
Kommittébeteckning: SIS/TK 110 (Akustik och buller)
Källa: CEN
Svarsdatum: den 2 dec 2024
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This document specifies an engineering method for calculating the attenuation of sound during propagation outdoors in order to predict the levels of environmental noise at a distance from a variety of sources. The method predicts the equivalent continuous A-weighted sound pressure level (as described in ISO 1996-series) under meteorological conditions favourable to propagation from sources of known sound emission. These conditions are for downwind propagation or, equivalently, propagation under a well-developed moderate ground based temperature inversion, such as commonly occurs in clear, calm nights. Inversion conditions over extended water surfaces are not covered and may result in higher sound pressure levels than predicted from this document (see e.g. References [11] and [12]). The method also predicts a long-term average A weighted sound pressure level as specified in ISO 1996-1 and ISO 1996-2. The long-term average A weighted sound pressure level encompasses levels for a wide variety of meteorological conditions. Guidance has been provided to derive a meteorological correction based on the angular wind distribution relevant for the reference or long-term time interval as specified in ISO 1996-1:2016, 3.2.1 and 3.2.2. Examples for reference time intervals are day, night, or the hour of the night with the largest value of the sound pressure level. Long-term time intervals over which the sound of a series of reference time intervals is averaged or assessed representing a significant fraction of a year (e.g. 3 months, 6 months or 1 year). The method specified in this document consists specifically of octave band algorithms (with nominal mid-band frequencies from 63 Hz to 8 kHz) for calculating the attenuation of sound which originates from a point sound source, or an assembly of point sources. The source (or sources) may be moving or stationary. Specific terms are provided in the algorithms for the following physical effects: — geometrical divergence; — atmospheric absorption; — ground effect; — reflection from surfaces; — screening by obstacles. Additional information concerning propagation through foliage, industrial sites and housing is given in Annex A. The directivity of chimney-stacks to support the sound predictions for industrial sites has been included with Annex B. An example how the far-distance meteorological correction C0 can be determined from the local wind-climatology is given in Annex C. Experiences of the last decades how to predict the sound pressure levels caused by wind turbines is summarized in Annex D. The method is applicable in practice to a great variety of noise sources and environments. It is applicable, directly, or indirectly, to most situations concerning road or rail traffic, industrial noise sources, construction activities, and many other ground-based noise sources. It does not apply to sound from aircraft in flight, or to blast waves from mining, military, or similar operations. To apply the method of this document, several parameters need to be known with respect to the geometry of the source and of the environment, the ground surface characteristics, and the source strength in terms of octave band sound power levels for directions relevant to the propagation. If only A weighted sound power levels of the sources are known, the attenuation terms for 500 Hz may be used to estimate the resulting attenuation. The accuracy of the method and the limitations to its use in practice are described in Clause 9.

Ämnesområden: Fysiska egenskaper hos jord
Kommittébeteckning: SIS/TK 535 (Karaktärisering av avfall, mark och slam)
Källa: CEN
Svarsdatum: den 2 dec 2024
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Specifies an instrumental method for the routine determination of the specific electrical conductivity in an aqueous extract of soil. The determination is carried out to obtain an indication of the content of water-soluble electrolytes in a soil.

Ämnesområden: Vatteninstallationer
Kommittébeteckning: SIS/TK 198/AG 02 (Vattenförsörjning)
Källa: CEN
Svarsdatum: den 2 dec 2024
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This document specifies requirements for and gives recommendations on the design of potable water installations according to EN 806-1.

Kommittébeteckning: SIS/TK 170/AG 01 (Filter)
Källa: ISO
Svarsdatum: den 3 dec 2024
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This document specifies terms and definitions, classification and marking, materials, requirements, test methods, inspection rules as well as marking, packaging, transport and storage of exhaust high efficiency filtration unit(EFU)used in risky biosafety facilities. This document is applicable to EFU used to remove harmful bio-aerosol in biosafety facilities. Reference may be made to this standard for the EFU for similar purposes. This document is not applicable to EFU for removing radioactive aerosol.

