Miljö- och hälsoskydd. Säkerhet

Ämnesområden: Rena rum och rena zoner
Kommittébeteckning: SIS/TK 108 (Renhetsteknik)
Källa: CEN
Svarsdatum: den 31 aug 2024
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ISO 14644-5:2004 specifies basic requirements for cleanroom operations. It is intended for those planning to use and operate a cleanroom. Aspects of safety that have no direct bearing on contamination control are not considered in this part of ISO 14644 and national and local safety regulations must be observed. This document considers all classes of cleanrooms used to produce all types of products. Therefore, it is broad in application and does not address specific requirements for individual industries. Methods and programmes for routine monitoring within cleanrooms are not covered in detail in this part of ISO 14644 but reference should be made to ISO 14644-2 and ISO 14644-3 for monitoring particles, and ISO 14698-1 and ISO 14698-2 for monitoring micro-organisms.

Ämnesområden: Arbetsplatsluft
Kommittébeteckning: SIS/TK 423/AG 03 (Arbetsplatsluft)
Källa: CEN
Svarsdatum: den 2 sep 2024
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This document specifies the rotating drum test apparatus and associated test method for the reproducible production of dust from a bulk material under standard conditions, and the measurement of the inhalable, thoracic and respirable dustiness mass fractions, with reference to existing European Standards, where relevant (see Clause 6). This method is suitable for general bulk material handling processes, including all those processes where the bulk material is dropped, or can be dropped. It differs from the continuous drop method presented in EN 15051 3 [4]. In EN 15051 2, the same bulk material is repeatedly dropped, whilst in EN 15051 3, the bulk material is dropped only once, but continuously. Furthermore, this document specifies the environmental conditions, the sample handling and analytical procedures, and the method of calculating and presenting the results. A categorization scheme for dustiness is specified, to provide a standardized way to express and communicate the results to users of the bulk materials. This document is applicable to powdered, granular or pelletized bulk materials. A standard sample volume is used. This document is not applicable to test the dust released when solid bulk materials are mechanically reduced (e.g. cut, crushed).

Ämnesområden: Arbetsplatsluft
Kommittébeteckning: SIS/TK 423/AG 03 (Arbetsplatsluft)
Källa: CEN
Svarsdatum: den 2 sep 2024
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This document describes the methodology for measuring and characterizing the dustiness of bulk materials that contain or release respirable NOAA or other respirable particles, under standard and reproducible conditions and specifies for that purpose the vortex shaker method. This document specifies the selection of instruments and devices and the procedures for calculating and presenting the results. It also gives guidelines on the evaluation and reporting of the data. The methodology described in this document enables: a) the measurement of the respirable dustiness mass fraction; b) the measurement of the number-based dustiness index of respirable particles in the particle size range from about 10 nm to about 1 µm; c) the measurement of the number-based emission rate of respirable particles in the particle size range from about 10 nm to about 1 µm; d) the measurement of the number-based particle size distribution of the released respirable aerosol in the particle size range from about 10 nm to 10 µm; e) the collection of released airborne particles in the respirable fraction for subsequent observations and analysis by electron microscopy. This document is applicable to the testing of a wide range of bulk materials including nanomaterials in powder form. NOTE 1 With slightly different configurations of the method specified in this document, dustiness of a series of carbon nanotubes has been investigated ([5] to [10]). On the basis of this published work, the vortex shaker method is also applicable to nanofibres and nanoplates. This document is not applicable to millimetre-sized granules or pellets containing nano-objects in either unbound, bound uncoated and coated forms. NOTE 2 The restrictions with regard to the application of the vortex shaker method on different kinds of nanomaterials result from the configuration of the vortex shaker apparatus as well as from the small size of the test sample required. Eventually, if future work will be able to provide accurate and repeatable data demonstrating that an extension of the method applicability is possible, the intention is to revise this document and to introduce further cases of method application. NOTE 3 As observed in the pre-normative research project [4], the vortex shaker method specified in this document provides a more energetic aerosolization than the rotating drum, the continuous drop and the small rotating drum methods specified in EN 17199 2 [1], EN 17199 3 [2] and EN 17199 4 [3], respectively. The vortex shaker method can better simulate high energy dust dispersion operations or processes where vibration or shaking is applied or even describe a worst case scenario in a workplace, including the (non-recommended) practice of cleaning contaminated worker coveralls and dry work surfaces with compressed air. NOTE 4 Currently no classification scheme in terms of dustiness indices or emission rates has been established according to the vortex shaker method. Eventually, when a large number of measurement data has been obtained, the intention is to revise the document and to introduce such a classification scheme, if applicable.

