Maskinsäkerhet - Järnvägar
- +Ämnesområden
- +Maskinsäkerhet (9)
- Maskinsäkerhet - Grundläggande standarder (typ A) (0)
- Maskinsäkerhet - Buller och mätmetod (0)
- Maskinsäkerhet - Elutrustning för maskiner (0)
- Maskinsäkerhet - Ergonomi (0)
- Maskinsäkerhet - Kopplingsapparater (0)
- Maskinsäkerhet - Laser (0)
- Maskinsäkerhet - Säkerhetsaspekter /skyddsanordningar (typ B) (0)
- Maskinsäkerhet - Vibrationer (0)
- Maskinsäkerhet - Anläggningsmaskiner (0)
- Maskinsäkerhet - Dörrar, fönster, portar, lås och solskydd (0)
- Maskinsäkerhet - Elektriska hushållsapparater (0)
- Maskinsäkerhet - Flygplatsutrustning (0)
- Maskinsäkerhet - Förbränningsmotorer (0)
- Maskinsäkerhet - Förpackningsmaskiner (0)
- Maskinsäkerhet - Gjuterimaskiner (0)
- Maskinsäkerhet - Handhållna maskiner, ej eldrivna (0)
- Maskinsäkerhet - Handhållna maskiner, eldrivna (0)
- Maskinsäkerhet - Hissar, rulltrappor och rullramper (0)
- Maskinsäkerhet - Industriell värmebehandling (0)
- Maskinsäkerhet - Industritruckar (0)
- Maskinsäkerhet - Jordbruks-, skogsbruks och trädgårdsmaskiner (0)
- Maskinsäkerhet - Järn-, stål- och metallverk (0)
- Maskinsäkerhet - Kyl- och värmepumpsanläggningar (0)
- Maskinsäkerhet - Livsmedelsmaskiner (0)
- Maskinsäkerhet - Lyftkranar (0)
- Maskinsäkerhet - Lyftplattformar (0)
- Maskinsäkerhet - Lyftredskap (0)
- Maskinsäkerhet - Plast- och gummimaskiner (0)
- Maskinsäkerhet - Pumpar (0)
- Maskinsäkerhet - Transportörer (0)
- Maskinsäkerhet - Tryckeri- och pappersmaskiner (0)
- Maskinsäkerhet - Träbearbetningsmaskiner (0)
- Maskinsäkerhet - Utrustning för avfallshantering (0)
- Maskinsäkerhet - Verktygsmaskiner (0)
- Maskinsäkerhet - Ytbehandlingsutrustning (0)
- Maskinsäkerhet - Kompressorer (0)
- Maskinsäkerhet - Belysning (0)
- Maskinsäkerhet - Explosiv atmosfär (0)
- Maskinsäkerhet - Montagevagnar för linjearbete (0)
- Maskinsäkerhet - Utrustning för destruktion av informationsbärare (0)
- Maskinsäkerhet - Fläktar (0)
- Maskinsäkerhet - Vindturbinsystem (0)
- Maskinsäkerhet - Ögonskydd (0)
- Maskinsäkerhet - Oljebrännare (0)
- Maskinsäkerhet - Utrustning och fordon för brand- och räddningstjänst (1)
- Maskinsäkerhet - Lagerutrustning (0)
- Maskinsäkerhet - Symaskiner (0)
- Maskinsäkerhet - Tankar och lagringsutrustning (0)
- Maskinsäkerhet - Maskiner för tillverkning av lädervaror (0)
- Maskinsäkerhet - Maskiner för gruvor under jord (0)
- Maskinsäkerhet - Garverimaskiner (0)
- Maskinsäkerhet - Textil- och tvättmaskiner (0)
- Maskinsäkerhet - Industrirobotar (0)
- Maskinsäkerhet - Järnvägar (8)
- Maskinsäkerhet - Centrifuger (0)
- Maskinsäkerhet - Kraftelektronik (0)
This document defines technical criteria and control procedures which are satisfied by hollow sleepers and bearers used in ballasted track with Vignole rails. The hollow sleepers and bearers designed for ballasted track can also be used in ballastless track. In this case, the requirements are defined by the customer.
