
Ämnesområden: Körbana
Kommittébeteckning: SIS/TK 202/AG 02 (Ytbehandling/Slurry)
Källa: CEN
Svarsdatum: den 2 aug 2024
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This document specifies test methods for determining the rates of spread and accuracy of spread of binder and chippings of a surface dressing on a section of road at a given time. This test method can also be used for determining the rate of spread and accuracy of spread of sprayed bituminous emulsions e.g. when used as bond coats or asphalt preservation systems. The performance categories for binder rate of spread and accuracy of spread in EN 12271 do not apply to bond coats and tack coats. The test methods are used on site to check the ability of binder sprayers and chipping spreaders to meet the intended rates of spread and tolerances and coefficients of variation. The test methods can be used to fulfil the Factory Production Control requirements: - equipment calibration (EN 12271 - Annex B - Table B2); - production inspection (EN 12271 - Annex B - Table B6). The calibration of binder and chipping spreaders requires strict application of the procedures described in this document. Using these methods for inspections during production (FPC), allows certain changes to these methods due to the specificity of certain sites and materials used (e.g. combined chipping-binder spreaders). In this case, the changes are documented in the Factory Production Control and identified in the test reports. Other test methods used to check the rate of spread and accuracy of spread of binder, such as the static spray bar bench test for sprayers, are not covered by this document, although the test methods in this document can be used for this purpose. WARNING - The use of this document can involve hazardous operations. This document does not purport to address all of the safety problems associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this document to establish appropriate safety practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.

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Detta dokument har följande omfattning:

a) riktlinjer och vägledning för att säkerställa korrekt planering och skydd av träd vid arbeten samt främja träds överlevnad och kondition.

b) utformning av trädskyddsåtgärder, bedömning, planering och åtgärder för att minska negativ inverkan på träd som direkt eller indirekt berörs av arbeten.

c) rekommendationer för att undvika eller minimera skador på trädens rötter, stammar och kronor under byggaktiviteter och andra arbeten.

d) definitioner av relevanta termer och begrepp som används inom området arbeten vid träd. 

Ämnesområden: Hydrauliska anläggningar
Kommittébeteckning: SIS/TK 426 (Biologiska vattenundersökningar)
Källa: CEN
Svarsdatum: den 13 sep 2024
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This document is concerned with the assessment of fish survival in pumping stations and hydropower plants, defined as the fraction of fish that passes an installation without significant injury. It does not concern indirect consequences of such installations, usually included in the notions ‘fish safety’ or ‘fish-friendliness’, like avoidance of fish affecting migration, behavioural changes, injury during attempted upstream passage, temporary stunning of fish resulting in potential predation, or depleted oxygen levels. This document applies to pumps and turbines in pumping stations and hydropower plants that operate in or between bodies of surface water, in rivers, in streams or estuaries containing resident and/or migratory fish stocks. Installations include centrifugal pumps (radial type, mixed-flow type, axial type), Archimedes screws, and water turbines (Francis type, Kaplan type, Bulb type, Straflo type, etc.). The following methods to assess fish survival are described: — Survival tests involving the paired release of live fish, introduced in batches of test and control fish upstream and downstream of an installation, and the subsequent recapture in full-flow collection nets. The method is applicable to survival tests in the field and in a laboratory environment. (Clause 6); — A validated model-based computational method consisting of a blade encounter model and correlations that quantify the biological response to blade strike (Clause 7). The computational method can be used to scale results from laboratory fish survival tests to full-scale installations operating under different conditions (Clause 8). The survival tests and computational method can also be applied to open-water turbines, with the caveats mentioned in Annex C. The results of a survival test or a computed estimation can be compared with a presumed maximum sustainable mortality rate for a given fish population at the site of a pumping station or hydropower plant. However, this document does not define these maximum rates allowing to label a machine as “fish-friendly”, nor does it describe a method for determining such a maximum. This document offers an integrated method to assess fish survival in pumping stations and hydropower plants by fish survival tests and model-based calculations. It allows (non-)government environmental agencies to evaluate the impact on resident and migratory fish stocks in a uniform manner. Thus the document will help to support the preservation of fish populations and reverse the trend of declining migratory fish stocks. Pump and turbine manufacturers will benefit from the document as it sets uniform and clear criteria for fish survival assessment. Further, the physical model that underlies the computational method in the document, may serve as a tool for new product development. To academia and research institutions, this document represents the baseline of shared understanding. It will serve as an incentive for further research in an effort to fill the omissions and to improve on existing assessment methods.

Kommittébeteckning: SIS/TK 183/AG 03 (Provtagning/lab)
Källa: CEN
Svarsdatum: den 18 sep 2024
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This document will specify methods for the determination of the water content of rock. This document is applicable to the laboratory determination of water content of rock samples