IT- tillämpningar inom transport
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- +IT-tillämpningar (7)
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- IT- tillämpningar inom information, dokumentation och förlagsverksamhet (0)
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- IT- tillämpningar inom transport (5)
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- Internettillämpningar (1)
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This document — describes and specifies globally unique addresses and identifiers (ITS-S object identifiers) which are both internal and external to ITS stations and are used for ITS station management, — describes how ITS-S object identifiers and related technical parameters are used for classification, registration and management of ITS applications and ITS application classes, — describes how ITS-S object identifiers are used in the ITS communication protocol stack, — introduces an organizational framework for registration and management of ITS-S objects, — defines and specifies management procedures at a high functional level, — is based on the architecture of an ITS station specified in ISO 21217:2014 as a Bounded Secured Managed Domain (BSMD), — specifies an ASN.1 module for the identifiers, addresses, and registry records identified in this document, and — specifies an ASN.1 module for a C-ITS Data Dictionary containing ASN.1 type definitions of general interest.
This document specifies and defines components required to support the exchange and shared use of data and information in the field of traffic and travel. The components include the framework and context for the modelling approach, data content, data structure and relationships. This document is applicable to: • Traffic and travel information which is of relevance to road networks (non-urban and urban), • Public transport information that is of direct relevance to the use of a road network (e.g. road link via train or ferry service). • Traffic and travel information in the case of Cooperative intelligent transport systems (C-ITS). This document establishes specifications for data content to be exchanged between any two instances of the following actors: • Traffic Information Centres (TICs), • Traffic Control Centres (TCCs), • Service Providers (SPs), Use of this document may be applicable for use by other actors. This part of EN 16157 specifies the DATEX II framework of all parts of this European Standard, the context of use and the modelling approach taken and used throughout these European Standards. This approach is described using formal methods and provides the mandatory reference framework for all other parts
This document specifies the test suite structure (TSS) and test purposes (TPs) for evaluation of on-board equipment (OBE) and roadside equipment (RSE) to EN 15509. Normative Annex A presents the test purposes for the OBE. Normative Annex B presents the test purposes for the RSE. Normative Annex C provides the protocol conformance test report (PCTR) proforma for OBE. Normative Annex D provides the PCTR proforma for RSE.
This document describes the key actors in the eCall chain of service provision in hybrid circuit switched/packet switched network environments as: 1) In-Vehicle System (IVS)/vehicle, 2) Mobile Network Operator (MNO), 3) Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP), and to provide conformance tests for actor groups 1) – 3). NOTE 1 Conformance tests are not appropriate nor required for vehicle occupants, although they are the recipient of the service. NOTE 2 Third party eCall systems (TPS-eCall) are not within the scope of this deliverable. This is because the core TPS-eCall standard (EN 16102) does not specify the communications link between the vehicle and the TPS service provider. NOTE 3 These conformance tests are partly based on the appropriate conformance tests from EN 16454 and CEN/prEN 17240. This deliverable therefore adapts and revises Conformance Test Protocols (CTP) from EN 16454 and CEN/prEN 17240 for hybrid circuit switched/packet switched network environments. This document complements EN 16454 and CEN/prEN 17240 and provides a suite of conformance tests for IVS equipment, MNOs and PSAPs, required to ensure and demonstrate compliance with CEN/prEN 17905. The scope covers conformance testing of new engineering developments, products and systems, and does not imply testing associated with individual installations in vehicles or locations.
This document specifies the test suite structure (TSS) and test purposes (TP) to evaluate the conformity of on-board equipment (OBE) and roadside equipment (RSE) to ISO 13141.
It provides a basis for conformance tests for dedicated short-range communication (DSRC) equipment to support interoperability between different equipment supplied by different manufacturers.
ISO 13141 specifies requirements for the localization augmentation communication (LAC) interface level, but not for the RSE or OBE internal functional behaviour. Consequently, tests regarding OBE and RSE functional behaviour remain outside the scope of this document.