This document covers the following as a guideline: - the basic design parameters to be provided to the HVAC unit manufacturer by the rolling stock manufacturer and the railway operator; - the basic test/inspection items, requirements and methods used by the HVAC unit manufacturer.
This document specifies methodologies for calculation of braking performance for railway rolling stock and is applicable to all countries.
This document describes the general algorithms/formulae using mean value inputs to perform calculations of brake equipment and braking performance in terms of stopping/slowing distances, stationary braking, power and energy for all types of rolling stock, either as single vehicles or train formations, with respect to the braking distance.
The calculations can be used at any stage of the assessment process (design, manufacture, testing, verification, investigation, etc.) of railway rolling stock. This document does not set out the specific acceptance criteria (pass/fail).
This document is not intended to be used as a design guide for selection of brake systems and does not specify performance requirements. This document does not provide a method to calculate the extension of stopping distances when the level of available adhesion is exceeded (wheel slide activity).
This document contains examples of the calculation of brake forces for different brake equipment types and calculation of stopping distance and stationary braking relevant to a single vehicle or a train.
This document defines a process guideline and a methodology to support the introduction of new materials and processes to meet the minimum requirements in the railway sector for all rolling stock defined in EN 17343 and onboard equipment. This document is applicable to new materials and processes for all rolling stock and onboard equipment.
This document defines the specific technical railway requirements for running of machines and other vehicles used for construction, maintenance and inspection of track, structures, track formation and fixed electric traction equipment. Special national conditions applicable to specific member states are shown in Annex B. This document applies to all railbound machines and other vehicles - referred to as machines - running exclusively on the railway (utilizing adhesion between the rail and wheels) and used for construction, maintenance and inspection of track, structures, infrastructure and fixed electric traction equipment. This document applies to machines that are intended to operate signalling and control systems. NOTE Other rail mounted railway maintenance and infrastructure inspection machines are dealt with in other European Standards, see Technical Report CEN/TR 17498:2020. This document is written for 1 435 mm nominal track gauge; special requirements can apply for running on infrastructures with narrow gauge or broad gauge lines, urban railways, railways utilizing other than adhesion between the rail and wheels and road-rail machines which are not included in this standard. This document covers the railway specific requirements for movements of the machine as a train and movements to reach work sites. This document applies to equipment and systems which are operational on machines in running mode.
1.1 General This document defines the specific technical railway requirements for travelling and working with railbound machines and other vehicles - referred to as machines - used for construction, maintenance and inspection of track, structures, track formation and fixed electric traction equipment as specified in prEN 14033 1:2024. This document applies to all machines working exclusively on the railway (utilizing adhesion between the rail and rail wheels) and used for construction, maintenance and inspection of track, structures, infrastructure and fixed electric traction equipment. This document applies to machines that are intended to operate signalling and control systems. NOTE Other rail mounted railway maintenance and infrastructure inspection machines are dealt with in other European Standards, see Technical Report CEN/TR 17498:2020. This document is applicable to 1 435 mm nominal track gauge. Some requirements may be applicable for working on infrastructures with nominal narrow track gauge or nominal broad track gauge lines, tramways, railways utilizing other than adhesion between the rail and rail wheels and underground infrastructures. This document covers the safety requirements for the railway specific problems for travelling and working on different infrastructures. The application of these requirements will be the subject of a verification procedure, which is not part of this document. Annex I is included for information for the potential content of a verification procedure. In all cases an authorization to work is needed to access the infrastructure. This document is also applicable for machines that in working position are partly supported on the ballast or the formation. This document does not apply to: - the requirements with regard to the quality of work, including the related measuring methods, and the performance of the machine; ) - the specific requirements established by each railway infrastructure manager for the use of machines which will be the subject of negotiation between the manufacturer and the machine keeper. This document does not deal with the following additional requirements: - working methods; - operation in severe working conditions requiring special measures (e.g. work in tunnels or in cuttings, extreme environmental conditions such as corrosive conditions, tropical conditions, contaminating conditions, strong magnetic fields); - operation subject to special rules (e.g. potentially explosive atmospheres); - hazards due to errors in software; - hazards occurring when used to handle suspended loads which may swing freely; - hazards due to wind pressure greater than normal e.g. pressures caused by the passing of trains at speed in excess of 190 km/h. 1.2 Validity of this European Standard This document applies to all machines that are ordered one year after the publication date of this European Standard.
