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ISO 1825:2017 specifies the dimensions and construction of, and requirements for, four types of hose and hose assembly for use in all operations associated with the ground fuelling and defuelling of aircraft.
All four types are designed for:
a) use with petroleum fuels having an aromatic-hydrocarbon content not exceeding 30 % by volume;
b) operation within the temperature range of −30 °C to +65 °C and such that they will be undamaged by climatic conditions of −40 °C to +70 °C when stored in static conditions;
c) operation at up to 2,0 MPa (20 bar) maximum working pressure, including surges of pressure which the hose can be subjected to in service.
NOTE 1 Type C hoses are intended for general pressure applications on all vehicles used for plane fuelling. They can also be used for vehicle/rail car loading and discharge where excessive vacuum does not occur.
NOTE 2 Type F hoses can be used for plane delivery applications on vehicles that are also used for defuelling at high flow rates where type C hoses are not suitable.
NOTE 3 Type E and F hoses can also be used for vehicle/rail car loading and discharge, for trailer to fueller transfer and for elevation platform supply (riser) to provide greater kink resistance.
This document specifies requirements for two types, seven classes and three grades of wire- or textile-reinforced dredging hoses with nominal sizes ranging from 100 to 1 300. Within each class, all grades and sizes have the same maximum working pressure. Such hoses are suitable for the delivery or suction of seawater or freshwater mixed with silt, sand, coral and small stones with a specific gravity in the range from 1,0 to 2,3 at ambient temperature ranging from -10 °C to +40 °C or for low-temperature hoses (designated -LT) ranging from -20 °C to +40 °C. This document covers two types of hose, as follows:
— type 1: floating type, for delivery only, which includes flotation material to give the hose buoyancy;
— type 2: submarine type for delivery and suction.
This document does not specify requirements concerning the service life of hoses or hose assemblies. Specifying such requirements is the responsibility of the customer, in consultation with the hose manufacturer.
This proposed standard is applicable the analysis of plutonium (238Pu, 239Pu and 240Pu) in urine, which can be used for the internal dose monitoring of the public, occupational and rescue under accident conditions. The range of radioactivity are 1×10-4 Bq/L to 0.1 Bq/L for 238Pu and 1×10-5 Bq/L to 1×10-2 Bq/L for 239Pu and 240Pu. This standard introduces methods for the determination of plutonium (238Pu, 239Pu and 240Pu) in urine using alpha spectrometry and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). 238Pu is measured by the alpha spectrometry method due to the relatively short half-life (87.74 year) and the isobaric interference (238U) with the mass spectrometry measurement of 238Pu. Because the energy of α-particle of 239Pu and 240Pu are 5155 keV and 5168 keV, respectively, the α-spectrum peaks are seriously overlapped. Therefore, the α-spectrum method is only suitable for analyzing the activity of 239+240Pu. The ICP-MS is selected If the 239Pu and 240Pu need to be measurement 239Pu and 240Pu respectively. The measurement method can be selected according to the experimental conditions, sample size and analysis time requirements. The urine samples need to be acidified before preserved, and pretreated before measurement. The detection limit depends on the chemical separation and the performance of measuring instrument.
This document specifies requirements for the design, fabrication, inspection and testing of large transportable vacuum-insulated cryogenic vessels of more than 450 l volume, which are permanently (fixed tanks) or not permanently (demountable tanks and portable tanks) attached to a means of transport, for one or more modes of transport. This document applies to large transportable vacuum-insulated cryogenic vessels for fluids specified in 3.1 and does not apply to vessels designed for toxic fluids. This document does not include the general vehicle requirements, e.g. running gear, brakes, lighting, etc. NOTE 1 This document does not cover specific requirements for refillable liquid-hydrogen tanks that are primarily dedicated as fuel tanks in vehicles. For fuel tanks used in land vehicles, see ISO 13985. NOTE 2 This document does not cover specific requirements for refillable liquid hydrogen and LNG tanks that are primarily dedicated as fuel tanks in vehicles. For fuel tanks used in vehicles, see ISO 13985.
This document specifies a method of tensile testing of metallic materials at temperatures higher than room temperature.
