Petroleum och motsvarande tekniker
- +Ämnesområden
- +Petroleum och motsvarande tekniker (9)
- Utvinning och bearbetning av petroleum och naturgas (0)
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- Naturgas (1)
- Petroleumprodukter: allmänt (3)
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- Vaxer, bitumen och andra petroleumprodukter (0)
- +Bränsle (1)
- +Utrustning för petroleum- och naturgasindustri (1)
- Utrustning för hantering av petroleumprodukter och naturgas (4)
This document covers the design, construction, operation, inspection and maintenance of stations for fuelling compressed natural gas (CNG) to vehicles, including equipment, safety and control devices. This document also applies to portions of a fuelling station where natural gas is in a gaseous state and dispensing CNG derived from liquefied natural gas (LCNG) according to ISO 16924. This document applies to fuelling stations supplied with natural gas as defined in local applicable gas composition regulations or ISO 13686. It also applies to other gases meeting these requirements including biomethane, upgraded coal-bed methane (CBM) and gas supplies coming from LNG vaporization (on-site or off-site). This document includes all equipment for downstream gas supply connection (i.e. point of separation between the CNG fuelling station piping and the pipeline network). Fuelling station nozzles are not defined in this document. This document covers fuelling stations with the following characteristics: — slow fill; — fast fill; — private access; — public access (self-service or assisted); — fuelling stations with fixed storage; — fuelling stations with mobile storage (daughter station); — multi-fuel stations. This document is not applicable to domestic CNG fuelling devices without buffer storage. NOTE This document is based on the condition that the gas entering the fuelling station is odorized. For unodorized gas fuelling stations, additional safety requirements are included in Clause 10.
This document specifies the design, construction, operation, maintenance and inspection of stations for fuelling liquefied natural gas (LNG) to vehicles, including equipment, safety and control devices.This document also specifies the design, construction, operation, maintenance, and inspection of fuelling stations for using LNG as an onsite source for fuelling CNG to vehicles (LCNG fuelling stations), including safety and control devices of the station and specific LCNG fuelling station equipment. NOTE Specific CNG equipment is dealt with in ISO 16923. This document is applicable to fuelling stations receiving LNG and other liquefied methane-rich gases that comply with local applicable gas composition regulation or with the gas quality requirements of ISO 13686. This document includes all equipment from the LNG storage tank filling connection up to the fuelling nozzle on the vehicle. The LNG storage tank filling connection itself and the vehicle fuelling nozzle are not covered in this document. This document includes fuelling stations having the following characteristics: — private access; — public access (self-service or assisted); — metered dispensing and non metered dispensing; — fuelling stations with fixed LNG storage; — fuelling stations with mobile LNG storage; — movable fuelling stations; — mobile fuelling stations; — multi-fuel stations.
This document specifies the requirements for qualification, application, testing and handling of materials required for the application of reinforced concrete coating externally to either bare pipe or pre-coated pipe for use in pipeline transportation systems for the petroleum and natural gas industries as defined in ISO 13623. The external application of concrete is primarily used for the negative buoyancy of pipes used in buried or submerged pipeline systems and/or for the mechanical protection of the pipe and its pre-coating. This document is applicable to concrete thicknesses of 25 mm or greater.
I detta dokument anges krav på eldningsoljor för värmeproduktion. Oljorna är av typ destillatolja (Eo1, Eo2 och Eo3A) samt tyngre eldningsoljor (Eo3B, Eo4, Eo5, Eo6). Kraven omfattar egenskaper, provtagning och provningsmetoder.
Vid annan användning av eldningsolja än för värmeproduktion, till exempel för motordrift, kan ytterligare krav på vissa egenskaper behöva säkerställas. Se informativ bilaga A.
Anmärkning: I detta dokument används ”% (m/m)” och ”% (V/V)” för att uttrycka massfraktion respektive volymfraktion.
This document describes the functional requirements relevant for design, materials, construction, testing and operation of gas pressure control stations to ensure their reliability in terms of safety of the station itself and the downstream system and continuity of service. This document is applicable for gas pressure control stations which are part of gas transmission or distribution systems for hydrogen, and hydrogen rich, and methane rich gases. Additional requirements in the case of gaseous fuels heavier than air and/or toxic or corrosive gases are not covered by this document. This document does not apply to gas pressure control stations in operation prior to the publication of this standard. However, Annex D of this document can be used as guidance for the evaluation of stations in operation prior to the publication of this document, regarding the change of the type of gas, e.g. repurposing for the use with hydrogen. The stations covered by this document have a maximum upstream operating pressure, which does not exceed 100 bar. For higher maximum upstream operating pressures, this standard can be used as a guideline. If the inlet pipework of the station is a service line and the maximum upstream operating pressure does not exceed 16 bar and the design flow rate is equal to 2000 kW based on the gross calorific value or less, EN 12279 applies. This document contains the basic system requirements for gas pressure control stations. Requirements for individual components (valves, regulators, safety devices, pipes, etc.) or installation of the components are contained in the appropriate European Standards. NOTE For combined control and measuring stations, the additional requirements of EN 1776 can apply. The requirements in this document do not apply to the design and construction of auxiliary facilities such as sampling, calorimetering, odorization systems and density measuring. These facilities are covered by the appropriate European Standards, where existing, or other relevant standards. The requirements of this document are based on good gas engineering practice under conditions normally encountered in the gas industry. Requirements for unusual conditions cannot be specifically provided for, nor are all engineering and construction details prescribed. The objective of this document is to ensure the safe operation of such stations. This does not, however, relieve all concerned of the responsibility for taking the necessary care and applying effective quality and safety management during the design, construction and operation.
This document describes a procedure determination of the anti-aging aspects of turbine control fluids used in the turbine speed control system of power generation enterprises. This test method applies to triaryl phosphate ester turbine control fluids as well as fire-resistant liquids. The anti-aging test of other ester oils can be carried out by this document but precision thereof has not been determined.
ISO 8754:2003 specifies a method for the determination of the sulfur content of petroleum products, such as naphthas, unleaded motor gasolines, middle distillates, residual fuel oils, base lubricating oils and components. The method is applicable to products having sulfur contents in the range 0,03 % (by mass) to 5,00 % (by mass).
This document gives guidance for obtaining the best analysis results possible from a Gas Chromatograph (GC) when analysing natural gas and natural gas substitutes for combined use with the most recent versions of ISO 6974’s part 1, 2 and 3. (Examples are given.)