This document applies to railbound machines and other vehicles - referred to as machines - working exclusively on the railway (utilizing friction adhesion between the rail and rail wheels) but including machines that in working position are partly supported on the ballast or the formation and used for construction, maintenance and inspection of track, structures, infrastructure and fixed electric traction equipment. This document applies to machines that are intended to operate signalling and control systems. NOTE 1 Other rail mounted railway maintenance and infrastructure inspection machines are dealt with in other European Standards, see Technical Report CEN/TR 17498:2020. This document specifies the significant hazards, hazardous situations and events common to rail bound machines and arising due their use on railways when they are used as intended or under conditions of misuse which are reasonably foreseeable, see Clause 4. This document specifies the common hazards, in normal circumstances, during running, assembly and installation, commissioning, use (including setting, programming, and process changeover), operation, cleaning, fault finding, maintenance and de-commissioning of the machines. Additional safety measures can be required by exceptional circumstances, such as extreme ambient temperatures highly corrosive or contaminating environment; e.g. due to the presence of chemicals, and potentially explosive atmospheres. NOTE 2 This document covers the essential health and safety requirements connected to the use of railbound machines as outlined in the Machinery Directive. This document does not apply to the following: - requirements for quality of the work or performance of the machine; - use of separate equipment temporarily mounted on machines; - operation subject to special rules, e.g. potentially explosive atmospheres; - hazards due to natural causes, e.g. earthquake, lightning, flooding; - working methods; - operation in severe working conditions requiring special measures, e.g. corrosive environments, contaminating environments, strong magnetic fields; - hazards occurring when used to handle suspended loads which may swing freely; - autonomous mobile machines. NOTE 3 Autonomous mobile machines are referred to as ‘autonomous mobile machinery’ in the Machinery Regulations 3.1.1 c).
This document establishes definitions and evaluation methods for wheel-rail contact geometry parameters influencing the vehicle running dynamic behaviour: - the rolling radius difference between the two wheels of a wheelset (Δr-function) which serves as a basis for all further calculations; - the equivalent conicity function from which are derived: • a single equivalent conicity value for a specified amplitude which is relevant for the assessment of vehicle running stability on straight track and in very large radius curves; • the nonlinearity parameter which characterizes the shape of this function and is related to the vehicle behaviour particularly in the speed range close to the running stability limit; - the rolling radii coefficient which is used to describe the theoretical radial steering capability of a wheelset in a curved track. Additional information is given about the relationship between the contact angles of the two wheels of a wheelset (Δtanγ-function) and about the roll angle parameter. Descriptions of possible calculation methods are included in this document. Test case calculations are provided to achieve comparable results and to check the proper implementation of the described algorithms. To validate alternative methods not described in this document acceptance criteria are given for the equivalent conicity function. This includes reference profiles, profile combinations, tolerances and reference results with tolerance limits. This document also includes minimum requirements for the measurement of wheel and rail profiles as well as of the parameters needed for the transformation into a common coordinate system of right- and left-hand profiles. This document does not define limits for the wheel-rail contact geometry parameters and gives no tolerances for the rail profile and the wheel profile to achieve acceptable results. For the application of this document some general recommendations are given.