ISO 27799:2016 gives guidelines for organizational information security standards and information security management practices including the selection, implementation and management of controls taking into consideration the organization's information security risk environment(s). It defines guidelines to support the interpretation and implementation in health informatics of ISO/IEC 27002 and is a companion to that International Standard. ISO 27799:2016 provides implementation guidance for the controls described in ISO/IEC 27002 and supplements them where necessary, so that they can be effectively used for managing health information security. By implementing ISO 27799:2016, healthcare organizations and other custodians of health information will be able to ensure a minimum requisite level of security that is appropriate to their organization's circumstances and that will maintain the confidentiality, integrity and availability of personal health information in their care. It applies to health information in all its aspects, whatever form the information takes (words and numbers, sound recordings, drawings, video, and medical images), whatever means are used to store it (printing or writing on paper or storage electronically), and whatever means are used to transmit it (by hand, through fax, over computer networks, or by post), as the information is always be appropriately protected. ISO 27799:2016 and ISO/IEC 27002 taken together define what is required in terms of information security in healthcare, they do not define how these requirements are to be met. That is to say, to the fullest extent possible, ISO 27799:2016 is technology-neutral. Neutrality with respect to implementing technologies is an important feature. Security technology is still undergoing rapid development and the pace of that change is now measured in months rather than years. By contrast, while subject to periodic review, International Standards are expected on the whole to remain valid for years. Just as importantly, technological neutrality leaves vendors and service providers free to suggest new or developing technologies that meet the necessary requirements that ISO 27799:2016 describes. As noted in the introduction, familiarity with ISO/IEC 27002 is indispensable to an understanding of ISO 27799:2016. The following areas of information security are outside the scope of ISO 27799:2016: a) methodologies and statistical tests for effective anonymization of personal health information; b) methodologies for pseudonymization of personal health information (see Bibliography for a brief description of a Technical Specification that deals specifically with this topic); c) network quality of service and methods for measuring availability of networks used for health informatics; d) data quality (as distinct from data integrity).
This part of ISO 22368 specify test method for determining the performance of the rinsing systems on sprayers used in crop protection for the internal cleaning of the complete sprayer including the tank (ISO22368-1), and tank only (ISO22368-3). These are applicable to mounted, trailed and self-propelled agricultural sprayers used for crop protection and liquid fertilizer applications. These are not applicable to sprayers with direct injection systems.
This document specifies requirements, test methods, marking and manufacturer’s instructions and information for descender devices fitted with a built-in speed-regulating system, which include descent lines (hereinafter referred to as lines). These descender devices are intended to be used in a rescue system to provide protection against falling from a height when accessing/leaving positions at a height. This document does not specify requirements for descender devices that are used for descending in mountaineering, rope access or work positioning systems.
This document specifies requirements and test methods for non-metallic toecaps, intended to function as components of PPE footwear (e.g. as described by ISO 20345 and ISO 20346).
This document establishes an approach and methodology for a country-based mechanism to channel climate finance to subnational authorities to support climate change adaptation and to increase local resilience thereby contributing to the achievement of the goals of the 2015 Paris Agreement of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The country-based mechanism uses performance-based climate resilience grants (PBCRGs) which ensure programming and verification of climate change expenditures at the local level, offering strong incentives for performance improvements in enhanced resilience. This document provides requirements and guidelines and is applicable to organizations such as national and subnational authorities, donors, companies, financial institutions and international organizations that are involved in implementing a country-based mechanism for channelling climate finance to subnational authorities to support climate change adaptation and resilience. NOTE Another mechanism for supporting local adaptation is by direct support at the local level by donors without any financial flows from national government.
This document provides the means for understanding and associating the individual documents of the ISO/IEC “Artificial intelligence — Data quality for analytics and ML” series and is the foundation for conceptual understanding of data quality for analytics and machine learning. It also discusses associated technologies and examples (e.g. use cases and usage scenarios
This document specifies a data quality model, data quality measures and guidance on reporting data quality in the context of analytics and machine learning (ML). This document is applicable to all types of organizations who want to achieve their data quality objectives.
This document specifies requirements and provides guidance for establishing, implementing, maintaining and continually improving the quality of data used in the areas of analytics and machine learning. This document does not define a detailed process, methods or metrics. Rather it defines the requirements and guidance for a quality management process along with a reference process and methods that can be tailored to meet the requirements in this document. The requirements and recommendations set out in this document are generic and are intended to be applicable to all organizations, regardless of type, size or nature.
This document establishes general common organizational approaches, regardless of the type, size or nature of the applying organization, to ensure data quality for training and evaluation in analytics and machine learning (ML). It includes guidance on the data quality process for: — supervised ML with regard to the labelling of data used for training ML systems, including common organizational approaches for training data labelling; — unsupervised ML; — semi-supervised ML; — reinforcement learning; — analytics. This document is applicable to training and evaluation data that come from different sources, including data acquisition and data composition, data preparation, data labelling, evaluation and data use. This document does not define specific services, platforms or tools.
