Detaljer om förslaget

Svensk titel: Säkerhet och resiliens - Krishantering - Vägledning för färgkoder vid varning (ISO 22324:2022, IDT)
Nummer:prEN ISO 22324
Kommitté:SIS/TK 494
Namn på kommittén:Samhällssäkerhet
Publicerat:den 26 mar 2025
Sista svarsdatum:den 25 maj 2025
Contact email:kommentera(at)
Förslagets omfattning:

This International Standard establishes the colour codes for expressing the degree of safety or danger. The colour codes should be used to gain the attention of both first response personnel and/or the people at risk about the severity of situation to solicit them to seek more information or to take appropriate safety actions specified by prior notification. Unlike safety signs which convey static information, colour codes should be used to let the people at risk know the recent changes in status in terms of safety­danger continuum . The colours between red and green in terms of hue will be used to express the status in terms of safety­danger continuum. The degree of safetydanger continuum should be less than nine because of human capacity to distinguish at one time. This standard is applicable to all locations and all sectors where safety­related questions may be posed. However, it is not applicable to, generally speaking, to those sectors subject to a regulation which may differ.

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