Kommittébeteckning: SIS/TK 424 (Kemiska vattenundersökningar)
Källa: CEN
Svarsdatum: den 2 sep 2024
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This dcoument specifies a method for the determination of fluoro-, chloro-, bromo- and iodo-organic compounds (AOF, AOCl, AOBr, AOI). Due to the high solubility of AgF in water the scope of ISO 9562 is restricted to Cl-, Br- and I-organic compounds (AOX, calculated as chlorine) because of the applied argentometric detection. The PN follows the proven AOX ISO 9562 method: adsorption of organohalogen compounds on activated carbon, oxidative combustion at 1000 °C with following alterations: constant water feed during combustion (hydropyrolysis), absorption of combustion gases in water, halide specific detection using ionchromatography. The method is applicable for the determination of 2 µg/l AOF, expressed as F 10 µg/l AOCl, expressed as Cl 1 µg/l AOBr, expressed as Br 1 µg/l AOI, expressed as I. Samples for determination of AOF are treated differently than samples for the determination of AOCl, AOBr and AOI. - Samples for determination of AOF are not acidified. The adsorption takes place under unchanged pH conditions. Washing is also performed with a neutral washing solution. - Samples for the determination of AOCl, AOBr and AOI are adjusted to a pH value 2 with nitric acid, the adsorption and washing take place in a nitric acid environment.

Ämnesområden: Dricksvatten
Kommittébeteckning: SIS/TK 198/AG 02 (Vattenförsörjning)
Källa: CEN
Svarsdatum: den 3 sep 2024
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This document contains requirements for dosing systems for chlorine dioxide generation according to the chlorite-chlorine gas process, the chlorite-acid process and the chlorite-sodium peroxodisulphate process, which are used for the disinfection and oxidation of substances in water. The chlorine dioxide (ClO2) solution is produced on site (in situ) by automated mixing of chemical precursors. This document applies to the treatment of water for human consumption, rinsing water for filters for swimming and bathing pools as well as for other uses (e.g. cooling water, process water, etc.

Kommittébeteckning: SIS/TK 181 (Brandsäkerhet)
Källa: ISO
Svarsdatum: den 8 sep 2024
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This standard will specify a large-scale fire test method for measuring the heat release rates (HRR) and the smoke-production rates (SPR) of wall systems. The fire scenario covered in this document is representative of severe fires originating in near wall or corner locations of an exterior or interior wall construction. Severe fire exposure to wall systems, on the order of 100 kW/m2 heat flux, are targeted in this test method. For this standard, the test setup is placed under an ISO 24473 compliant large-scale calorimeter of a minimum 3.5 MW chemical HRR capacity. An existing large-scale fire test, viz. the 16-ft parallel panel test (16-ft PPT) of the consensus ASNI/FM 4880 standard, is submitted to be used as the basis of the proposed ISO standard. The test method is not applicable for scenarios where a fire initiates within an air cavity, if present, of an exterior wall system. The test method does not incorporate a window structure and hence cannot cover the hazard from inadequately protected window openings in a post-flashover fire scenario.

Kommittébeteckning: SIS/TK 535 (Karaktärisering av avfall, mark och slam)
Källa: CEN
Svarsdatum: den 9 sep 2024
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This document specifies a method for the determination of the following elements in aqua regia, nitric acid or mixture of hydrochloric (HCl), nitric (HNO3) and tetrafluoroboric (HBF4)/hydrofluoric (HF) acid digests of soil, treated biowaste, waste, sludge and sediment using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS): Aluminium (Al), antimony (Sb), arsenic (As), barium (Ba), beryllium (Be), bismuth (Bi), boron (B), cadmium (Cd), calcium (Ca), cerium (Ce), cesium (Cs), chromium (Cr), cobalt (Co), copper (Cu), dysprosium (Dy), erbium (Er), europium (Eu), gadolinium (Gd), gallium (Ga), germanium (Ge), gold (Au), hafnium (Hf), holmium (Ho), indium (In), iridium (Ir), iron (Fe), lanthanum (La), lead (Pb), lithium (Li), lutetium (Lu), magnesium (Mg), manganese (Mn), mercury (Hg), molybdenum (Mo), neodymium (Nd), nickel (Ni), palladium (Pd), phosphorus (P), platinum (Pt), potassium (K), praseodymium (Pr), rhenium (Re), rhodium (Rh), rubidium (Rb), ruthenium (Ru), samarium (Sm), scandium (Sc), selenium (Se), silicon (Si), silver (Ag), sodium (Na), strontium (Sr), sulfur (S), tellurium (Te), terbium (Tb), thallium (Tl), thorium (Th), thulium (Tm), tin (Sn), titanium (Ti), tungsten (W), uranium (U), vanadium (V), ytterbium (Yb), yttrium (Y), zinc (Zn), and zirconium (Zr). The working range depends on the matrix and the interferences encountered. The method detection limit of the method is between 0,1 mg/kg dry matter and 2,0 mg/kg dry matter for most elements. The limit of detection will be higher in cases where the determination is likely to be interfered or in case of memory effects

Ämnesområden: Strålningsskydd
Kommittébeteckning: SIS/TK 405 (Kärnenergi)
Källa: ISO
Svarsdatum: den 9 sep 2024
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The proposal will cover following aspects: - Requirements on penetrations through vacuum vessel, cryostat and building walls. They serve as different level of confinement systems. Superconducting magnets are located between the vacuum vessel and cryostat with the auxiliary systems connecting the magnets with power and coolant supply outside the main building. - Requirements on the shielding capability that will not only protect the workers and the public but also the devices and electronics that are essential to support the function of superconducting system. - Requirements on the electronics that are necessary for nuclear instruments and measurement, e.g. to monitor N/P production and fusion power, in a magnetic environment. - Requirements on the magnetic measurement (to be placed inside the vacuum vessel) that will monitor the magnetic behavior in order to ensure the performance of the fusion operation. - Requirements on preventing the hazard associated with superconducting magnets, e.g. loss of superconductivity (quench), Parschen breakdown following helium and voltage leakage, as well as mitigating the consequences.

