Byggnader: allmänt
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- Byggnader: allmänt (1)
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- +Bygginstallationer (2)
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- Invändiga ytskikt (1)
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- Konstruktionsteknik (0)
- Anläggningsmaskiner (0)
Kommittébeteckning: SIS/TK 209/AG 01
(Cirkulär ekonomi)
Källa: ISO
Svarsdatum: den 4 feb 2025
The document provides principles, framework, and guidance for resilience design adaptive to climate change (RDACC) in buildings and civil engineering works. RDACC is applicable to both new construction and retrofits.
RDACC does not address:
— adaptation to climate change in the production and procurement of building materials, components and devices;
— adaptation to climate change in construction processes;
— climate change mitigation in buildings and civil engineering works;
— emergency management related to climate change in buildings and civil engineering works.