Sökning - 1 resultat för 'SIS/TK 211'

Ämnesområden: Hissar. Rulltrappor
Kommittébeteckning: SIS/TK 211 (Hissar och rulltrappor)
Källa: SIS
Svarsdatum: den 20 apr 2025
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This document specifies the discard criteria for stranded steel wire ropes used for suspension, compensation and overspeed governor duties on passenger or goods passenger lifts or goods-only lifts with traction, positive or hydraulic drive. It is also applicable for service lifts and other guided lifting appliances for the transportation of persons.

This document is applicable to ropes made from bright or galvanized wire finish in various constructions from 6 mm to 38 mm diameter.

This document is not applicable to plastic coated steel wire ropes and ropes for

-   builder’s hoists,

-   temporary hoists not running between permanent guides — whether passenger-carrying or not,

-   cableways,

mine hoists.