Byggnadsmaterial och byggnader
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- +Byggnadsmaterial och byggnader (18)
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- +Byggnadsmaterial (3)
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- Anläggningsmaskiner (1)
This document specifies the method to be used to determine the resistance to repeated opening and closing of windows and pedestrian doorsets when subjected to repeated opening and closing. It applies to all construction materials and operating systems for any window or pedestrian doorset, including gaskets and building hardware, in normal operating conditions. The parts concerned in the testing are the frame, the opening component (including any additional moving components e.g. an inactive sash/leaf) and all essential and directly involved building hardware, including operating devices, for example, the handle. The testing does not include any hardware whose operation is not directly involved in the opening and closing of the moving components: added-on fastening systems such as peg-stays or cabin hooks or bolts, nor, unless specified, any independently installed stops (not connected to the complete assembly) such as a wall or ground-mounted stop. NOTE 1 The annexes provide more details on the testing procedures that can differ from the main part of this document and are normative: - Annex A applies to tilt and turn, tilt-first, turn-only, or tilt-only windows and door-height windows; - Annex B applies to sliding, lift and slide or lift and slide and tilt windows and door-height windows; - Annex C applies to tilt and slide windows and door-height windows; - Annex D applies to fold and slide windows and door-height windows; - Annex E applies to horizontal and vertical pivot windows and door-height windows; - Annex F applies to vertical sliding windows; - Annex G applies to side-hung casements and top-hung windows, opening outwards (including reversible windows); - Annex H applies to side-hung single and double action pedestrian doorsets excluding power operated doors; - Annex I applies to power-operated (automatic) side-hung single action pedestrian doorsets. NOTE 2 In this document, the term door-height window is used for windows that are used for the passage of pedestrians, i.e. as a pedestrian doorset.
This document establishes the values of basic module, multimodules for horizontal coordinating dimensions and sub-modular increments for use in modular coordination of buildings. This document also specifies preferred vertical modular dimensions, series of preferred multimodular sizes for horizontal dimensions for all types in accordance with general principles and rules for modular coordination.
This document specifies the method to be used to determine the resistance to repeated opening and closing of windows and pedestrian doorsets when subjected to repeated opening and closing. It applies to all construction materials and operating systems for any window or pedestrian doorset, including gaskets and building hardware, in normal operating conditions. The parts concerned in the testing are the frame, the opening component (including any additional moving components e.g. an inactive sash/leaf) and all essential and directly involved building hardware, including operating devices, for example, the handle. The testing does not include any hardware whose operation is not directly involved in the opening and closing of the moving components: added-on fastening systems such as peg-stays or cabin hooks or bolts, nor, unless specified, any independently installed stops (not connected to the complete assembly) such as a wall or ground-mounted stop. NOTE 1 The annexes provide more details on the testing procedures that can differ from the main part of this document and are normative: - Annex A applies to tilt and turn, tilt-first, turn-only, or tilt-only windows and door-height windows; - Annex B applies to sliding, lift and slide or lift and slide and tilt windows and door-height windows; - Annex C applies to tilt and slide windows and door-height windows; - Annex D applies to fold and slide windows and door-height windows; - Annex E applies to horizontal and vertical pivot windows and door-height windows; - Annex F applies to vertical sliding windows; - Annex G applies to side-hung casements and top-hung windows, opening outwards (including reversible windows); - Annex H applies to side-hung single and double action pedestrian doorsets excluding power operated doors; - Annex I applies to power-operated (automatic) side-hung single action pedestrian doorsets. NOTE 2 In this document, the term door-height window is used for windows that are used for the passage of pedestrians, i.e. as a pedestrian doorset.
This document specifies the method to be used to determine the resistance to repeated opening and closing of windows and pedestrian doorsets when subjected to repeated opening and closing. It applies to all construction materials and operating systems for any window or pedestrian doorset, including gaskets and building hardware, in normal operating conditions. The parts concerned in the testing are the frame, the opening component (including any additional moving components e.g. an inactive sash/leaf) and all essential and directly involved building hardware, including operating devices, for example, the handle. The testing does not include any hardware whose operation is not directly involved in the opening and closing of the moving components: added-on fastening systems such as peg-stays or cabin hooks or bolts, nor, unless specified, any independently installed stops (not connected to the complete assembly) such as a wall or ground-mounted stop. NOTE 1 The annexes provide more details on the testing procedures that can differ from the main part of this document and are normative: - Annex A applies to tilt and turn, tilt-first, turn-only, or tilt-only windows and door-height windows; - Annex B applies to sliding, lift and slide or lift and slide and tilt windows and door-height windows; - Annex C applies to tilt and slide windows and door-height windows; - Annex D applies to fold and slide windows and door-height windows; - Annex E applies to horizontal and vertical pivot windows and door-height windows; - Annex F applies to vertical sliding windows; - Annex G applies to side-hung casements and top-hung windows, opening outwards (including reversible windows); - Annex H applies to side-hung single and double action pedestrian doorsets excluding power operated doors; - Annex I applies to power-operated (automatic) side-hung single action pedestrian doorsets. NOTE 2 In this document, the term door-height window is used for windows that are used for the passage of pedestrians, i.e. as a pedestrian doorset.
This International Standard identifies and establishes Concepts, Principles and terminology for service life planning and a systematic framework for undertaking service life planning of a planned building or construction work throughout its life cycle (or remaining life cycle for existing buildings or construction works). The life cycle incorporates initiation, project definition, design, construction, commissioning, operation, maintenance, refurbishment, replacement, deconstruction and ultimate disposal, recycling or re-use of the asset (or parts thereof), including its components, systems and building services. This International Standard is applicable to the service life planning of individual buildings. A series of service life plans, developed in accordance with this International Standard, can be used as input data to the strategic property management of a number of buildings.
