Miljö- och hälsoskydd. Säkerhet

Kommittébeteckning: SIS/TK 179/AG 02 (Byggnadsglas)
Källa: CEN
Svarsdatum: den 27 jul 2024
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This document gives precisions on the mounting and fixing rules for testing glass products and provides guidance. Where appropriate, it defines procedures for extended application of test results obtained in accordance with EN ISO 1716, EN ISO 11925 2, EN ISO 1182 and EN 13823 and classified according to EN 13501 1. NOTE Some glass products have been classified A1 according to Commission decision 96/603/EC. This document is not applicable to laminated glass comprising plastic glazing sheet material. This document is not applicable to joints and cables, glues, mounting seals and any fixing devices used to install the glass product.

Kommittébeteckning: SIS/TK 198/AG 02 (Vattenförsörjning)
Källa: CEN
Svarsdatum: den 6 aug 2024
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This document is applicable to ozone used for treatment of water intended for human consumption. It describes the characteristics of ozone, specifies tests methods for determining the ozone concentration in gases and determines rules for safe handling of the chemical ozone.

Kommittébeteckning: SIS/TK 181 (Brandsäkerhet)
Källa: CEN
Svarsdatum: den 12 aug 2024
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This document covers hinged and pivoted steel (any kind) and aluminium based framed, glazed doorsets or openable windows. Throughout this document, the term "doorset" will be used to cover both doorsets and door assemblies. It prescribes the methodology for extending the application of test results obtained from fire resistance test(s) conducted in accordance with EN 1634-1. Subject to the completion of the appropriate test or tests selected from those identified in Clause 4, the extended application can cover all or some of the following examples: - integrity (E), integrity & radiation (EW) or integrity & insulation (EI1 or EI2) classification, - glazed elements including vision panels and framed glazed doorsets, - air transfer grilles (louvres and/or vents), - side, transom or over panels, - items of building hardware, - decorative and protective finishes, - intumescent seals and non-intumescent (smoke, draught or acoustic) seals, - alternative supporting construction(s). This document does not cover horizontal doorsets. The effect on the Classification ‘C’ for the doorsets following an extended application process is not addressed in this document.

Kommittébeteckning: SIS/TK 424 (Kemiska vattenundersökningar)
Källa: CEN
Svarsdatum: den 12 aug 2024
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 This document specifies a method for the photometric determination of dissolved chromium(VI) using manual, e.g., hand photometry, or automated static, e.g., discrete analyser system, or automated dynamic techniques, e.g., flow injection analysis (FIA), continuous flow analysis (CFA), or ion chromatography with post-column derivatization (IC-PCR). The choice of the analytical technique to be used and needs-based sample preparation (e.g., matrix elimination) enables the determination of chromium(VI) in concentrations ≥0,02 µg/l in raw water, drinking water, surface water, aqueous eluates, cooling water and treated wastewater, provided that the Matrix does not contain any reducing substances. Typical areas of application for the static techniques as well as FIA and CFA are samples with chromium(VI) concentrations ≥2 µg/l. When using cuvettes with large optical path lengths, e.g. >100 mm, the range of application can be extended to concentrations <2 µg/l chromium(VI) (Annex A; Annex B; Annex C, Clauses C.1 and C.2). When using coupled techniques (e.g. IC PCR), chromium(VI) concentrations ≥0,02 µg/l can be determined (Annex C, Clause C.3). In some waters with reducing ingredients, chromium(VI) losses can occur just a few hours after sampling. Therefore, the method was not validated for leachate from landfills and raw sewage.

