Detaljer om förslaget
This European Standard is applicable to concrete sleepers or bearers with Under Sleeper Pads (USP) physically bonded to concrete used in ballast track and define the test procedures and their evaluation criteria. This standard provides particular information in the following areas: - test methods, test arrangements and evaluation criteria of Under Sleeper Pads; - test methods, test arrangements and evaluation criteria of concrete sleepers and bearers with Under Sleeper Pads; - data supplied by the purchaser and by the supplier; - definition of general process of design approval tests; - definition of routine tests. This standard defines the specific test procedures for design approval tests, routine tests and tests concerning the determination of relevant properties of Under Sleeper Pad with or without concrete sleepers and bearers: - fatigue tests; - tests of capability for stacked stocking of concrete sleepers or bearers fitted with USP; - pull-out test; - severe environmental condition test. This standard also sets out procedures for testing fitness for purpose and provides information on quality monitoring as part of quality assurance procedures. This standard does not, however, contain requirements pertaining to the properties of Under Sleeper Pads. It is the responsibility of the purchaser to define these requirements
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