Detaljer om förslaget
This document specifies the following for raw bovine hides and skins intended for use throughout the leather manufacturing supply chain: - Terms and definitions; - Rules for the presentation of raw hides and skins. It applies to fresh and salted bovine hides and skins. It is not the aim of this document to interfere with the normal commercial agreement between the buyer and the supplier of hides and skins, on the contrary, it should be able to be used as a basis. This document is intended to avoid disagreements between parties. It is the result of discussions with representatives of agriculture, slaughterhouses, skin trade and tanneries. It shows which parts of hides and skins can be used for leather production and which factors influence the quality of hides and skins. Furthermore, it gives recommendations on precautions to be taken for transport, preservation, loading and unloading, selection of tanned hides, classification of hides, weight, loss and tax exemption, identification of hides.
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