Informationsteknik, kontorsutrustning

Kommittébeteckning: SIS/TK 637/AG 03 (Fjärrkommunikation)
Källa: CEN
Svarsdatum: den 28 okt 2024
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This document specifies the requirements of parameters for the physical and the link layer for systems using radio to remotely read meters. The primary focus is to use the Short Range Device (SRD) unlicensed bands. The standard encompasses systems for walk-by, drive-by and fixed installations. As a broad definition, this document can be applied to various application layers.

Kommittébeteckning: SIS/TK 621/AG 01 (E-handel)
Källa: CEN
Svarsdatum: den 5 nov 2024
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This document describes the transaction information requirements of the transactions used in the collaborations described in EN 17016-1:2024, Electronic Public Procurement - Ordering - Part 1: Choreographies. For each transaction are specified the transaction business requirements, the transaction information data model containing definitions of terms, usage descriptions and cardinality of the information elements and the transaction business rules. This document describes the following transactions: 1) Order; 2) Order Change; 3) Order Cancellation; 4) Order Response Simple 5) Order Confirmation; 6) Order Rejection; 7) Order Response; 8) Order Change Confirmation; 9) Order Change Rejection; 10) Order Cancellation Confirmation; 11) Order Cancellation Rejection; 12) Order Agreement. The identifier of this transactions document is EN 17016-2:20XX. How to claim compliance to a transaction is specified in Clause 6. How to claim conformance to a transaction is also specified in Clause 6.

Kommittébeteckning: SIS/TK 323 (Geodata)
Källa: CEN
Svarsdatum: den 18 nov 2024
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ISO 19135-1:2015 specifies procedures to be followed in establishing, maintaining, and publishing registers of unique, unambiguous, and permanent identifiers and meanings that are assigned to items of geographic information. In order to accomplish this purpose, ISO 19135-1:2015 specifies elements that are necessary to manage the registration of these items.

Ämnesområden: IT-säkerhet
Kommittébeteckning: SIS/TK 318 (Informationssäkerhet, cybersäkerhet och integritetsskydd)
Källa: CEN
Svarsdatum: den 12 dec 2024
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ISO/IEC 19896-1:2018 defines terms and establishes an organized set of concepts and relationships to understand the competency requirements for information security assurance conformance-testing and evaluation specialists, thereby establishing a basis for shared understanding of the concepts and principles central to the ISO/IEC 19896 series across its user communities. It provides fundamental information to users of the ISO/IEC 19896 series.