- +Ämnesområden
- +Maskinsäkerhet (5)
- Maskinsäkerhet - Grundläggande standarder (typ A) (0)
- Maskinsäkerhet - Buller och mätmetod (0)
- Maskinsäkerhet - Elutrustning för maskiner (0)
- Maskinsäkerhet - Ergonomi (0)
- Maskinsäkerhet - Kopplingsapparater (0)
- Maskinsäkerhet - Laser (0)
- Maskinsäkerhet - Säkerhetsaspekter /skyddsanordningar (typ B) (0)
- Maskinsäkerhet - Vibrationer (0)
- Maskinsäkerhet - Anläggningsmaskiner (0)
- Maskinsäkerhet - Dörrar, fönster, portar, lås och solskydd (0)
- Maskinsäkerhet - Elektriska hushållsapparater (0)
- Maskinsäkerhet - Flygplatsutrustning (0)
- Maskinsäkerhet - Förbränningsmotorer (0)
- Maskinsäkerhet - Förpackningsmaskiner (0)
- Maskinsäkerhet - Gjuterimaskiner (0)
- Maskinsäkerhet - Handhållna maskiner, ej eldrivna (0)
- Maskinsäkerhet - Handhållna maskiner, eldrivna (0)
- Maskinsäkerhet - Hissar, rulltrappor och rullramper (0)
- Maskinsäkerhet - Industriell värmebehandling (0)
- Maskinsäkerhet - Industritruckar (0)
- Maskinsäkerhet - Jordbruks-, skogsbruks och trädgårdsmaskiner (1)
- Maskinsäkerhet - Järn-, stål- och metallverk (0)
- Maskinsäkerhet - Kyl- och värmepumpsanläggningar (0)
- Maskinsäkerhet - Livsmedelsmaskiner (0)
- Maskinsäkerhet - Lyftkranar (0)
- Maskinsäkerhet - Lyftplattformar (0)
- Maskinsäkerhet - Lyftredskap (0)
- Maskinsäkerhet - Plast- och gummimaskiner (0)
- Maskinsäkerhet - Pumpar (0)
- Maskinsäkerhet - Transportörer (0)
- Maskinsäkerhet - Tryckeri- och pappersmaskiner (0)
- Maskinsäkerhet - Träbearbetningsmaskiner (0)
- Maskinsäkerhet - Utrustning för avfallshantering (0)
- Maskinsäkerhet - Verktygsmaskiner (0)
- Maskinsäkerhet - Ytbehandlingsutrustning (0)
- Maskinsäkerhet - Kompressorer (0)
- Maskinsäkerhet - Belysning (0)
- Maskinsäkerhet - Explosiv atmosfär (0)
- Maskinsäkerhet - Montagevagnar för linjearbete (0)
- Maskinsäkerhet - Utrustning för destruktion av informationsbärare (0)
- Maskinsäkerhet - Fläktar (0)
- Maskinsäkerhet - Vindturbinsystem (0)
- Maskinsäkerhet - Ögonskydd (0)
- Maskinsäkerhet - Oljebrännare (0)
- Maskinsäkerhet - Utrustning och fordon för brand- och räddningstjänst (0)
- Maskinsäkerhet - Lagerutrustning (0)
- Maskinsäkerhet - Symaskiner (0)
- Maskinsäkerhet - Tankar och lagringsutrustning (0)
- Maskinsäkerhet - Maskiner för tillverkning av lädervaror (0)
- Maskinsäkerhet - Maskiner för gruvor under jord (0)
- Maskinsäkerhet - Garverimaskiner (0)
- Maskinsäkerhet - Textil- och tvättmaskiner (0)
- Maskinsäkerhet - Industrirobotar (0)
- Maskinsäkerhet - Järnvägar (4)
- Maskinsäkerhet - Centrifuger (0)
- Maskinsäkerhet - Kraftelektronik (0)
This document establishes definitions and evaluation methods for wheel-rail contact geometry parameters influencing the vehicle running dynamic behaviour: - the rolling radius difference between the two wheels of a wheelset (Δr-function) which serves as a basis for all further calculations; - the equivalent conicity function from which are derived: • a single equivalent conicity value for a specified amplitude which is relevant for the assessment of vehicle running stability on straight track and in very large radius curves; • the nonlinearity parameter which characterizes the shape of this function and is related to the vehicle behaviour particularly in the speed range close to the running stability limit; - the rolling radii coefficient which is used to describe the theoretical radial steering capability of a wheelset in a curved track. Additional information is given about the relationship between the contact angles of the two wheels of a wheelset (Δtanγ-function) and about the roll angle parameter. Descriptions of possible calculation methods are included in this document. Test case calculations are provided to achieve comparable results and to check the proper implementation of the described algorithms. To validate alternative methods not described in this document acceptance criteria are given for the equivalent conicity function. This includes reference profiles, profile combinations, tolerances and reference results with tolerance limits. This document also includes minimum requirements for the measurement of wheel and rail profiles as well as of the parameters needed for the transformation into a common coordinate system of right- and left-hand profiles. This document does not define limits for the wheel-rail contact geometry parameters and gives no tolerances for the rail profile and the wheel profile to achieve acceptable results. For the application of this document some general recommendations are given.
