Detaljer om förslaget

Svensk titel: Järnvägar - Infrastruktur - Spårgående maskiner för spårbyggnad och spårunderhåll - Del 1: Tekniska krav för färd
Nummer:prEN 14033-1
Kommitté:SIS/TK 254
Namn på kommittén:Järnväg, tunnelbana och spårväg
Publicerat:den 3 dec 2024
Sista svarsdatum:den 1 feb 2025
Contact email:kommentera(at)
Förslagets omfattning:

This document defines the specific technical railway requirements for running of machines and other vehicles used for construction, maintenance and inspection of track, structures, track formation and fixed electric traction equipment. Special national conditions applicable to specific member states are shown in Annex B. This document applies to all railbound machines and other vehicles - referred to as machines - running exclusively on the railway (utilizing adhesion between the rail and wheels) and used for construction, maintenance and inspection of track, structures, infrastructure and fixed electric traction equipment. This document applies to machines that are intended to operate signalling and control systems. NOTE Other rail mounted railway maintenance and infrastructure inspection machines are dealt with in other European Standards, see Technical Report CEN/TR 17498:2020. This document is written for 1 435 mm nominal track gauge; special requirements can apply for running on infrastructures with narrow gauge or broad gauge lines, urban railways, railways utilizing other than adhesion between the rail and wheels and road-rail machines which are not included in this standard. This document covers the railway specific requirements for movements of the machine as a train and movements to reach work sites. This document applies to equipment and systems which are operational on machines in running mode.

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