Kommittébeteckning: SIS/TK 535 (Karaktärisering av avfall, mark och slam)
Källa: ISO
Svarsdatum: den 5 dec 2024
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Ämnesområden: Arbetsplatsluft
Kommittébeteckning: SIS/TK 423/AG 03 (Arbetsplatsluft)
Källa: CEN
Svarsdatum: den 5 dec 2024
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This document defines sampling conventions for airborne particle size fractions for use in assessing the health relevant exposure from inhalation of particles in the workplace. Conventions are defined for the inhalable, thoracic and respirable fractions. The sampling conventions only describe the inhalation of particles and their penetration in the respiratory tract as governed by inertia (impaction). Deposition in the respiratory tract by other mechanisms, e.g. diffusion, is not considered in this document. The sampling conventions defined in this document apply to both indoor and outdoor workplaces. The assumptions on which the sampling conventions are defined are given in Clause 6. The convention chosen for a specific application will depend on the region of the health effect of the component of interest in the airborne particles (see Clause 5). The conventions can be used with whatever metric is of interest, including particle count, length, surface area, volume or mass. The metric depends on the kind of particle analysis carried out on the sampled aerosol fraction. The health-related fraction concentrations defined in this document are often expressed in mass of the sampled particles per volume of sampled air in order to compare with mass-based occupational exposure limit values. The conventions are not applicable in association with limit values expressed in a different metric, e.g. for fibre limit values defined in terms of the length and diameter of airborne fibres and the ratio of the two (aspect ratio), unless a measurement procedure explicitly requires that a specific health related size fraction is to be sampled/collected [13]. The main purpose of this document is to provide agreement on the particle size fractions to sample and their definitions. Sampling is generally carried out using dedicated samplers, for which there is no need to measure the aerodynamic size distribution of the airborne particles to be sampled. Samplers including a separation into one or more relevant sampling conventions(s) are currently available. In general, no assumptions or pre-knowledge are needed on the number of modes, modal diameter(s) or width of the particle aerodynamic size distribution of the airborne particles to be sampled. Because there is a wide variation from one person to another in the probability of particle inhalation, deposition, reaction to deposition and clearance, this document is not applicable for determining the deposited dose taken up by an individual worker. The conventions are primarily intended for determining workers’ exposure to airborne particles by sampling the airborne particles. This document is not applicable to large particles emitted at high speed that are travelling under the momentum from their emission, instead of being carried by the air (airborne) and aspirated into humans and aerosol samplers by their suction (see Annex B).

Ämnesområden: Brandskydd
Kommittébeteckning: SIS/TK 633 (Fasta släcksystem och brandgasventilation)
Källa: CEN
Svarsdatum: den 5 dec 2024
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This document specifies the evaluation of the fire performance of water mist systems for shopping areas, adjacent storage areas, and similar areas. This document is only applicable for horizontal, solid, flat ceilings with heights of 2,6 m and above. This document does not cover storage with movable racks or shelves.

Ämnesområden: Livsmedelstillsatser
Kommittébeteckning: SIS/TK 435/AG 05 (Livsmedelsanalyser)
Källa: ISO
Svarsdatum: den 5 dec 2024
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This document specifies characteristics of fresh and dry baker’s yeast, particularly those relating to general product properties, application performance, physical and chemical properties, microbiology, and nutritional value information. This document is primarily intended for use by the baking industry, but is also aimed at laboratory and food testers

Kommittébeteckning: SIS/TK 327 (Tandvård)
Källa: CEN
Svarsdatum: den 6 dec 2024
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This document specifies requirements for the physical and chemical properties of dentifrices and provides guidelines for suitable test methods. It also specifies requirements for the marking, labelling and packaging of dentifrices. This document applies to dentifrices, including toothpastes, destined to be used by the consumers on a daily basis with a toothbrush to promote oral hygiene. Specific qualitative and quantitative requirements for freedom from biological and toxicological hazards are not included in this document. These are covered in ISO 7405 [1] and ISO 10993-1 [2].

