Allmänt. Terminologi. Standardisering. Dokumentation
- +Ämnesområden
- +Allmänt. Terminologi. Standardisering. Dokumentation (3)
- Terminologi (principer och koordinering) (0)
- +Ordlistor (3)
- Storheter och enheter (0)
- Färgmärkning (0)
- Teckensymboler (0)
- +Grafiska symboler (0)
- +Ritteknik (0)
- Dokumentation av tekniska produkter (0)
- Standardisering. Allmänna regler (0)
- +Informationsvetenskap. Publicering (0)
This document defines terms within the field of electronic fee collection (EFC). This document defines: — terms within the fields of electronic fee collection and road user charging; — terms that are used in standards related to electronic fee collection; — terms of a more general use that are used more specifically in standards related to electronic fee collection. This document does not define: — Terms related primarily to other fields that operate in conjunction with EFC, such as terms for intelligent transport systems (ITS), common payment systems, the financial sector, etc. — Deprecated terms.
This document provides fundamental terminology for blockchain and distributed ledger technologies.
This document provides the means for understanding and associating the individual documents of the ISO/IEC “Artificial intelligence — Data quality for analytics and ML” series and is the foundation for conceptual understanding of data quality for analytics and machine learning. It also discusses associated technologies and examples (e.g. use cases and usage scenarios