Metrologi och mätning. Fysikaliska fenomen
- +Ämnesområden
- +Metrologi och mätning. Fysikaliska fenomen (5)
- Metrologi och mätning: allmänt (0)
- +Längd- och vinkelmätning (4)
- Mätning av volym, massa, densitet, viskositet (0)
- Mätning av tid, hastighet, acceleration, vinkelhastighet (0)
- Mätning av kraft, tyngd och tryck (0)
- +Mätning av vätskeflöde (0)
- +Akustik och bullermätning (0)
- Vibrationer och stöt. Vibrationsmätning (0)
- +Optik och optisk mätning (0)
- +Termodynamik och temperaturmätningar (0)
- +Elektricitet. Magnetism. Mätning av elektriska och magnetiska storheter (0)
- Strålningsmätning (1)
This proposed standard is applicable the analysis of plutonium (238Pu, 239Pu and 240Pu) in urine, which can be used for the internal dose monitoring of the public, occupational and rescue under accident conditions. The range of radioactivity are 1×10-4 Bq/L to 0.1 Bq/L for 238Pu and 1×10-5 Bq/L to 1×10-2 Bq/L for 239Pu and 240Pu. This standard introduces methods for the determination of plutonium (238Pu, 239Pu and 240Pu) in urine using alpha spectrometry and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). 238Pu is measured by the alpha spectrometry method due to the relatively short half-life (87.74 year) and the isobaric interference (238U) with the mass spectrometry measurement of 238Pu. Because the energy of α-particle of 239Pu and 240Pu are 5155 keV and 5168 keV, respectively, the α-spectrum peaks are seriously overlapped. Therefore, the α-spectrum method is only suitable for analyzing the activity of 239+240Pu. The ICP-MS is selected If the 239Pu and 240Pu need to be measurement 239Pu and 240Pu respectively. The measurement method can be selected according to the experimental conditions, sample size and analysis time requirements. The urine samples need to be acidified before preserved, and pretreated before measurement. The detection limit depends on the chemical separation and the performance of measuring instrument.
This document defines the language of symbols used in the ISO 10360 series of documents to identify metrological characteristics of coordinate measuring systems (CMSs) and their maximum permissible errors (MPEs) or limits (MPLs).
This document specifies the calibration and adjustment of the metrological characteristics of contact (stylus) instruments for the measurement of surface texture by the profile method as defined in ISO 3274. The calibration and adjustment is intended to be carried out with the aid of measurement standards. Annex B specifies the calibration and adjustment of metrological characteristics of simplified operator contact (stylus) instruments which do not conform with ISO 3274.
ISO 1938-1:2015 specifies the most important metrological and design characteristics of plain limit gauges of linear size. ISO 1938-1:2015 defines the different types of plain limit gauges used to verify linear dimensional specifications associated with linear size. ISO 1938-1:2015 also defines the design characteristics and the metrological characteristics for these limit gauges as well as the new or wear limits state Maximum Permissible Limits (MPLs) for the new state or wear limits state for these metrological characteristics. In addition, ISO 1938-1:2015 describes the use of limit gauges. It covers linear sizes up to 500 mm.
ISO 25178-606:2015 defines the metrological characteristics of a particular non-contact method measuring surface texture using a focus variation (FV) sensor.