Detaljer om förslaget

Svensk titel: Bastuaggregat för styckeved - Krav och provningsmetoder
Nummer:prEN 16510-2-10
Kommitté:SIS/TK 169
Namn på kommittén:Småskalig utrustning för värmeproduktion
Publicerat:den 16 jan 2025
Sista svarsdatum:den 17 mar 2025
Contact email:kommentera(at)
Förslagets omfattning:

This document is applicable to multi-firing sauna stoves for natural wood logs (in which the heating of stones are separated from and indirectly heated by the fire and the flue gases and which may be re-fuelled with several fuel loads). The intended use of the appliances is space heating in residential buildings. The space heated is sauna room which is heated higher-than-normal room temperature for wellbeing and bathing purposes, for short period of time. These multi-firing sauna stoves may be supplied either as an assembled appliance or as a manufacturer’s pre-designed unit consisting of prefabricated components designed to be built on site in accordance with the manufacturer’s specified assembly instructions. These appliances can burn the following solid fuels as specified: — wood logs; This document is not applicable to: — appliances that are mechanically fed — appliances with fan assisted combustion air — single-firing heat storage sauna stoves, in which the stones are directly heated by the fire and the flue gases, which pass through them — one off installations — appliances incorporating a boiler or connected to a water system This document specifies procedures for assessment and verification of constancy of performance (AVCP) of characteristics of multi firing sauna stoves. 

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