Detaljer om förslaget

Svensk titel: Hälsoinformatik - System av begrepp för att stödja kontinuitet i vården
Nummer:prEN ISO 13940
Kommitté:SIS/TK 334
Namn på kommittén:Hälso- och sjukvårdsinformatik
Publicerat:den 5 jul 2024
Sista svarsdatum:den 13 sep 2024
Contact email:kommentera(at)
Förslagets omfattning:

ISO 13940:2015 defines a system of concepts for different aspects of the provision of healthcare. The core business in healthcare is the interaction between subjects of care and healthcare professionals. Such interactions occur in healthcare/clinical processes and are the justification for the process approach of ISO 13940:2015. To be able to represent both clinical content and clinical context, ISO 13940:2015 is related to a generic healthcare/clinical process model as well as comprehensive concept definitions and concept models for the clinical, management and resource aspects of healthcare services. In practice ISO 13940:2015 covers the concept definitions needed whenever structured information in healthcare is specified as a requirement. The definitions are intended to refer to the conceptual level only and not to details of implementation. ISO 13940:2015 will cover all levels of specifications in the development of logical reference models within the information viewpoint as a common basis for semantic interoperability on international, national or local levels, information systems, and information for specified types of clinical processes.

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