Detaljer om förslaget
This document specifies a method for the determination of content of heavy extraneous materials larger than 3,15 mm by the use of sink-and-float separation combined with elutriation. This document is applicable to woody biomass in accordance with ISO 17225-1, and especially for hogfuel in accordance with ISO 17225-9.
NOTE 1 This method is designed to determine the level of impurities larger than 3,15 mm with a specific density >1 g/cm3 such as stones, glass, rubber, metal and certain types of plastics.
NOTE 2 During the processing of the sample, hand sorting of light impurities with a specific density ≤1 g/cm3 (e.g. plastic foil) can also be done.
NOTE 3 It should be noted that some heavy extraneous materials (f.e. lumps of clay) can fall apart when submerged in water.
NOTE 4 Heavy extraneous materials smaller than 3,15 mm can damage milling equipment, when reducing the material in size to produce laboratory samples.
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