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This document specifies the apparatus and test procedure to be used in conducting accelerated corrosion tests for the comparative evaluation of metallic materials with or without permanent corrosion protection or temporary corrosion protection in salt-contaminated outdoor environments. The test involves cyclic exposure of the specimens to neutral salt mist, "dry" and "wet" conditions. The type of test specimen and the exposure period are not specified.
The particular advantages of this test over common accelerated tests such as the neutral salt spray (NSS) test lie in its ability to better reproduce the corrosion that occurs in outdoor salt-contaminated environments.
This document is applicable to
— metals and their alloys,
— metallic coatings (anodic and cathodic),
— conversion coatings,
— anodic oxide coatings, and
— organic coatings on metallic materials.
NOTE Methods of test for coatings to determine their resistance, in the presence of scribe marks through to the substrate, to various cyclic corrosion conditions which include the condensation of water on the test specimens during periods of humidity are given in ISO 11997-1.
This document specifies the method for non-destructive thickness measurement via the magnetic type of electrodeposited nickel coatings, also called “e-nickel”, on magnetic or non-magnetic substrates. It can be that the method is not applicable to autocatalytic (electroless) nickel coatings depending on their chemical composition since this coating is often non-magnetic. For the purposes of this document, two types of substrates are distinguished: a) nickel coatings on magnetic substrates (type A coatings). b) nickel coatings on non-magnetic substrates (type B coatings). Not all instruments are applicable to both types of coating. The effective measuring ranges of instruments using the principle of magnetic attraction are up to 50 µm for type A coatings, and up to 25 µm for type B coatings. For instruments using the principle of reluctance, the effective ranges are much greater, up to 1 mm or even more. This method is applicable for both types of coatings.