Kommittébeteckning: SIS/TK 640 (Koldioxidavskiljning, användning och lagring)
Källa: ISO
Svarsdatum: den 12 aug 2024
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This document provides definitions, guidelines and supportive information for characterization methods and key performance parameters of absorption liquids used in post-combustion CO2 capture

Ämnesområden: Brandskydd
Kommittébeteckning: SIS/TK 633 (Fasta släcksystem och brandgasventilation)
Källa: CEN
Svarsdatum: den 12 aug 2024
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This document specifies requirements and gives recommendations for the design, installation, inspection and maintenance of all types of fixed land based water mist systems. This document is intended to apply to water mist automatic nozzle systems and water mist deluge systems supplied by stand alone or pumped systems. The document covers only applications and occupancies which are covered by the fire test protocols of the EN 14972 series. Aspects of water mist associated with explosion protection and/or use within vehicles are not covered by this document. This document does not cover all legislative requirements. In certain countries specific national regulations apply and take precedence over this document. Users of this document are advised to inform themselves of the applicability or non-applicability for this document by their national responsible authorities.

Kommittébeteckning: SIS/TK 189/AG 01 (Material- och isoleringssystem)
Källa: CEN
Svarsdatum: den 12 aug 2024
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This document specifies the general “design for recycling” guidelines for EPS raw materials. It provides guidance on the impact of specific design characteristics on the recyclability of the product in practice and recommended design options to ensure that the product is recyclable, including target values and performance ranges, where applicable. It also provides a definition of recyclable product and of design for recycling. This document refers to the recycling processes of EPS products. The sorting and collecting steps are not part of this document. This document takes into account all currently known processes that are suitable to enable the circular economy for insulation materials. Particular attention is paid to ensuring that the most energy-efficient processes are given preference, especially mechanical recycling, unless reuse is already ruled out. For some of these processes, practical experience has been gained over many years, so a basic knowledge base for the development of a guideline is already available. At the same time, it is important to also take into account future-oriented processes, for which at the moment little but increasing experience is available or which have so far only been implemented on a small scale.

Ämnesområden: Brandskydd
Kommittébeteckning: SIS/TK 633 (Fasta släcksystem och brandgasventilation)
Källa: CEN
Svarsdatum: den 12 aug 2024
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This document specifies the evaluation of the fire performance of water mist systems for wet benches and other similar processing equipment.

Ämnesområden: Dricksvatten
Kommittébeteckning: SIS/TK 198/AG 02 (Vattenförsörjning)
Källa: CEN
Svarsdatum: den 13 aug 2024
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This document specifies and gives guidance on: - general requirements for storage of water outside consumers' buildings, including service reservoirs for potable water and reservoirs containing water not for human consumption at intake works or within treatment works, excluding those that are part of the treatment process; - design; - general requirements for product standards; - requirements for, quality control and auditing, testing and commissioning; - operational requirements; - requirements for inspection, rehabilitation and repair. The requirements of this document are applicable to: - the design and construction of new reservoirs; - the extension and modification of existing reservoirs; - significant rehabilitation of existing reservoirs. NOTE 1 It is not intended that existing reservoirs are to be altered to comply with this document, provided that there are no significant detrimental effects on water quality. NOTE 2 This document does not apply to reservoirs formed by the building of dams or the use of lakes for water storage purposes.

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Detta dokument har följande omfattning:

a) riktlinjer och vägledning för att säkerställa korrekt planering och skydd av träd vid arbeten samt främja träds överlevnad och kondition.

b) utformning av trädskyddsåtgärder, bedömning, planering och åtgärder för att minska negativ inverkan på träd som direkt eller indirekt berörs av arbeten.

c) rekommendationer för att undvika eller minimera skador på trädens rötter, stammar och kronor under byggaktiviteter och andra arbeten.

d) definitioner av relevanta termer och begrepp som används inom området arbeten vid träd. 

Kommittébeteckning: SIS/TK 198/AG 04 (Water management and reuse)
Källa: ISO
Svarsdatum: den 18 aug 2024
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This document provides guidance on identifying and assessing impacts of climate change on wastewater systems and on developing strategies for the adaptation to these impacts. The assessment of the impacts is based on the assessment principles described in ISO 24566-1 Assessment Principles. This document also provides examples of some of the impacts of climate change on drinking water systems and of the responses that have been implemented by municipal water services or by the relevant jurisdiction (e.g., municipality or region served by the service). The examples of responses illustrate adaptation strategies that have been applied.

