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This document specifies requirements for the execution i.e. the manufacture and the installation of cold-formed structural aluminium profiled sheeting, and for the installation of structural members made of aluminium for roof, ceiling, floor, wall and cladding applications. This document applies to structures designed according to the EN 1999 series. This document applies to profiled sheeting to be designed according to EN 1999 1 4. This document also specifies requirements for the execution i.e. the manufacture and the installation of structures made from cold-formed profiled sheeting for roof, ceiling, floor and wall applications under predominately static loading or seismic loading conditions and their documentation. This document covers products of Structural Class I and II and structural profiled sheeting in Structural Class III according to EN 1999 1 4 used in structures. NOTE 1 In National Annexes of EN 1999 1 4 specifications can be given regarding the use of the Structural Classes. Structural profiled sheeting is understood here to be profiled sheet, such as trapezoidal or sinusoidal (Figure 1). Perforated and micro profiled sheeting are also covered by this part. This document also covers spacer constructions between the outer and inner or upper and lower skins as well as supporting members for roofs, walls and ceilings made from cold-formed profiled sheeting and the connections and attachments of the afore mentioned elements as long as they are involved in load transfer, it also covers connections and attachments of these elements (Figure 2). A combination of steel and aluminium structural profiled sheeting are permitted, e.g. liner trays made of steel, stiffened by profiles made of aluminium. In this case, EN 1090 4 and this document apply. This document also covers the deconstruction of structures made from cold-formed profiled sheeting and structural members for roof, ceiling, floor and wall applications. This document does not cover the manufacturing of structural members of all structural classes according to EN 1999 1 4. These products are covered by EN 1090 3. Welded sections are excluded from this part and are covered by EN 1090 3 except seal welding in low-stress areas. Composite structural profiled sheeting where the interaction between dissimilar materials are an integral part of the structural behaviour such as sandwich panels and composite floors are not covered by this standard. NOTE 2 The structures covered in this standard can be for example - single- or multi-skin roofs, whereby the load-bearing structure (lower skin) as well as the actual roof covering (upper skin) or both consist of structural profiled sheeting; - single- or multi-skin walls whereby the load-bearing structure (inner skin) as well as the actual cladding (outer skin) or both consist of structural profiled sheeting; or - suspended ceilings for interior fitting.
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