
Ämnesområden: Tryckregulatorer
Kommittébeteckning: SIS/TK 289/AG 01 (Gasapparater)
Källa: CEN
Svarsdatum: den 19 sep 2024
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EN 13611:2019, Clause 1 applies with the following modification and addition: Modification: The 1st paragraph of EN 13611:2019, Clause 1 is replaced by: This document specifies the safety, design, construction, and performance requirements and testing for multifunctional controls for burners and appliances burning one or more gaseous fuels, hereafter referred to as ‘MFC’. This document is applicable to MFCs with declared maximum inlet pressures up to and including 50 kPa and nominal connection sizes up to and including DN 150. The 4th paragraph of EN 13611:2019, Clause 1 is removed. Addition: This document is applicable to MFCs consisting of two or more functions, at least one of which is a mechanical control, as specified in the relevant control standard (see Figure 1). This document is not applicable to MFCs consisting only of electronics (an example is a combination of functions according to EN 298:2022 and EN 1643:2022).