1) Nomenclature developed by the Personal Care Products Council (formerly CTFA). Available at: https://access .personalcarecouncil.org/eweb/DynamicPage.aspx?Site=pcpc&WebKey=4513b14e-2f75-4857-85b4-b3697be5d5d9

2) ISO 10993-1, Biological evaluation of medical devices — Part 1: Evaluation and testing within a risk management process.

Ämnesområden: Miljöekonomi
Kommittébeteckning: SIS/TK 623 (Biologisk mångfald)
Källa: ISO
Svarsdatum: den 6 dec 2024
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This document specifies a process to design, implement, maintain and monitor BNG outcomes through the lifecycle of spatially explicit development projects and until the expected outcome on biodiversity has been realized.

It does not cover the detailed requirements associated with the delivery of biodiversity enhancements or management. It provides a framework to demonstrate that a project has followed a process that is based on The BBOP Principles on Biodiversity Offsets and aligns with the vision, goals and targets of the Convention on Biological Diversity and the Global Biodiversity Framework. Complying with the requirements within this document is to follow a process to achieve BNG that is based on good practice.

This document is for any sector of industry, including residential, mixed-use, energy, water, extractive industry, transport, communications agriculture, forestry and infrastructure. It is for any scale of project from individual house-builds to larger developments and will be of use by anybody involved in development including ecologists, planners, biologists, auditors, developers, conservation organisations, land managers, planning authorities and organisations and investors. It can also be used by land managers aiming to generate BNG through management of their land. Hereafter the term “project” refers to both development projects and land management activities.

This document covers terrestrial and freshwater habitats, and intertidal habitats down to the mean low water mark as the process and methods to deliver net gain for marine habitats are different from the approach set out here. This document is applicable for projects that affect biodiversity and those with limited or no impact on biodiversity, as well as projects aiming to achieve BNG on- and/ or off-site.

It first sets out requirements that apply throughout the BNG process; these requirements are in Clause 5.

Clause 6 to Clause 9 contain requirements for each of these stages of the BNG process:

a) Clause 6: Preparation

b) Clause 7: Environmental assessment and Design

c) Clause 8: Implementation

d) Clause 9: Maintenance and management

A project may involve requirements to achieve BNG from, for example, a planning requirement or compliance with legislation. This document covers a process to achieve BNG, notwithstanding any such requirements. It does not infer compliance with any planning condition, legislation or statutory requirement, and is independent from any mandatory or legislative requirement for BNG.

Furthermore, following the BNG process in this document does not substitute the requirements to assess ecological beneficial and adverse impacts and report them, e.g., as part of an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA). Rather, this document builds on, and is not intended to repeat, existing good practice for biodiversity surveys, impact assessments, mitigation and compensation for projects.

Projects with adverse impacts on irreplaceable biodiversity features, such as irreplaceable habitats cannot achieve BNG. These projects can follow the process in this document for biodiversity features that are not irreplaceable but cannot claim project-wide achievement of BNG. These projects need to transparently and comprehensively refer to the adverse impacts on irreplaceable biodiversity features in communications and reports. Projects that will impact irreplaceable biodiversity features areas should be actively avoided.

Ämnesområden: Solenergi
Kommittébeteckning: SIS/TK 998 (Standardiseringsarbete utan svenskt deltagande)
Källa: CEN
Svarsdatum: den 8 dec 2024
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Ämnesområden: Vatteninstallationer
Kommittébeteckning: SIS/TK 198/AG 02 (Vattenförsörjning)
Källa: CEN
Svarsdatum: den 8 dec 2024
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This document specifies requirements for and gives recommendations on the design, installation, alteration, testing, maintenance and operation of installations inside buildings conveying water intended for human consumption (hereafter referred to as potable water installations) within buildings and, for certain purposes, pipework outside buildings but within the premises (see Figure 1). It covers the system of pipelines, fittings and connected appliances installed for supplying potable water from the delivery point to the point of use.