Ämnesområden: Avloppsvatten
Kommittébeteckning: SIS/TK 198/AG 03 (Avloppsteknik)
Källa: CEN
Svarsdatum: den 10 sep 2024
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This document specifies requirements for storm water management systems on wastewater treatment plants. It does not refer to storm water management systems in wastewater collection and conveyance networks (sewer systems). This document specifies requirements for separation, storage, treatment, discharge and return of storm water within wastewater treatment plants. NOTE A storm water management system at the wastewater treatment plant is only required where such a system is not provided within the sewer system, limiting the flow to the wastewater treatment plants, see EN 752 and EN 16933 (all parts).

Kommittébeteckning: SIS/TK 198/AG 04 (Water management and reuse)
Källa: ISO
Svarsdatum: den 10 sep 2024
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ISO 24521:2016 provides guidance for the management of basic on-site domestic wastewater services, using appropriate technologies in their entirety at any level of development.

ISO 24521:2016 supplements and is intended to be used in conjunction with ISO 24511. It includes the following:

· guidelines for the management of basic on-site domestic wastewater services from the operator's perspective, including maintenance techniques, training of personnel and risk considerations;

· guidelines for the management of basic on-site domestic wastewater services from the perspective of users;

· guidance on the design and construction of basic on-site domestic wastewater systems;

· guidance on planning, operation and maintenance, and health and safety issues.

The following are outside the scope of ISO 24521:2016:

· limits of acceptability for wastewater discharged into a receiving body;

· analytical methods;

· the management structure of sanitary waste/wastewater service activities of operation and management;

· the content of contracts or subcontracts.

ISO 24521:2016 is applicable to both publicly and privately operated basic on-site domestic wastewater (black and grey water) services, for one or more dwellings.

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This document specifies the integrated management of agricultural plastic products with agronomic performance. This document gives guidance and requirements for their installation, use, removal, sorting, collection and preparation for recycling as well as general guidelines for design for recycling. NOTE 1 prEN 13206 , prEN 13207 , prEN 13655 , prEN 14932 and prEN 17098 1 include a specific clause dedicated to design for recycling. NOTE 2 Design for recycling for products not covered by a standard is detailed in this document. This document first aims professional users and can be used also for domestic purposes. This document applies to: - covering films that comply with EN 13206:2017+A1:2020 or with specifications laid out by the film manufacturer/supplier, used for covering greenhouses, small tunnels or livestock buildings, as well as to direct crop covers used for semi-forcing plants and seed; - silage films for horizontal silos that comply with EN 13207 or with specifications laid out by the film manufacturer/supplier; - sheaths for horizontal silos (forage crop and grain storage) that comply with EN 13207 or with specifications laid out by the sheath manufacturer/supplier; - stretch films for wrapping bales that comply with EN 14932 or with specifications laid out by the film manufacturer/supplier; - thermoplastic mulching films that comply with EN 13655 or with specifications laid out by the film manufacturer/supplier; - barrier films for agricultural and horticultural soil disinfection by fumigation comply with EN 17098 1; - nets and twines for catling and horticulture that comply with the specifications laid out by EN ISO 4167 or by the manufacturer/supplier; - flexible ducts, semi-rigid and rigid pipes and fittings for irrigation that comply with ISO 8779, EN ISO 9261, ISO 13460 1, ISO 16438, EN 14267, EN 12324 2, EN 13635, EN 13997, EN 17176 2:2019+A1:2022 or with specifications laid out by the manufacturer/supplier; - fabrics and non-woven nets and sheets for catling and horticulture that comply with ISO 9073 series or with specifications laid out by the manufacturer/supplier. This document does not cover construction, packaging and food-contact products. NOTE 3 For products non-suitable for recycling in the context of this document, specific procedures apply.

Kommittébeteckning: SIS/TK 433 (Färg och lack)
Källa: CEN
Svarsdatum: den 19 sep 2024
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This document specifies a procedure, at temperatures up to 100 °C, to determine whether a liquid product, that would be classified as “flammable” by virtue of its flash point, sustains combustion at the temperature(s) specified e.g. in regulations. NOTE      Many national and international regulations classify liquids as presenting a flammable hazard based on their flash point, as determined by a recognized method. Some of these regulations allow a derogation if the substance cannot “sustain combustion” at some specified temperature(s). The procedure is applicable to paints (including water-borne paints), varnishes, paint binders, solvents, petroleum or related products and adhesives, that have a flash point. It is not applicable to painted surfaces in respect of assessing their potential fire hazards. This test method is applicable, in addition to test methods for flash point, for assessing the fire hazard of a product.