
Ämnesområden: Rena rum och rena zoner
Kommittébeteckning: SIS/TK 108 (Renhetsteknik)
Källa: CEN
Svarsdatum: den 31 aug 2024
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ISO 14644-5:2004 specifies basic requirements for cleanroom operations. It is intended for those planning to use and operate a cleanroom. Aspects of safety that have no direct bearing on contamination control are not considered in this part of ISO 14644 and national and local safety regulations must be observed. This document considers all classes of cleanrooms used to produce all types of products. Therefore, it is broad in application and does not address specific requirements for individual industries. Methods and programmes for routine monitoring within cleanrooms are not covered in detail in this part of ISO 14644 but reference should be made to ISO 14644-2 and ISO 14644-3 for monitoring particles, and ISO 14698-1 and ISO 14698-2 for monitoring micro-organisms.

Kommittébeteckning: SIS/TK 323 (Geodata)
Källa: CEN
Svarsdatum: den 2 sep 2024
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ISO 19109 defines rules for creating and documenting application schemas, including principles for the definition of features. The scope of this International Standard includes the following: - conceptual modelling of features and their properties from a universe of discourse; - definition of application schemas; - use of the conceptual schema language for application schemas; - transition from the concepts in the conceptual model to the data types in the application schema; - integration of standardized schemas from other ISO geographic information standards with the application schema. The following are outside the scope: - choice of one particular conceptual schema language for application schemas; - definition of any particular application schema; - representation of feature types and their properties in a feature catalogue; - representation of metadata; - rules for mapping one application schema to another; - implementation of the application schema in a computer environment; - computer system and application software design; - programming.

Kommittébeteckning: SIS/TK 323 (Geodata)
Källa: CEN
Svarsdatum: den 2 sep 2024
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ISO 19152 provides the concepts and detailed structure for standardization in the land administration domain. In order to achieve public policy objectives, some regulations use geographical spaces for mandating or enabling particular behaviours or outcomes. This part of ISO 19152 defines a general schema for spatial plan information in the context of the land administration. This standard proposes integrating the Rights, Restrictions, and Responsibilities (RRRs) information from the spatial plan information, as an additional package, into the ISO 19152:2012 – Geographic Information – Land Administration Domain Model (LADM) standard. It provides the general reference model, as an extension of core LADM (ISO 19152-1:202X and 19152-2:202X), for all objects of spatial planning those covering land/water and below/on/above surfaces. This standard supports 4D (3D + time) representation of the spatial plans including marine spatial plans. Spatial plan information plays an essential role in land management. The integration of physical and sectoral planning at the local level usually produces some degree of permissions, authorizations, restrictions, responsibilities, obligations, and sanctions. However, it is typical in many countries to establish land administration and the spatial plan processes through different regulations, authorities, and processes. Integrating spatial plans into a package in the LADM is essential to ensure that stakeholders have the complete picture of RRRs of land or space.

Ämnesområden: Golvbeläggningar
Kommittébeteckning: SIS/TK 184/AG 01 (Halvhårda, textila- och laminatgolv)
Källa: CEN
Svarsdatum: den 2 sep 2024
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This International Standard specifies a method for determining the strength of the seams of resilient floor coverings when welded in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.

Ämnesområden: Utrustning för ögonoptik
Kommittébeteckning: SIS/TK 336 (Ögonoptik)
Källa: CEN
Svarsdatum: den 2 sep 2024
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Specification of the reference method for the testing of spectacle frames, ready-to-wear near-vision spectacles, sunglasses and spectacle frames used for eye and face protection for nickel release. The reference method supports the demonstration of conformity with the limit value for nickel release of 0,5 μg·cm-2·week-1 set forth by European Regulation [Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006, REACH, in particular Commission Regulation (EC) No 552/2009 of 22 June 2009 amending regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and restriction of Chemicals (REACH) as regards Annex XVII RESTRICTIONS ON THE MANUFACTURE, PLACING ON THE MARKET AND USE OF CERTAIN DANGEROUS SUBSTANCES, PREPARATIONS AND ARTICLES]. The standard applies to those parts of metal spectacle frames and those metal parts of combination spectacle frames that are intended to come into direct and prolonged contact with the skin of the wearer. It also applies to those relevant metal parts of ready-towear near-vision spectacles, sunglasses and spectacle frames used for eye and face protection.

Ämnesområden: Färg och lack
Kommittébeteckning: SIS/TK 433 (Färg och lack)
Källa: CEN
Svarsdatum: den 2 sep 2024
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This document specifies a method for laboratory measurement of the pH value of polymer dispersions and coating materials using pH electrodes with a glass membrane. ISO 19396-2 specifies a method for measuring the pH value using pH electrodes with ion-sensitive field-effect transistor (ISFET) technology.

