- +Ämnesområden
- +Miljö- och hälsoskydd. Säkerhet (34)
- +Miljöskydd: allmänt (2)
- +Avfall (15)
- +Luftkvalitet (3)
- +Vattenkvalitet (0)
- +Jordkvalitet. Pedologi (3)
- Arbetsplatssäkerhet. Industrihygien (0)
- Maskinsäkerhet (3)
- Säkerhet i hushåll (0)
- Buller med avseende på människor (0)
- Vibration med avseende på människor. (0)
- Ergonomi (1)
- Olycksfallskontroll (0)
- +Skydd mot brand (4)
- Explosionsskydd (0)
- Skydd mot stötchock (0)
- Skydd mot elchock (0)
- Strålningsskydd (1)
- Skydd mot farliga ämnen (0)
- Skydd mot brott (0)
- Larm- och varningssystem (0)
- +Skyddsutrustning (2)
This document specifies the safety requirements and measures for horizontal cutting cross-cut sawing machines with one saw unit (radial arm saws) with manual loading and/or unloading of the workpiece and capable of continuous production use, hereinafter referred to also as “machines”.
This document specifies the safety requirements and measures for single blade automatic and semi-automatic up-cutting cross-cut sawing machines, capable of continuous production use, hereinafter referred to also as “machines”.
This document specifies the safety requirements and measures for double blade circular sawing machines for cross-cutting with integrated feed of the cutting-stroke, with manual loading and/or unloading of the workpiece and capable of continuous production use, hereinafter referred to also as “machines”.