip-on binding crampons which are fixed together with attachment at the boot toe and boot heel, the proper fixed function of which depends on the dimensions and design of the interfaces.
This document specifies requirements for the execution, i.e. the manufacture and the installation, of cold-formed structural steel members and profiled sheeting and cold-formed structures for roof, ceiling, floor, wall and cladding applications. This document applies to structures designed according to the EN 1993 series. This document applies to structural members and profiled sheeting designed according to EN 1993 1 3. This document can be used for structures designed according to other design rules provided that conditions for execution comply with them and any necessary additional requirements are specified. This document also specifies requirements for the execution i.e. the manufacture and the installation of structures made from cold-formed profiled sheeting for roof, ceiling, floor and wall applications under predominately static loading or seismic loading conditions and their documentation. This document covers structural profiled sheeting of Structural Class I and II and structural profiled sheeting in Structural Class III according to EN 1993 1 3 used in structures. NOTE 1 In National Annexes of EN 1993 1 3 specifications can be given regarding the use of the Structural Classes. This document covers structural members of all structural classes according to EN 1993 1 3. Structural profiled sheeting is understood here to be: - profiled sheet, such as trapezoidal, sinusoidal or liner trays (Figure 1). Structural members are understood here to be: - members (linear profiled cross sections) that are produced by cold forming (Figure 2). This document also covers: - not welded built-up sections (Figure 2d); - cold-formed closed and hollow sections including the welding of the longitudinal seam (Figure 2b and Figure 2c), not covered by EN 10219 1; — perforated, punctured and micro profiled sheeting and members; The welding of built-up sections are not covered. The welding provisions are given in EN 1090 2. This document also covers spacer constructions between the outer and inner or upper and lower skins for roofs, walls and ceilings made from cold-formed profiled sheeting and the connections and attachments of the afore mentioned elements as long as all has a structural purpose. This document covers steel profiled sheeting for composite floors, e.g. during installation and in stage of pouring concrete. This document also covers the deconstruction of structures made from cold-formed profiled sheeting and structural members for roof, ceiling, floor and wall applications. Composite structural members where the interaction between dissimilar materials are an integral part of the structural behaviour such as sandwich panels and composite floors are not covered by this document. This document does not cover the necessary analyses and detailing and execution rules for thermal insulation, moisture protection, noise control and fire protection. This document does not cover regulations of roof cladding and wall cladding, produced by traditional plumber methods or tinsmith methods. This document does not cover detailed requirements for water tightness or air permeability resistance and thermal aspects of profiled sheeting. NOTE 2 The structures covered in this document can be for example. - single- or multi-skin roofs, whereby the load-bearing structure (lower skin) or the actual roof covering (upper skin) or both consist of cold-formed structural members and profiled sheeting; - single- or multi-skin walls whereby the load-bearing structure (inner skin), the actual cladding (outer skin) or both consist of cold-formed structural members and profiled sheeting, or - trusses from cold-formed members. NOTE 3 Structures can consist of an assembly of structural members and profiled sheeting made of steel according to EN 1090 4 and of aluminium according to EN 1090 5.
This document specifies requirements for the execution i.e. the manufacture and the installation of cold-formed structural aluminium profiled sheeting, and for the installation of structural members made of aluminium for roof, ceiling, floor, wall and cladding applications. This document applies to structures designed according to the EN 1999 series. This document applies to profiled sheeting to be designed according to EN 1999 1 4. This document also specifies requirements for the execution i.e. the manufacture and the installation of structures made from cold-formed profiled sheeting for roof, ceiling, floor and wall applications under predominately static loading or seismic loading conditions and their documentation. This document covers products of Structural Class I and II and structural profiled sheeting in Structural Class III according to EN 1999 1 4 used in structures. NOTE 1 In National Annexes of EN 1999 1 4 specifications can be given regarding the use of the Structural Classes. Structural profiled sheeting is understood here to be profiled sheet, such as trapezoidal or sinusoidal (Figure 1). Perforated and micro profiled sheeting are also covered by this part. This document also covers spacer constructions between the outer and inner or upper and lower skins as well as supporting members for roofs, walls and ceilings made from cold-formed profiled sheeting and the connections and attachments of the afore mentioned elements as long as they are involved in load transfer, it also covers connections and attachments of these elements (Figure 2). A combination of steel and aluminium structural profiled sheeting are permitted, e.g. liner trays made of steel, stiffened by profiles made of aluminium. In this case, EN 1090 4 and this document apply. This document also covers the deconstruction of structures made from cold-formed profiled sheeting and structural members for roof, ceiling, floor and wall applications. This document does not cover the manufacturing of structural members of all structural classes according to EN 1999 1 4. These products are covered by EN 1090 3. Welded sections are excluded from this part and are covered by EN 1090 3 except seal welding in low-stress areas. Composite structural profiled sheeting where the interaction between dissimilar materials are an integral part of the structural behaviour such as sandwich panels and composite floors are not covered by this standard. NOTE 2 The structures covered in this standard can be for example - single- or multi-skin roofs, whereby the load-bearing structure (lower skin) as well as the actual roof covering (upper skin) or both consist of structural profiled sheeting; - single- or multi-skin walls whereby the load-bearing structure (inner skin) as well as the actual cladding (outer skin) or both consist of structural profiled sheeting; or - suspended ceilings for interior fitting.
This Standard is applicable for the design of structural or self supporting systems made of sandwich panels with steel faces and core material with a Declaration of Performance (according to EN 14509-1 and -2) used as internal and external walls, roofs and ceilings.
This document defines the air interface based on ISO/IEC 18000-63 for radio frequency identification (RFID) devices operating in the 860 MHz to 930 MHz used in sensing as well as item management applications. This document specifies the physical and logical requirements for a passive-backscatter Interrogator-Talks-First (ITF) systems. The system comprises Interrogators, also known as readers, and tags with stream sensors. A stream sensor comprises, at least, a tag, which exploits the backscatter technology to establish the tag-to-interrogator link, and an optional digital sensor. If a stream sensor involves a digital sensor, the tag provides a unique identification number for the digital sensor as well as working as a wireless modem between the interrogator and the digital sensor. Depending on the usage of the system, the interrogator may process, store and pass-through the received data from the tag. General functions as an item management application, specifically inventory, reading and writing tags, are utilizing functionality defined in ISO/IEC 18000-63. This document specifies — logical and physical procedures between the interrogator and tags to allocate a dedicated subcarrier channel to each of the tags to produce a continuous data streaming. — logical and physical procedure between the interrogator and the tags to start and stop the continuous data streaming. — logical interface between the interrogator and the tag to configure a digital sensor and to receive data from the digital sensor through the tag.