This document specifies requirements intended to ensure safety and health of persons using caravan holiday homes as defined in EN 13878, as temporary or seasonal accommodation. It specifies grades of resistance to snow loads and the stability of the structure of caravan holiday homes as well as the minimum information to be included in a user's handbook. It also specifies the corresponding test methods.
This document specifies the external markings on heavy rail vehicles including heavy rail railbound construction and maintenance machines but except freight wagons relating to their technical and operational characteristics. This document specifies the characteristics of these markings, the requirements pertaining to their presentation, their shape and position on a rail vehicle and their meaning. Some markings are accompanied with note(s) where appropriate. Service markings relating to passenger information are not addressed by this document. The document is applicable to all heavy rail coaches, motive power units, locomotives and railbound construction and maintenance machines operating within the European Union, the European Free Trade Association Member States and States which are member of OTIF (Intergovernmental Organisation for International Carriage by Rail).
ISO 13196:2013 specifies the procedure for screening soils and soil-like materials for selected elements when handheld or portable energy-dispersive XRF spectrometers are used. This quick method is assumed to be applied on-site to obtain qualitative or semiquantitative data that assists decisions on further sampling strategy for assessing soil quality. The higher the efforts for pretreatment used on soil samples, the better the analytical results can be expected. ISO 13196:2013 does not explicitly specify elements for which it is applicable, since the applicability depends on the performance of the apparatus and the objective of the screening. The elements which can be determined are limited by the performance of the instruments used, the concentration of the element present in the soil, and the requirements of the investigation (e.g. guideline value). For Hg, Cd, Co, Mo, V and Sb, a majority of instruments are not sensitive enough to reach sufficiently low limits of quantification (LOQ) to meet the requirements (limit or threshold values) set in the ordinances of different countries. In this case, other methods need to be employed to measure these low concentrations. Usually, wet chemical methods are used, based on aqua regia extracts, in combination with optical or mass spectrometric (MS) methods like atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS), inductively coupled plasma/optical emission spectrometry (ICP/OES) or ICP/MS.
This document specifies, with reference to ISO 230-1 and ISO 230-2, geometric tests and tests for checking the accuracy and repeatability of positioning of numerically controlled axes for general purpose, normal accuracy, bridge-type milling machines with a fixed bridge (portal type). This document also specifies the applicable tolerances corresponding to the above-mentioned tests. This document is applicable to machines with moving tables and fixed double columns. It does not include single-column (open-sided) machines and those with fixed tables and moving columns. This document deals only with the verification of the accuracy of the machine. It does not apply to the testing of the machine operation (vibration, abnormal noise, stick-slip motion of components, etc.) nor to machine characteristics (such as speeds, feeds, etc.), which are generally checked before testing the accuracy. This document provides the terminology used for the principal components of the machine and the designation of the axes with reference to ISO 841.
This document includes the sector specific requirements for the provision of private security services in the energy sector that are additional to the requirements of EN 17483 1. It specifies service requirements for quality in organization, processes, personnel and management of a security service provider and/or its independent branches and establishments under commercial law and trade as a provider with regard to security services in the energy sector. It lays down quality criteria for the delivery of security services in the energy sector requested by public and private clients. This document is suitable for the selection, attribution, awarding and reviewing of the most suitable provider of security services in the energy sector. NOTE 1 This document is the Part 4 of a series of standards on the provision of private security services for critical infrastructure. See Figure 2. [Figure 2] NOTE 2 It is important that the selection of a private security service provider always represents the best balance between quality and price. This document sets out the minimum requirements that providers are expected to comply with in order for this balance to be struck. It specifies service requirements for quality in organization, processes, personnel and management of a security service provider and/or its independent branches and establishments under commercial law and trade as a provider with regard to security services in the energy sector. It lays down quality criteria for the delivery of security services in the energy sector requested by public and private clients. This document is suitable for the selection, attribution, awarding and reviewing of the most suitable provider of security services in the energy sector. This document is not applicable to private security services in nuclear power plants. List of possible activities Activities for PSCs in CIP in the energy sector: 1. Perimeter Protection and Surveillance: — Human – reception services, static guarding, patrols, possibly K9; — Technology – CCTV, Drones, others; — Operation of a control/monitoring room; — Operation of an alarm monitoring centre; — Access Control and Management (tourniquets, barriers, authorization and badges). 2. Human and technology, e.g. use of screening and detection equipment for: — Vehicles; — Goods; — Visitors; — Staff; — Contractors (means: human and technology, e.g. use of screening and detection equipment); 3. Site and off-site Protection and Surveillance / static securing & patrolling on-site and within the building; 4. Emergency response / crisis management; — Alarm intervention; — First responders (EHS – Emergency Health Services);