Ämnesområden: Färg och lack
Kommittébeteckning: SIS/TK 433 (Färg och lack)
Källa: CEN
Svarsdatum: den 2 sep 2024
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This document specifies a method for measuring the pH value of dispersions and coating materials using pH electrodes with ion-sensitive field-effect transistor (ISFET) technology. ISO 19396-1 specifies a method for measuring the pH value using pH electrodes with a glass membrane.

Ämnesområden: Arbetsplatsluft
Kommittébeteckning: SIS/TK 423/AG 03 (Arbetsplatsluft)
Källa: CEN
Svarsdatum: den 2 sep 2024
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This document specifies the rotating drum test apparatus and associated test method for the reproducible production of dust from a bulk material under standard conditions, and the measurement of the inhalable, thoracic and respirable dustiness mass fractions, with reference to existing European Standards, where relevant (see Clause 6). This method is suitable for general bulk material handling processes, including all those processes where the bulk material is dropped, or can be dropped. It differs from the continuous drop method presented in EN 15051 3 [4]. In EN 15051 2, the same bulk material is repeatedly dropped, whilst in EN 15051 3, the bulk material is dropped only once, but continuously. Furthermore, this document specifies the environmental conditions, the sample handling and analytical procedures, and the method of calculating and presenting the results. A categorization scheme for dustiness is specified, to provide a standardized way to express and communicate the results to users of the bulk materials. This document is applicable to powdered, granular or pelletized bulk materials. A standard sample volume is used. This document is not applicable to test the dust released when solid bulk materials are mechanically reduced (e.g. cut, crushed).

Ämnesområden: Arbetsplatsluft
Kommittébeteckning: SIS/TK 423/AG 03 (Arbetsplatsluft)
Källa: CEN
Svarsdatum: den 2 sep 2024
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This document describes the methodology for measuring and characterizing the dustiness of bulk materials that contain or release respirable NOAA or other respirable particles, under standard and reproducible conditions and specifies for that purpose the vortex shaker method. This document specifies the selection of instruments and devices and the procedures for calculating and presenting the results. It also gives guidelines on the evaluation and reporting of the data. The methodology described in this document enables: a) the measurement of the respirable dustiness mass fraction; b) the measurement of the number-based dustiness index of respirable particles in the particle size range from about 10 nm to about 1 µm; c) the measurement of the number-based emission rate of respirable particles in the particle size range from about 10 nm to about 1 µm; d) the measurement of the number-based particle size distribution of the released respirable aerosol in the particle size range from about 10 nm to 10 µm; e) the collection of released airborne particles in the respirable fraction for subsequent observations and analysis by electron microscopy. This document is applicable to the testing of a wide range of bulk materials including nanomaterials in powder form. NOTE 1 With slightly different configurations of the method specified in this document, dustiness of a series of carbon nanotubes has been investigated ([5] to [10]). On the basis of this published work, the vortex shaker method is also applicable to nanofibres and nanoplates. This document is not applicable to millimetre-sized granules or pellets containing nano-objects in either unbound, bound uncoated and coated forms. NOTE 2 The restrictions with regard to the application of the vortex shaker method on different kinds of nanomaterials result from the configuration of the vortex shaker apparatus as well as from the small size of the test sample required. Eventually, if future work will be able to provide accurate and repeatable data demonstrating that an extension of the method applicability is possible, the intention is to revise this document and to introduce further cases of method application. NOTE 3 As observed in the pre-normative research project [4], the vortex shaker method specified in this document provides a more energetic aerosolization than the rotating drum, the continuous drop and the small rotating drum methods specified in EN 17199 2 [1], EN 17199 3 [2] and EN 17199 4 [3], respectively. The vortex shaker method can better simulate high energy dust dispersion operations or processes where vibration or shaking is applied or even describe a worst case scenario in a workplace, including the (non-recommended) practice of cleaning contaminated worker coveralls and dry work surfaces with compressed air. NOTE 4 Currently no classification scheme in terms of dustiness indices or emission rates has been established according to the vortex shaker method. Eventually, when a large number of measurement data has been obtained, the intention is to revise the document and to introduce such a classification scheme, if applicable.

Kommittébeteckning: SIS/TK 424 (Kemiska vattenundersökningar)
Källa: CEN
Svarsdatum: den 2 sep 2024
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This dcoument specifies a method for the determination of fluoro-, chloro-, bromo- and iodo-organic compounds (AOF, AOCl, AOBr, AOI). Due to the high solubility of AgF in water the scope of ISO 9562 is restricted to Cl-, Br- and I-organic compounds (AOX, calculated as chlorine) because of the applied argentometric detection. The PN follows the proven AOX ISO 9562 method: adsorption of organohalogen compounds on activated carbon, oxidative combustion at 1000 °C with following alterations: constant water feed during combustion (hydropyrolysis), absorption of combustion gases in water, halide specific detection using ionchromatography. The method is applicable for the determination of 2 µg/l AOF, expressed as F 10 µg/l AOCl, expressed as Cl 1 µg/l AOBr, expressed as Br 1 µg/l AOI, expressed as I. Samples for determination of AOF are treated differently than samples for the determination of AOCl, AOBr and AOI. - Samples for determination of AOF are not acidified. The adsorption takes place under unchanged pH conditions. Washing is also performed with a neutral washing solution. - Samples for the determination of AOCl, AOBr and AOI are adjusted to a pH value 2 with nitric acid, the adsorption and washing take place in a nitric acid environment.