This document specifies requirements for the approval of a welding process in a fixed plant, together with the requirements for subsequent welding production. This document applies to new Vignole rails manufactured in accordance to EN 13674-1 and welded by flash butt welding to crossing components in a fixed plant, and intended for use on railway infrastructures. This document applies to cast Manganese crossings manufactured to EN 15689, fabricated crossings manufactured from rail and crossings manufactured from forged/rolled premium steels. NOTE EN 14587-1 is also used for the flashed butt welding of switches. Sometimes special profiles exist in crossing construction, which are not rail profiles as defined in EN 13674 series (example: profile with machined off rail foot). In these cases, tests are defined by the railway authority in participation with the manufacturer.
This part of EN 16432 series specifies how to integrate the particular aspects of ballastless track systems for attenuation of vibration into the system and subsystem design and component configuration according to EN 16432-2:2017. The general system and subsystem design requirements are assigned from EN 16432-1:2017. Additional noise and vibration requirements can be project specific and are not provided by this document. Acoustic requirements are considered as input for the track design from the acoustic design. The acoustic design and the track design affect each other and may require an iterative overall design process. The range of applicability covers all kind of rail systems including Urban Rail systems.
1.1 General This document specifies the requirements for machines and associated equipment, without rail-wheels, designed and intended for work on railway infrastructure, henceforward referred to as ‘MWR’. This document also covers MWR intended for use on urban rail infrastructure. The types of MWR covered by this document also include: - MWR with power driven mechanisms; - MWR with manually driven mechanisms; - hand held machines (with ability to attach to track). NOTE 1 Railway maintenance and infrastructure inspection machines fitted with rail-wheels are dealt with in other European standards, see CEN/TR 17498:2020. This document specifies the requirements to deal with the common hazards during transport, assembly and installation, commissioning, working, including setting up, programming, and process changeover, operation, cleaning, fault finding, maintenance and decommissioning of MWR and associated equipment when they are used as intended and under conditions of misuse which are reasonably foreseeable. The requirements set out in this document are intended to control the hazards associated with the engineering aspects of MWR. NOTE 2 It is anticipated that a safe system of work (see EN 16704-1:2017) will additionally be required. NOTE 3 It is anticipated that the manufacturer of the MWR will comply with the Machinery Directive/Machinery Regulations. 1.2 Validity of this document This document applies to all machines, which are ordered one year after the publication date by CEN of this document. 1.3 Additional application of this document Infrastructure managers could use this document for certain aspects of a machine that has not been designed specifically for use in a railway environment where the design of these aspects assumes an additional safety relevance when used in a railway environment.
This document specifies safety requirements and their verification for the design and construction of front loaders designed to be mounted on agricultural and forestry tractors (as defined in the Regulation EU 167/2013). It deals with all significant hazards, hazardous situations and events relevant to front loaders when used as intended and under the conditions of misuse which are reasonably foreseeable. This includes hazards related to the handling of unit loads during operations (for example, using bale forks), hazards related to mounting/demounting the lifting arms to/from the frame mounted on the tractor, and also hazards related to devices for mounting/demounting attachments to/from the lifting arms. In addition, it specifies the type of information on safe working practices. Hazards related to the mounted attachments with or without powered functions are excluded, as well as hazards related to visibility and those related to the mobile elevating work platform applications to a front loader, because the front loader is not designed to lift and/or transport people. Front loaders with fully or partially self-evolving behaviour or logic and/or with varying levels of autonomy are also excluded. Environmental aspects, other than noise, have not been considered in this document. This document is not applicable to front loaders which are manufactured before the date of its publication as EN.