Kommittébeteckning: SIS/TK 198/AG 04 (Water management and reuse)
Källa: ISO
Svarsdatum: den 18 aug 2024
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This document provides guidance on identifying and assessing impacts of climate change on wastewater systems and on developing strategies for the adaptation to these impacts. The assessment of the impacts is based on the assessment principles described in ISO 24566-1 Assessment Principle. This document also provides examples of some of the impacts of climate change on wastewater systems and of the responses that have been implemented by municipal water services or by the relevant jurisdiction (e.g., municipality or region served by the service). The examples of responses illustrate adaptation strategies that have been applied.

Kommittébeteckning: SIS/TK 577 (Trädvård)
Källa: SIS
Svarsdatum: den 18 aug 2024
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I detta dokument definieras termer som används i en upphandlings- och utförandeprocess för trädvård, trädvårdstjänster, trädunderhåll samt förnyelse av trädbestånd.

Detta dokument omfattar terminologi för:

–      beskrivning av träd,

–      funktioner hos träd,

–      beskärning och andra beställningsbara åtgärder,

–      trädbesiktning,

–      naturvård,

–      kulturmiljövård,

–      riskbedömning,

–      skador,

–      åtgärder.

Detta dokument omfattar inte terminologi för skogsproduktion, trädbiologi, markarbeten samt plantskolor.

Kommittébeteckning: SIS/TK 424 (Kemiska vattenundersökningar)
Källa: CEN
Svarsdatum: den 19 aug 2024
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This document sets out key principles for the investigation of microplastics using thermo-analytical methods in water with low content of natural suspended solids. This document gives requirements for the standardisation of methods towards harmonized procedures for determination of microplastics contents.

Ämnesområden: Brandskydd
Kommittébeteckning: SIS/TK 633 (Fasta släcksystem och brandgasventilation)
Källa: CEN
Svarsdatum: den 19 aug 2024
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This document specifies the requirements and describes the test methods for check valves for water mist firefighting systems. Check valves allow the passage in the direction of flow and they prevent flow in the reverse direction. This document is applicable to check valves installed in the pipework of water mist firefighting systems.

Kommittébeteckning: SIS/TK 198/AG 02 (Vattenförsörjning)
Källa: CEN
Svarsdatum: den 20 aug 2024
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This document is applicable to ozone used for treatment of water intended for human consumption. It describes the characteristics of ozone, specifies tests methods for determining the ozone concentration in gases and determines rules for safe handling of the chemical ozone.