Ämnesområden: Dricksvatten
Kommittébeteckning: SIS/TK 198/AG 02 (Vattenförsörjning)
Källa: CEN
Svarsdatum: den 3 sep 2024
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This document contains requirements for dosing systems for chlorine dioxide generation according to the chlorite-chlorine gas process, the chlorite-acid process and the chlorite-sodium peroxodisulphate process, which are used for the disinfection and oxidation of substances in water. The chlorine dioxide (ClO2) solution is produced on site (in situ) by automated mixing of chemical precursors. This document applies to the treatment of water for human consumption, rinsing water for filters for swimming and bathing pools as well as for other uses (e.g. cooling water, process water, etc.

Kommittébeteckning: SIS/TK 269/AG 02 (Building Information Modelling (BIM))
Källa: CEN
Svarsdatum: den 3 sep 2024
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This document sets out the principles and structure for data templates for construction objects. It is developed to support digital processes using machine-readable formats using a standard data structure to exchange information about any type of construction object, e.g. product, system, assembly, space, building etc., used in the inception, brief, design, production, operation and demolition of facilities. This document provides the specification of a taxonomy model that defines concepts from ISO 12006-3:2007, i.e. objects, collections and relationships between them, to support the information need for the specific purpose of the data template. This document provides an EXPRESS specification with extensions of the EXPRESS-G notation and specification from ISO 12006-3:2007. These extensions have been provided to support market needs developed since the publication of ISO 12006-3 in 2007. This document provides the rules for linking between data templates and IFC classes within a data dictionary based on ISO 12006-3:2007. This document provides the rules for linking between data templates and classification systems within a data dictionary based on ISO 12006-3:2007. The target audience of this document is software developers and not construction industry domain experts appointed to create data templates based on sources describing information needs. It is not in the scope of this document to provide the content of any data templates. The data structure provided is intended to be used for developing specific data templates based on standards developed in ISO/IEC, CEN/CENELEC, national standardization organizations, or other sources describing information needs.

Ämnesområden: Socker och socker produkter
Kommittébeteckning: SIS/TK 435/AG 03 (Djurvälfärd)
Källa: ISO
Svarsdatum: den 6 sep 2024
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This Standard applies to honey produced by Apis mellifera bees. However, honey from other bee species may be allowed as long as the honey produced by other bee species meets the criteria in the standard, and is ultimately intended for direct human consumption and as an ingredient in foods for indirect consumption. Honey which is not intended for human consumption, as food, is excluded from the scope

Ämnesområden: IT-säkerhet
Kommittébeteckning: SIS/TK 318 (Informationssäkerhet, cybersäkerhet och integritetsskydd)
Källa: CEN
Svarsdatum: den 6 sep 2024
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This document specifies requirements for establishing, implementing, maintaining and continually improving a privacy information management system (PIMS). Guidance is provided to assist in the implementation of the controls in this document. This document is intended for PII controllers and PII processors holding responsibility and accountability for PII processing. This document is applicable to all types and sizes of organizations, including public and private companies, government entities and not-for-profit organizations.

Ämnesområden: Råmaterial
Kommittébeteckning: SIS/TK 998 (Standardiseringsarbete utan svenskt deltagande)
Källa: CEN
Svarsdatum: den 6 sep 2024
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This document defines a method for the determination of the mass fractions of the elements Al, Ca, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mg, Ni, Ti, V and Zr in powdered and granular silicon carbide. Dependent on element, emission lines, plasma conditions and sample mass, this test method is applicable for mass fractions of the above trace contaminations from about 0,1 mg/kg to about 1 000 mg/kg, after evaluation also from 0,001 mg/kg to about 5 000 mg/kg. NOTE 1 Generally for optical emission spectrometry using inductively coupled plasma and electrothermal vaporization (ETV-ICP-OES) there is a linear working range of up to four orders of magnitude. This range can be expanded for the respective elements by variation of the sample mass or by choosing emission lines with different sensitivity. After adequate verification, this document is also applicable to further metallic elements (excepting Rb and Cs) and some non-metallic contaminations (like P and S) and other allied non-metallic powdered or granular materials like carbides, nitrides, graphite, soot, coke, coal, and some other oxidic materials (see [1], [4], [5], [6], [7], [8], [9] and [10]). NOTE 2 There is positive experience with materials like, for example, graphite, boron carbide (B4C), silicon nitride (Si3N4), boron nitride (BN) and several metal oxides as well as with the determination of P and S in some of these materials.

