Vibration med avseende på människor.
- +Ämnesområden
- +Miljö- och hälsoskydd. Säkerhet (17)
- +Miljöskydd: allmänt (2)
- +Avfall (0)
- +Luftkvalitet (0)
- +Vattenkvalitet (1)
- +Jordkvalitet. Pedologi (1)
- Arbetsplatssäkerhet. Industrihygien (0)
- Maskinsäkerhet (2)
- Säkerhet i hushåll (0)
- Buller med avseende på människor (0)
- Vibration med avseende på människor. (1)
- Ergonomi (0)
- Olycksfallskontroll (0)
- +Skydd mot brand (3)
- Explosionsskydd (0)
- Skydd mot stötchock (0)
- Skydd mot elchock (0)
- Strålningsskydd (0)
- Skydd mot farliga ämnen (0)
- Skydd mot brott (0)
- Larm- och varningssystem (0)
- +Skyddsutrustning (7)
This document gives information and guidance on the evaluation and assessment of hand-transmitted shock. For the purposes of this document, isolated shock is any impactive or impulsive vibration that the machine or tool user experiences as a sequence of individual events (single shocks) linked by periods of no, or low vibration. This document provides guidance on the identification, measurement, evaluation and possible health effects of hand-transmitted shock vibrations containing vibration energy up to the frequency range covered by ISO 5349-1 (approximately 6,3 Hz to 1 250 Hz). Note: It is recognised that shock vibration often includes substantial levels of high-frequency vibration energy. The measured peak values of HTS are likely to be higher if the upper frequency limit is increased. High-frequency shocks, composed of vibrations at frequencies greater than 1 250 Hz, are dealt with in Draft ISO/DTS 5349-4.