Kommittébeteckning: SIS/TK 228 (Lantbruksmaskiner)
Källa: CEN
Svarsdatum: den 9 dec 2024
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This document specifies safety requirements and their verification for the design and construction of front loaders designed to be mounted on agricultural and forestry tractors (as defined in the Regulation EU 167/2013). It deals with all significant hazards, hazardous situations and events relevant to front loaders when used as intended and under the conditions of misuse which are reasonably foreseeable. This includes hazards related to the handling of unit loads during operations (for example, using bale forks), hazards related to mounting/demounting the lifting arms to/from the frame mounted on the tractor, and also hazards related to devices for mounting/demounting attachments to/from the lifting arms. In addition, it specifies the type of information on safe working practices. Hazards related to the mounted attachments with or without powered functions are excluded, as well as hazards related to visibility and those related to the mobile elevating work platform applications to a front loader, because the front loader is not designed to lift and/or transport people. Front loaders with fully or partially self-evolving behaviour or logic and/or with varying levels of autonomy are also excluded. Environmental aspects, other than noise, have not been considered in this document. This document is not applicable to front loaders which are manufactured before the date of its publication as EN.

Ämnesområden: Ytrengöring; Målning
Kommittébeteckning: SIS/TK 433 (Färg och lack)
Källa: CEN
Svarsdatum: den 9 dec 2024
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This document describes a classification of non-metallic blast-cleaning abrasives for the preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related products. It specifies the characteristics which are required for the complete designation of such abrasives. This document applies to abrasives supplied in the "new" or unused condition only. It does not apply to abrasives either during or after use. NOTE Although this document has been developed specifically to meet requirements for preparation of steelwork, the properties specified will generally be appropriate for use when preparing other material surfaces, or components, using blast-cleaning techniques. These techniques are described in ISO 8504‑2.

Ämnesområden: Strålningsmätning
Kommittébeteckning: SIS/TK 405 (Kärnenergi)
Källa: CEN
Svarsdatum: den 9 dec 2024
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This document specifies a screening test method to quantify rapidly the activity concentration of gamma emitting radionuclides, such as 131I, 132Te, 134Cs and 137Cs, in solid or liquid test samples using gamma ray spectrometry with lower resolution scintillation detectors as compared with the HPGe detectors (see IEC 61563[7]). This test method can be used for the measurement of any potentially contaminated environmental matrices (including soil), food and feed samples as well as industrial materials or products that have been properly conditioned.[8] Sample preparation techniques used in the screening method are not specified in this document, since special sample preparation techniques other than simple machining (cutting, grinding, etc.) should not be required. Although the sampling procedure is of utmost importance in the case of the measurement of radioactivity in samples, it is out of scope of this document; other international standards for sampling procedures that can be used in combination with this document are available (see References [9], [10], [11], [12], [13], [14]). The test method applies to the measurement of gamma-emitting radionuclides such as 131I, 134Cs and 137Cs. Using sample sizes of 0,5 l to 1,0 l in a Marinelli beaker and a counting time of 5 min to 20 min, decision threshold of 10 Bq·kg−1 can be achievable using a commercially available scintillation spectrometer [e.g. thallium activated sodium iodide (NaI(Tl)) spectrometer 2” ϕ × 2” (50,8 mm Ø x 50,8 mm) detector size, 7 % resolution (FWHM) at 662 keV, 30 mm lead shield thickness]. This test method also can be performed in a “makeshift” laboratory or even outside a testing laboratory on samples directly measured in the field where they were collected. During a nuclear or radiological emergency, this test method enables a rapid measurement of the activity concentration of potentially contaminated samples to check against operational intervention levels (OILs) set up by decision makers that would trigger a predetermined emergency response to reduce existing radiation risks[2]. Due to the uncertainty associated with the results obtained with this test method, test samples requiring more accurate test results can be measured using high-purity germanium (HPGe) detectors gamma-ray spectrometry in a testing laboratory, following appropriate preparation of the test samples[15][16]. This document does not contain criteria to establish the activity concentration of OILs.