Kommittébeteckning: SIS/TK 110 (Akustik och buller)
Källa: ISO
Svarsdatum: den 26 aug 2024
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This document specifies a method for calculating the expected hearing threshold levels of adult populations due to various levels and durations of noise exposure; it provides the basis for calculating the risk of hearing impairment according to various formulae when the hearing threshold levels at commonly measured audiometric frequencies, or combinations of such frequencies, exceed some certain values. This document is based on statistical data and therefore cannot be applied to the prediction of the hearing loss of individual persons. NOTE 1 This document does not specify frequencies, frequency combinations, or weighted combinations to be used for the evaluation of hearing impairment; nor does it specify a hearing threshold level (fence) which it is necessary to exceed for hearing impairment to exist. Quantitative selection of these parameters is left to the user. All sound pressure levels stated in this document do not consider the effect of hearing protectors which would reduce effective exposure levels and modify the frequency spectrum at the ear. Because there is evidence indicating a transition between metabolic exhaustion and mechanical damage in the inner ear, exposure to sound pressure exceeding 200 Pa (140 dB relative to 20 μPa) is not recommended. The measure of exposure to noise for a population at risk is the equivalent continuous A-weighted sound pressure level normalized to an 8 h working day, or A-weighted noise exposure level, Lp,A,8 h or ' Lp,A h , 8 , for a number of years of exposure. This standard applies to noise at frequencies less than 10 kHz that is steady state, intermittent, fluctuating, irregular, or complex with A-weighted noise exposure levels between 70 and 100 dB (daily A-weighted sound exposures between 0,115 × 103 and 115 × 103 Pa2s). Formulae are presented to calculate the statistical distributions of hearing threshold levels at a range of audiometric frequencies due to exposure to noise as a function of level of noise exposure and duration of exposure (in years). Values of effect of noise, N, do not distinguish between male and female populations. The database for values of N in Table 1 was derived from people who typically started work around age 20 and whose noise exposures continued for many years; thus, this database is most accurate for populations of workers whose age minus years of exposure is about 20. NOTE 2 Although the models of hearing loss are based on data assumed to stem primarily from populations exposed to occupational noise, they may be used, with some caution, for estimating the effects of comparable non occupational exposures. NOTE 3 The prediction method for Lp,A,8 h presented is based primarily on data collected with essentially broadband, steady-state, non-tonal noise. The prediction method for noise environments which include substantial impulsive/impact noise uses a kurtosis-adjusted noise exposure level normalized to an 8 h working day, ' Lp,A h , 8 . To calculate hearing threshold levels and also to calculate the risk of acquiring hearing impairment due to noise exposure, it is necessary to make use of a database for age-associated hearing threshold levels for a comparable population. This document includes a highly screened otologically normal population (in accordance with ISO 7029) and examples of unscreened populations of five typical industrialized societies. The users of this document may choose a comparable population according to their particular requirements. NOTE 4 All data and procedures presented in this document are based on deliberate simplifications of experimental data where the daily sound exposure duration did not exceed 12 h. The resulting approximations restrict the validity to the stated ranges of the variables, percentiles, sound exposure levels and frequency ranges.

Ämnesområden: Arbetsplatsluft
Kommittébeteckning: SIS/TK 423/AG 03 (Arbetsplatsluft)
Källa: CEN
Svarsdatum: den 26 aug 2024
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This document specifies the environmental conditions, the sample handling and analytical procedures and the method of calculating and presenting the results. Reasons are given for the need for more than one method and advice is given on the choice of method to be used. This document establishes a categorization scheme for dustiness to provide a standardized way to express and communicate the results to users of the bulk materials. Details of the scheme for each method are given in EN 15051-2 and EN 15051-3. This document is applicable to powdered, granular or pelletized bulk materials. This document is not applicable to test the dust released during mechanical reduction of solid bulk materials (e.g. cut, crushed) or to test application procedures for the bulk materials.

Ämnesområden: Arbetsplatsluft
Kommittébeteckning: SIS/TK 423/AG 03 (Arbetsplatsluft)
Källa: CEN
Svarsdatum: den 26 aug 2024
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This document specifies the continuous drop test apparatus and associated test method for the reproducible production of dust from a bulk material under standard conditions, and the measurement of the inhalable and respirable dustiness mass fractions, with reference to existing documents, where relevant (see Clause 6). This document specifies the continuous drop test apparatus and associated test method for the reproducible production of dust from a bulk material under standard conditions, and the measurement of the inhalable and respirable dustiness mass fractions, with reference to existing documents, where relevant (see Clause 6). The continuous drop method intends to simulate dust generation processes where there are continuous falling operations (conveying, discharging, filling, refilling, weighing, sacking, metering, loading, unloading etc.) and where dust is liberated by winnowing during falling. It can be modified to measure the thoracic fraction as well, but this modification is not described in this document. It differs from the rotating drum method presented in EN 15051-2 [4] in that in this document, the bulk material is dropped only once, but continuously, while in EN 15051 2, the same bulk material is repeatedly dropped. Furthermore, this document specifies the environmental conditions, the sample handling and analytical procedures and the method of calculating and presenting the results. A categorization scheme for dustiness is specified, to provide a standardized way to express and communicate the results to users of the bulk materials. This document is applicable to powdered, granular or pelletised bulk materials. This document is not applicable to test the dust released when solid bulk materials are mechanically treated (e.g. cut, crushed).