Detaljer om förslaget
This document provides guidance for the design of ventilation systems for basic ventilation in residential buildings to achieve an acceptable indoor air quality. It gives two approaches: - prescriptive approach; - performance-based approach. This document establishes guidelines for the usage of both the prescriptive and performance-based approaches. This document specifies performance indicators that can be used with the performance-based approach. This document partly covers intensive ventilation for indoor air quality purposes. This document concerns residential buildings but primarily focuses on dwellings (flats, apartments, and houses) and is also applicable to parts of other types of residential buildings. This document is applicable to, but not limited to: - mechanical ventilation; - natural ventilation; - hybrid ventilation. This document does not apply to: - dilution of tobacco smoke or radon and other soil gases; - ventilation of garages, roof voids, sub-floor voids, wall cavities and other spaces in the structure, under, over or around the living space; - providing air for combustion appliances; - air cleaning (e.g. portable stand-alone air cleaners to clean the indoor air); - air humidification or de-humidification; - thermal comfort in regard to overheating aspects. This document does not deal with the assessment of energy performance of buildings.
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