Kommittébeteckning: SIS/TK 405 (Kärnenergi)
Källa: ISO
Svarsdatum: den 9 dec 2024
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The objective of this document is to characterize the gaseous effluents tritium and carbon-14 generated by nuclear facilities during operation and decommissioning and occurring in the same chemical species as hydrogen and carbon, e. g. as water vapour (HTO), hydrogen gas (HT, TT), carbon dioxide (14CO2), carbon monoxide (14CO), methane (CH3T, 14CH4). It concerns measurements on samples that are representative of a certain volume stream or volume of discharge during a given period of time and of the corresponding volume discharged. The result is therefore expressed in becquerels. This document applies to samples that were obtained by sampling methods according to ISO 20041-1 and describes — analysis methods for the determination of tritium and carbon-14 activities by liquid scintillation counting and — calculation methods to determine the tritium activities discharged as tritiated water vapour (HTO) and tritium in other chemical compounds (non-HTO) as well as carbon-14 activities discharged as carbon dioxide (14CO2) and carbon-14 in other chemical compounds (non-14CO2). This document does not apply to tritium and carbon-14 activity concentrations in the environmental air, e. g. in the vicinity of nuclear installations. The accountability rules of the activities discharged necessary for the establishment of regulatory reports do not fall within the scope of this document and are the responsibility of the regulatory bodies.

Kommittébeteckning: SIS/TK 440 (Laboratorieutrustning)
Källa: CEN
Svarsdatum: den 10 dec 2024
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This document is applicable to biology, chemistry and physics laboratories where research, preparative, analytical, process activities take place and which can involve work with hazardous substances, including higher education (college and university teaching and post-graduate research). This document does not cover the requirements of schools, i.e. pre college/pre-university (refer to EN 13150), or highly specialist laboratories which need very specific, bespoke solutions to enable them to function. This document specifies requirements for installation and design of laboratory benches, associated storage units, and for the provision and connection of services integral or delivered to the laboratory benches. This document gives guidelines for all parties involved in the planning, design, manufacture, installation, testing of a new laboratory or in the refurbishment of an existing laboratory. For safety storage cabinets for flammable liquids EN 14470-1 and for pressurized gas cylinders EN 14470-2 applies.

Ämnesområden: IT-säkerhet
Kommittébeteckning: SIS/TK 318 (Informationssäkerhet, cybersäkerhet och integritetsskydd)
Källa: CEN
Svarsdatum: den 12 dec 2024
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ISO/IEC 19896-1:2018 defines terms and establishes an organized set of concepts and relationships to understand the competency requirements for information security assurance conformance-testing and evaluation specialists, thereby establishing a basis for shared understanding of the concepts and principles central to the ISO/IEC 19896 series across its user communities. It provides fundamental information to users of the ISO/IEC 19896 series.

Ämnesområden: Omgivningsluft
Kommittébeteckning: SIS/TK 423/AG 04 (Utomhusluft)
Källa: ISO
Svarsdatum: den 15 dec 2024
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ISO 22262-2:2014 specifies procedures for quantification of asbestos mass fractions below approximately 5 %, and quantitative determination of asbestos in vermiculite, other industrial minerals and commercial products that incorporate these minerals.

ISO 22262-2:2014 is applicable to the quantitative analysis of:

a) any material for which the estimate of asbestos mass fraction obtained using ISO 22262-1 is deemed to be of insufficient precision to reliably classify the regulatory status of the material, or for which it is considered necessary to obtain further evidence to demonstrate the absence of asbestos;

b) resilient floor tiles, asphaltic materials, roofing felts and any other materials in which asbestos is embedded in an organic matrix;

c) wall and ceiling plasters, with or without aggregate;

d) mineral products such as wollastonite, dolomite, calcite, talc or vermiculite, and commercial products containing these minerals.

It is not the intent of ISO 22262 to provide instruction in the fundamental microscopical and analytical techniques.

Ämnesområden: Körbana
Kommittébeteckning: SIS/TK 248 (Vägutrustning)
Källa: CEN
Svarsdatum: den 15 dec 2024
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This document specifies white, yellow and orange road markings, removable or non-removable, under the form of road marking assemblies or preformed road markings, to be used for temporary road markings in circulation areas. Other road marking products and colours intended for temporary road markings are not covered in this document. This document also gives specifications for the evaluation of conformity of temporary road markings in circulation areas including type testing and factory production control.