Inköp. Upphandling. Lagerhantering

Kommittébeteckning: SIS/TK 622 (Innovationskritiska metaller och mineral)
Källa: ISO
Svarsdatum: den 28 dec 2024
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This International Standard specifies ways in which rare earths can be traced as they move through the supply chain between the separated products to rare earth permanent magnets, or otherwise further processed. This standard complements ISO 23664.


The documented traceability information will assist purchasers, suppliers, and users of rare earth permanent magnets to identify parties in the supply chain who have processed a given shipment of rare earth material, the location of that rare earth material as it passes between supply chain nodes. Supply chain actors and end users can use this information to check the validity of any claims made on the rare earth permanent magnets concerning sustainability, environmental impact, or recycled material content.