- +Ämnesområden
- +Telekommunikation (1)
- Telekommunikation: allmänt (0)
- Telekommunikationstjänster - applikationer (0)
- +Telefoni och telegrafi (0)
- +Telekommunikation terminalutrustning (0)
- +Radiokommunikation (0)
- +Mobila tjänster (0)
- Digitala flertjänstnät (ISDN) (0)
- +Elektromagnetiska störningar och elektromagnetisk kompatibilitet (EMC) (1)
- +Komponenter och tillbehör för telekommunikationsutrustning (0)
- Mätningutrustning för telekommunikationsutrustning (0)
- +Audio- och videoteknik samt audiovisuell teknik (0)
- Television och rundradio (0)
- +Fiberoptisk kommunikation (0)
- Fjärrstyrning. Telemetri (0)
This document specifies tests for electromagnetic immunity of electronic components for passenger cars and commercial vehicles, regardless of the propulsion system (e.g. spark-ignition engine, diesel engine, electric motor), to magnetic fields. These sources are classified into internal magnetic field (sources internal to the vehicle, e.g. vehicle electro-mechanical motors, actuators) and external magnetic field (sources external to the vehicle, e.g. power transmission lines, generating stations). To perform this test, the device under test (DUT) is exposed to a magnetic disturbance field. The radiating loop method can be applied to small DUTs or to larger DUTs by positioning the coil in multiple locations. The Helmholtz coil is sometimes used as an alternative method. This technique is limited by the relationship between the size of the DUT and the size of the coils. The electromagnetic disturbances considered in this document are limited to continuous narrowband electromagnetic fields.