Kommittébeteckning: SIS/TK 203 (Eurokoder)
Svarsdatum: den 8 sep 2024
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Boverkets införande av nya byggregler medför konsekvenser för eurokoderna och deras tillämpning. Boverket hänvisar i det nya författningsförslaget för bärförmåga, stadga och beständighet till att eurokoderna med svenska nationella bilagor kan användas för att uppfylla kraven i författningsförslaget. Boverkets författningsförslag är utformat på ett annat sätt än EKS vilket medför att den inte längre kommer kunna fungera som nationell bilaga till eurokoderna på ett effektivt sätt.

Dessa förändringar leder till att nya nationella bilagor behöver tas fram för att underlätta tillämpningen i Sverige av eurokodernas nuvarande utgåvor från första generationen. Dessa behövs även för att Boverket ska kunna hänvisa till eurokoderna med svenska nationella bilagor i författningsförslaget (BFS 2025:xxx).

SIS/TK 203 har utarbetat det förslag till nationell bilaga, som presenteras i denna remiss. 

Kommittébeteckning: SIS/TK 188 (Stål- och aluminiumkonstruktioner samt samverkanskonstruktioner i stål och betong)
Svarsdatum: den 8 sep 2024
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Boverkets införande av nya byggregler medför konsekvenser för eurokoderna och deras tillämpning. Boverket hänvisar i det nya författningsförslaget för bärförmåga, stadga och beständighet till att eurokoderna med svenska nationella bilagor kan användas för att uppfylla kraven i författningsförslaget. Boverkets författningsförslag är utformat på ett annat sätt än EKS vilket medför att den inte längre kommer kunna fungera som nationell bilaga till eurokoderna på ett effektivt sätt.

Dessa förändringar leder till att nya nationella bilagor behöver tas fram för att underlätta tillämpningen i Sverige av eurokodernas nuvarande utgåvor från första generationen. Dessa behövs även för att Boverket ska kunna hänvisa till eurokoderna med svenska nationella bilagor i författningsförslaget (BFS 2025:xxx).

SIS/TK 188 har utarbetat det förslag till nationell bilaga, som presenteras i denna remiss. 

Kommittébeteckning: SIS/TK 181 (Brandsäkerhet)
Källa: ISO
Svarsdatum: den 8 sep 2024
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This standard will specify a large-scale fire test method for measuring the heat release rates (HRR) and the smoke-production rates (SPR) of wall systems. The fire scenario covered in this document is representative of severe fires originating in near wall or corner locations of an exterior or interior wall construction. Severe fire exposure to wall systems, on the order of 100 kW/m2 heat flux, are targeted in this test method. For this standard, the test setup is placed under an ISO 24473 compliant large-scale calorimeter of a minimum 3.5 MW chemical HRR capacity. An existing large-scale fire test, viz. the 16-ft parallel panel test (16-ft PPT) of the consensus ASNI/FM 4880 standard, is submitted to be used as the basis of the proposed ISO standard. The test method is not applicable for scenarios where a fire initiates within an air cavity, if present, of an exterior wall system. The test method does not incorporate a window structure and hence cannot cover the hazard from inadequately protected window openings in a post-flashover fire scenario.

Ämnesområden: Golvbeläggningar
Kommittébeteckning: SIS/TK 184/AG 01 (Halvhårda, textila- och laminatgolv)
Källa: CEN
Svarsdatum: den 9 sep 2024
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This document specifies a method to determine the sensitivity of a textile floor covering for appearance change after water has been spilled and dried on the surface. This change can be: a) a colour change; b) a change in structure; c) migration and concentration of chemicals coming from the product. NOTE A concentration of chemicals on a part of the surface can cause accelerated uneven soiling of textile floor coverings.

Kommittébeteckning: SIS/TK 323 (Geodata)
Källa: CEN
Svarsdatum: den 9 sep 2024
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Vienna agreement ISO lead

Training data is the building block of machine learning models. These models now constitute the majority of machine learning applications in Earth science. Training data is used to train AI/ML models, and to then validate model results. Formalizing and documenting the training data by characterizing the training data content, metadata, data quality, and provenance, and so forth is essential. This document describes work actions around training data: — Documents the UML model with a target of maximizing the interoperability and usability of EO imagery training data; — Defines different AI/ML tasks and labels in earth observation in terms of supervised learning, including scene level, object level and pixel level tasks; — Describes the description of the permanent identifier, version, license, training data size, measurement or imagery used for annotation, and so on; — Defines the description of quality (e.g. training data errors, training data representativeness) and the provenance (e.g. agents who perform the labeling, labeling procedure).