This International Standard identifies and establishes process considerations for service life planning and a systematic framework for undertaking service life planning of a planned building or construction work throughout its life cycle (or remaining life cycle for existing buildings or construction works). The life cycle incorporates initiation, project definition, design, construction, commissioning, operation, maintenance, refurbishment, replacement, deconstruction and ultimate disposal, recycling or re-use of the asset (or parts thereof), including its components, systems and building services. This International Standard is applicable to the service life planning of individual buildings. A series of service life plans, developed in accordance with this International Standard, can be used as input data to the strategic property management of a number of buildings.
This International Standard identifies and establishes Methodologies, data and communication for service life planning and a systematic framework for undertaking service life planning of a planned building or construction work throughout its life cycle (or remaining life cycle for existing buildings or construction works). The life cycle incorporates initiation, project definition, design, construction, commissioning, operation, maintenance, refurbishment, replacement, deconstruction and ultimate disposal, recycling or re-use of the asset (or parts thereof), including its components, systems and building services. This International Standard is applicable to the service life planning of individual buildings. A series of service life plans, developed in accordance with this International Standard, can be used as input data to the strategic property management of a number of buildings.
This document specifies the discard criteria for stranded steel wire ropes used for suspension, compensation and overspeed governor duties on passenger or goods passenger lifts or goods-only lifts with traction, positive or hydraulic drive. It is also applicable for service lifts and other guided lifting appliances for the transportation of persons.
This document is applicable to ropes made from bright or galvanized wire finish in various constructions from 6 mm to 38 mm diameter.
This document is not applicable to plastic coated steel wire ropes and ropes for
- builder’s hoists,
- temporary hoists not running between permanent guides — whether passenger-carrying or not,
- cableways,
mine hoists.
This document provides product category rules (c-PCR), that are complementary to EN 15804:2012+A2:2019, for Type III environmental declarations for sandwich panels within the scope of prEN 14509 1:2024 and prEN 14509 2:2024, which are used for non-structural and structural purposes in building envelopes and for sandwich panels with perforated faces and with core materials others than defined in prEN 14509 1:2024 and prEN 14509 2:2024. Manufactured on industrial plant, double skin metal faced insulating sandwich panels are designed to be laid with overlapping edges in the following applications: - roofs and discontinuous roofing, - outer walls and wall cladding, - walls (incl. partition walls) and (suspended) ceilings inside the building envelope This document is intended to be used for cradle-to-gate with options or cradle to grave assessment according EN 15804, 5.2. NOTE The assessment of social and economic performances at product level is not covered by this document.
Med detta dokument möjliggörs även inblandning av naturliga puzzolaner och aktiverade naturliga puzzolaner i betong enligt SS 137004:2024, supersulfatcement enligt SS-EN 15743 och CEM III/B enligt SS-EN 197-1.
This document specifies the procedures for determining the static and pressure bleed of fresh concrete. The tests are suitable for specimens having a declared value of the coarsest fraction of aggregates actually used in the concrete (Dmax) not greater than 40 mm. It can be carried out in the laboratory or on site.
This document describes the method for the determination of the porosity (open pores) of hardened concrete on test specimens of any type (moulded, sawn, cored) or any shape. The test is suitable for specimens having a declared value of D of the coarsest fraction of aggregates actually used in the concrete (Dmax) not greater than 40 mm. The test method is not applicable for concrete containing lightweight aggregate.
This European Standard specifies the classifications, requirements and test methods for non-covered unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-U) profiles intended to be used for the fabrication of windows and doors. NOTE 1 For editorial reasons in this document the term "window" is used for window/door.
This document specifies requirements and test methods for durability, strength, security and functionality of sliding closing devices (SCDs) for windows and door height windows. This document does not specifically cover the handles used in handle-operated SCDs or the sash fasteners used in cam-operated SCDs, requirements and test methods for which are given in EN 13126-2, EN 13126-3 and EN 13126-14, respectively.
This document specifies general safety requirements for self-loading mobile concrete mixers (here-after referred to as “SLMs”) as defined in ISO 18650-1:2021, with rigid or articulated wheeled chassis. This document applies to SLMs which are designed for front or rear loading and can be provided with a slewing and/or tilting frame where the rotating drum and the self-loading equipment (lift arms and bucket) are mounted on. SLMs can also be fitted with accessories such as water dosing means and a weighing system. This document is not applicable to the following: - machines designed primarily for earth moving, such as loaders or dumpers (see applicable parts of the EN 474 series); - truck mixers (see EN 12609). This document deals with all significant hazards, hazardous situations and events relevant to SLMs, whether used as intended and under conditions foreseen or under conditions of misuse reasonably foreseeable by the manufacturer (see Annex A). This document does not address hazards that can occur: - during manufacture; - when using SLMs on public roads, where specific local road regulations can apply; - when operating in potentially explosive atmospheres. This document does not address hazards specifically related to: - SLMs designed to operate with varying levels of autonomy or when SLMs have embedded safety-systems with fully or partially self-evolving behaviour or logic using machine learning approaches, including collaborative applications; - SLMs when intended to be connected to the internet or to an external network or device that communicates with it. This document is not applicable to SLMs manufactured before the date of its publication.
I detta dokument anges en provningsmetod för bestämning av motståndsförmåga hos golvmaterial och golvkonstruktioner mot tungt belastade länkhjul.
Detta dokument är inte avsett att tillämpas på golvavjämningsmassor eftersom de hanteras i SS-EN 13892-5.