Detaljer om förslaget

Svensk titel: Recirkulerande dragskåp
Nummer:prEN 17242
Kommitté:SIS/TK 440
Namn på kommittén:Laboratorieutrustning
Publicerat:den 23 jul 2024
Sista svarsdatum:den 23 sep 2024
Contact email:kommentera(at)
Förslagets omfattning:

This document applies to recirculatory filtration fume cabinets (RFFC). Recirculatory filtration fume cabinets are devices intended to protect their users by means of: - the ability to contain hazardous concentrations or quantities of airborne contaminants; - the ability to remove hazardous concentrations or quantities of airborne contaminants from air exhausted from within the fume cabinet by means of filtration before the air is recirculated (to the room in which the fume cabinet is located). This document includes design and manufacturing requirements together with type testing procedures. This document does not specify requirements for the use of a mixture of chemicals, but provides guidance on how to proceed. NOTE For special applications and usage such as CMR substances, local regulation can apply. These local regulations can result on restriction of usage. This document is not intended to address fume cupboards, or devices used as animal accommodation. For fume cupboards, the standard series EN 14175 applies. For microbiological safety cabinets, EN 12469 applies.

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